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    Today is my first day again and I hope things will be different this time.


    Hi Toasty and a big welcome to you.

    I hope you will stick around, read the posts and check out the Toolbox Thread. I ahve put a link to it below for you, lots of useful info in there.

    When you feel the time is right, why not let us know abit more about you.

    Please do not hesitiate to ask if you have any questions..

    Oney x
    "It's not your job to like me, it's mine!"

    AF 10th May 2010
    NF 12th May 2010




      :new:Today is my first day too i am amazed at how good it feels to be here... i finally feel there is somewhere is can go and relate to people ..i shall be sticking around i have already read some inspiring stuff,,,thank you.



        Good to see you too Drying out..Welcome!
        "It's not your job to like me, it's mine!"

        AF 10th May 2010
        NF 12th May 2010



          Welcome Toasty and Dryinout. Its always great to see new folks here O2M has guided you to the toolbox, lots of the hints and tips really do help and get you through the first day - this is a great place, feel comfortable going around the threads and reading and posting and generally gettin a feel for the site
          Contentedly sober since 27/12/2011
          contentedly NF since 8/04/14



            one2many;852252 wrote: Hi Toasty and a big welcome to you.

            When you feel the time is right, why not let us know abit more about you.

            Oney x
            I am 39 and from the UK. I am in my last month of a (post) graduate degree and have a good job to go to in August but of course my main problem is drinking. I do not really get cravings but boredom is a major problem for me and sleeping without being drunk. I have also put on a lot of weight really and I seem trapped in a cycle of bordom-feeling fat-drinking -not sleeping. Stupidly when I do not drink for a few days and eat right and go to the gym I feel so great that I celebrate by drinking. Crazy I know.



              Oh Toasty - good for you for being here! That is why we all are here. We need to learn to celebrate without the alcohol. It's amazing how much better we feel without it but then we fall into the traps again.
              Just hang on tight here. Very supportive people here. Be sure to read & post and read & post and read & post. It does help!!!:welcome:
              "Only I can change my life. No one can do it for me.".....Carol Burnett
              AF - 7-27-15



                :welcome: Toasty and Dryinout you have both come to a super place. Lots of good advice from both long term and beginners, its working for me and I'm sure it will work for you. Toasty hold on to that thought : Stupidly when I do not drink for a few days and eat right and go to the gym I feel so great that I celebrate by drinking. Crazy I know. You don't need the drink to celebrate honest! :h
                Learn from yesterday, live for today, hope for tomorrow. The important thing is not to stop questioning.



                  Welcome Toasty and Drying Out

                  You will soon realise what a great new world you have found here at MWO. Suggest you both read the book and keep coming here reading and posting.

                  Good luck to you both

                  Success is knowing when to sit back and enjoy the moment



                    Thanks everyone and I am just trying to pass the time as quickly as possible and I know that tomorrow will be better.



                      the book.

                      Quit Quitting;852390 wrote: Welcome Toasty and Drying Out

                      You will soon realise what a great new world you have found here at MWO. Suggest you both read the book and keep coming here reading and posting.

                      Good luck to you both

                      hi , how do i find the book please?



                        welcome toasty as you can read this is a great place for surport .. we are all here for one another.. stay and read and find your way out .. good luck and you can do this ..
                        :beach: life does change as long as you are willing to change yourself ..
                        best thing about the future it comes one day at a time..



                          :welcome:Toasty and Drying Out, you've come to a great place to help you begin a new life. I used to do the 2 or 3 days of exercise, good food, gym too and also "reward" myself with alcohol. It's really a change of mindset once you get past the worst part. Make a list of good and healthy things you could reward yourself with instead of alcohol. Eventually you don't even have to think about it, it just becomes natural to want something not poisoning you like alcohol does. Keep posting, reading and a big WELCOME!!!to you both!
                          AF since April 19, 2010
                          NF since Nov 10, 2000

                          "One reason I don't drink is I want to know when I'm having a good time."
                          -Lady Nancy Astor



                            toasty;852279 wrote: I am 39 and from the UK. I am in my last month of a (post) graduate degree and have a good job to go to in August but of course my main problem is drinking. I do not really get cravings but boredom is a major problem for me and sleeping without being drunk. I have also put on a lot of weight really and I seem trapped in a cycle of bordom-feeling fat-drinking -not sleeping. Stupidly when I do not drink for a few days and eat right and go to the gym I feel so great that I celebrate by drinking. Crazy I know.
                            Hello Toasty, Im new here too, just joined yesterday and have spent the afternoon reading so many inspirational posts and topics, I just know this is the right and best place to seek help.

                            This MYO thread is brilliant and really hits home why the booze isnt our best freind. I hope the link works, I havent posted a link here yet - yikes!!


                            Im also a boredom drinker and binger so once I start I cant stop, Sometimes Im ok sometimes Im not but just being here is really helping me focus and learn about the effects and mind set.

                            Stick around, us newbies can help eachother. Great news on the new job, well done.




                              Toasty, well done for being here, and well done on your post-grad degree - not easy I know.
                              I understand how it works!! You want to loose weight, you know that the AL is a factor, you can turn down all sorts of food, but somehow or other your brain tells you that wine, or any alcohol I suppose, has no calories! that's how it is for me - CRAZY

