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Glass in hand...

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    Glass in hand...

    All day I had been thinking about the half-cask in the cupboard. First glass from it around 5.00pm this evening. Had to pick up one of the kids at 4.30pm.Oh SO responsible. Don't be misled. I've been known to pick up kids after half a bottle of wine, sometimes after the full bottle. Scary stuff. This is other people's kids, not just my own. Pathetic mother, irresponsible too. They all think I am SO TOGETHER, this makes it so much harder to say something about my drinking, how I'm so addicted, how I feel so DESPERATE. I have 5 kids, they are unreal. The older 3 (16,14,11),they say things about my drinking - it's too much. I really embarassed them at a party earlier this year- Hell, I gave up for 2 weeks because they were so mortified...well I was extremely mortified too. Hadn't been so stupid for a long time. I fell over in the garden once I was home and broke my glasses, and scored a nasty bruise to the side of my face. I felt like shit for about 2 days, my older 2 kids (much loved) wouldn't talk to me for quite a bit longer. That was VERY hard. So, you know, I want to hold on to the last shreds of my self respect. I want to be a better example for my kids (actually, perhaps I may have turned them off for life...GOD, I HOPE SO!...please...). Hey, neither of my parents drank alcohol. Mum was allergic to the preservatives used and I don't know what it was for my Dad , but he is virulently opposed to alcohol in any form (these days ,I think it has been a WWII experience for him). Neither my brother or sister drink at all. Truly a "black sheep" here! I have a serious problem. I feel like I've been thrown a life belt with this MWO. Desperation.

    Glass in hand...

    throw the stuff out.. you cant beat this with wine in hand - even doing mods rj says have 1 month abs.. i'm doing abs long term and in oz but didnt do meds so cant help u there sorry..


      Glass in hand...

      did you get through? i hope so.

      i didnt write much the other day when i answered you cos i broke my wrist and it was one handed so a bit short,.. but please do try to do something to help yourself and if its this.. there are some good people here to help you sound off and work out what you want to do.

      good luck


        Glass in hand...


        Keep talking to us. We're listening.



          Glass in hand...

          Many,many thanks for your thoughts. I didn't do too good the other night, sad to say. But I've now ordered the supps & cds and made a Dr. appointment. Not with my usual Dr unfortunately as he is booked out until next year. This other lady sounds as if she will at least listen, so I'm hoping for a prescription!. I stayed sober Saturday but slipped up Sunday... Tonight (Mon) is a no-no night as I have to go out late & pick up child no. 3 from a ballet class. Much to my shame I have often picked her up when I should not be driving. This is all going to change! Thanks once again.

