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Looking for a new start to ending an old habit

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    Looking for a new start to ending an old habit

    Finding it hard to believe how blas? I have become about polishing off a bottle and half of wine on my own! And when I say "on my own", I mean staying home, on the couch, watching TV with my husband, who does not help at all with either bottle. When did I slip so far down this slope? Why is it now impossible for me to be content with one or two glasses of wine in an evening? I need to find a way to stop, because drinking is taking over too much of my life. I am fully aware that I can never be a moderate drinker, just not part of my composition. I want the best for my children, and when mommy has not drank her weight in Chardonnay the night before they are much better for it.

    I learned about this site from an article in the Observer magazine featuring Dr. Oliver Ameisen and his view on baclofen and alcoholism. I am looking forward to getting started, but more importantly staying off!

    AF 0 days.
    While we may not be able to control all that happens to us, we can control what happens inside us.
    Benjamin Franklin

    Looking for a new start to ending an old habit

    Hi not tonight. Not tonight is a very good place to start. I am pretty new here but do have 13 days AF as I jumped right into a 30 day challenge never really thinking I could do it. I downloaded the book My Way Out from this site and it strongly suggests going AF 30 days to start. I now believe I can do this and it is a very beneficial way to get some clarity into why and how much is enough. All the best and welcome! Keep reading and posting....

    Start by doing what's necessary, then what's possible and suddenly you are doing the impossible.

    St. Francis of Assisi


      Looking for a new start to ending an old habit

      Welcome Not Tonight. You have definitely come to the right place. There is so much support here. We all understand. I'm also one of the not one or two glasses. Don't know when that happened. So, I know exactly what you mean.
      Be sure to read & post and read & post. There is a good thread called Newbie's Nest where you can jump right in. Looking forward to getting to know you as we go through this journey together. :welcome:
      "Only I can change my life. No one can do it for me.".....Carol Burnett
      AF - 7-27-15


        Looking for a new start to ending an old habit

        :welcome: Not to tonight just want to say hello you are with alot of people who also picked up the wine bottle and wonder how on earth did I get to drinking that much, stick with us even through ups and downs and you will break the habit - MWO is certainly the place to be
        Learn from yesterday, live for today, hope for tomorrow. The important thing is not to stop questioning.


          Looking for a new start to ending an old habit


          That first post is a big step. Keep coming back and get the help you need and deserve. When I started I too was drinking a full bottle of wine most nights. I would commit to "not tonight' in the morning but at 5 PM it seemed like someone else made the decision, oh heck, just one or two.

          I've learned new patterns and habits and though I stumble I better understand what is going on and have had much success.

          You will too.


            Looking for a new start to ending an old habit

            Welcome to MWO

            You are in the right place - fully understand 'When did I slip so far down this slope'. I was a bottle to a bottle and a half a night, sometimes more. Thing is I was no longer enjoying it - it had become a habit and one I became to loathe but somehow could not stop. This site is amazing with so many great people who are all in the same situation we have a problem with AL.

            Keep reading and posting at it and like already been suggested read the book.

            Success is knowing when to sit back and enjoy the moment


              Looking for a new start to ending an old habit

              Hi Not first post

              I used to drink wine out of a box and had no real idea how much I was drinking, 2-3 bottles a night was a walk. Cost me my marriage. Your body builds up a tolerance to alcohol and you need more and more for the desired affect. My more and more was 25 years. I'm a depressed drunk, drinking to forget.
              Have you thought deeply about why you're drinking that amount? Are you happy in all other areas. Be honest with yourself.
              MWO seems to be one of the best support forums and we're all in the same boat in way or another.

              AF 3 days, after binging...still feel lousy, it's a tough one. Best of luck to you.


                Looking for a new start to ending an old habit

                Welcome Not tonight, you are with a great, supportive group of people on here all sharing very similar stories. I was up to minimum one bottle or two of wine everynight for the past 10 years. Hungover probably as many days as not....really missing life. You have come to a great place to get your life back! Welcome.
                AF since April 19, 2010
                NF since Nov 10, 2000

                "One reason I don't drink is I want to know when I'm having a good time."
                -Lady Nancy Astor


                  Looking for a new start to ending an old habit

                  Welcome not tonight - like your husband, mine doesn't help me out either! he has no idea that I'm on this site, and has no idea that I think constantly about alcohol etc etc. All the best with your journey, or struggle as I call it. I've given up numerous time, but still can't do it for good. There is a wealth of support here, and I'm really trying this time. Keep posting


                    Looking for a new start to ending an old habit

                    Thank you all for your support. I sat in front of my computer looking at the chat room for MWO for several hours before I registered. It feels like a good place. Ringing Cedars and Nora C I will keep posting and reading.

                    virch why I drink , well partly because I grew up in a household where drinking was ubiquitous, so to not drink never made any sense.

                    daybyday, welcome your support. love your pix.

                    tylr I love my husband, but if the tables were turned I would not put up with him. Not sure why he enables me. He is one of the lucky ones who can drink in moderation, but I am sure he understands I am not. I am confident he will love me either way.

                    Tomorrow is day 1. Glad to be here and to have meet you all!
                    While we may not be able to control all that happens to us, we can control what happens inside us.
                    Benjamin Franklin


                      Looking for a new start to ending an old habit

                      Welcome not tonight (love that screen name) and also virch :welcome:

                      I too had to stop the wine (and vodka was my "other" drink) habit before it killed me. My husband is also a "normie" who can drink ONE (not SAY "one" but actually DRINK only "one") on occassion. And every day is not an occassion. Heck, there is not even an occassion once a month in his world.

                      He never complained about my drinking per se. In the end, he was getting very frustrated with the results of my drinking (getting nasty with him, forgetting things, being too drunk to keep committments - especially evening ones, etc.). But he never made any ultimatums or even any suggestions that I stop. I can't be upset at him for enabling me though. Because if he had nagged me to stop, I would have been upset with him for that. My drinking is MY responsibility - not his. That being said, I am very grateful for his support. He NEVER has an occassion for "one" around me. He never complains about the amount of time I spend here on - line or the number of AA meetings I go to.

                      Anyway....stop the madness. If I can do it, so can you. Sobriety rocks. I can't believe I let so many years of my life just roll down the alcohol drain.

                      Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
                      Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

                      One day at a time.


                        Looking for a new start to ending an old habit

                        Hi and Welcome not tonight,
                        I am glad you have found us.. this is a fantastic place to get help with your drinking habit.. being AF feels great.. though I am not totally abstinent, I hardly drink anymore.. in part due to the great support on this place!
                        I would recommend you go to the "toolbox" thread which is a fantastic place to start.. and we will help you anyway we can!
                        Katie xx
                        "It works if you work it, because you are worth it!!!"



                          Looking for a new start to ending an old habit

                          Firstly I just want to say to everyone, thank you for welcoming me into your community and for your support. I am about to go to bed, sans booze! Big journey ahead, the difficulty I find is after abstaining for a period of time I lose my sense of urgency to quit, and give into temptation. Partly due to a false sense of of security in my ability to give up the drink, and because I have not really convinced myself that to quit means never having another drink again.

                          I salute you all - and good night!
                          While we may not be able to control all that happens to us, we can control what happens inside us.
                          Benjamin Franklin


                            Looking for a new start to ending an old habit

                            Hi not tonight, Im new too and was a bottle of Chardonnay a night then bottle and a half and the two! 10 days ago i decided to stop completey as i was waking up sometimes and couldnt remember the end of the evening. I have two boys and i didnt want to know mummy as always having a wine in her hand. I feel boring and am struggling but i am determined to change. Dont wana die young. Feel free to message me and we can talk some more and perhaps encourage eachother.
                            Pink angel xx
                            HOUR BY HOUR, DAY BY DAY


                              Looking for a new start to ending an old habit

                              Hi Pink Angel,
                              Fantastic, I will defiantly be messaging you. I feel good now, but it's early days ( and only Tuesday) and I know the urges ahead will be menacing. It seems that each time I abstain for any amount of time, when I start drinking again the habit is stronger. I too worry about the impact my drinking is having on my children.

                              Last night I watched a documentary produced by the BBC called Rain in My Heart which follows 4 serious alcoholics, very hard to watch, but worth doing. Here is the link.


                              Lets team up and beat this thing!
                              While we may not be able to control all that happens to us, we can control what happens inside us.
                              Benjamin Franklin

