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What is your plan to battle Alcohol?

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    What is your plan to battle Alcohol?

    Great plan also.. definately with the self-love part.. that's something I have to learn to do aswell.. though self-love and acceptance go hand in hand..
    I think I should try to abstain too.. moderation has failed for me too many times..
    Katie xx
    "It works if you work it, because you are worth it!!!"



      What is your plan to battle Alcohol?

      Ah, Katie, our love affair with just that one glass!!!!
      Developing an Attitude of Gratitude


        What is your plan to battle Alcohol?

        I think I will also write out a plan for the weekend.

        I enjoy being at home, alone, puttering around my house & drinking beer. I can't say I enjoy being "out there" doing things that normal people like to do. Socializing with people, shopping, traffic, noise, the hustle & bustle, is hard on my psyche. It leaves me feeling about as empty as AL does. When I do get out & about it is to hurriedly grab what I need & get back home.

        So, my plan is to get 'out there' and deal with it. This will probably be harder on me than AF.

        Or maybe I just need to stop trying to distract myself and face 'the void'. Just sit with it & acknowledge it's existence.

        I'm confused.


          What is your plan to battle Alcohol?

          Hi Katie, I agree with newone. There is a major sugar metabolism issue with alcohol. The day after I drink alot all I want to do is carb out. I know I read a really interesting article specifically about this and if I find it I'll send it to you. That makes it very hard to stop at 2 glasses. Have you thought about prescription anti-depressants? Maybe you need to attack the problem on all fronts. I take them, but would still drink, not recommended, but I think my cravings were more alcohol/sugar related and stress than depression. Of course drinking makes you depressed. The supplements are helping me trememdously. If I find myself feeling the slide into depression, I will probably see if my Dr. will try something else or adjust dose. Good luck to you, you can do it!! Going on day 5!!


            What is your plan to battle Alcohol?

            I kicked sugar about 10 years ago. One of the hardest things I ever did. The cravings were so painful it felt like being poked in the eye with a needle all the time....poke poke poke poke. It took years to beat the demon down.

            I still have to stay on a low carb diet. But, as you can see, I am still doing it, I'm just doing it via alcohol. Same addiction, different delivery system.

            I've had every addiction known to man. I beat one down just to have it manifest itself with a new face.

            I've never been addicted to sex, shopping, or work. As you can see, it is easier to name what I haven't been addicted to. Right now I have 3 jobs. It's not hard to see where this is going for me.


              What is your plan to battle Alcohol?

              Spam, I'm 50 and I was No. 6 in a family of 8 kids. I married young and then had 4 kids of my own so I have still been No. 6 in my family :H

              In trying to get sober and stay that way I have discovered it a futile exercise unless I first change myself. By loving myself I mean that I want to treat myself at least as well as I treat other people. I would never criticize others, talk to them or think about them the way I have habitually treated, talked and thought about myself.

              I can change the way I am and the way I think with a lot of work but I cannot do that at all if I continue to drink al because these roads are going in totally different directions.

              Bom and NewOne - keep going - we're all on the same journey its just a bit different for each of us.
              Developing an Attitude of Gratitude


                What is your plan to battle Alcohol?

                Spam;852954 wrote: Sorry, going off subject now..

                Mazzie, I don't know how old you are. Katie - I know your age.

                I am 39 and we were NOT raised to love ourselves. Liking / loving ourselves was considered vain. We were not allowed to think we were attractive, we were not allowed to say "I'm good at....". I was once banned from the school netball team because I asked to play a certain position because I was good at it.

                Luckily, this has changed. The other day I asked my son if he was handsome and without any thought or embarrassment he said "yeah, I am."
                Spam - that is so true for the UK - we are told it is the right thing to take "the piss" out of yourself, and you are right - loving yourself or even liking yourself is considered vain in the uK - if people take "the piss out of" you, your supposed to be strong and laugh and joke and join in.. no wonder there's so many ppl with self-esteem issues there..
                Like you Spam, I was an excellent goal-shooter with netball, but I was never picked - when I scored a goal, everyone looked away like it never happened.. i gave up and became introverted.. seems like we had some similar experiences!
                Luckily its different in Oz - they support the underdog here...
                "It works if you work it, because you are worth it!!!"


