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Life is so fragile. Here now, gone the next second.

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    Life is so fragile. Here now, gone the next second.

    Hi guys, posted this earlier in Katies 30 days thread but wanted to post it here seperately.

    Had a terrible start to the morning. Went to gym and a guy (youngish in his 40s, well built, looking fit) had a heart attack in the swimming pool. They tried to resuscitate (spelling?) him for nearly 30 minutes. Then in the midst of it all a 20 something year old collapsed. The girlfriend with the resuscitation of the other oke not going on far away started screaming histerically. Everyone was in a frenzy. I only did about 10 minutes of excercise in total and decided I just couldn't. Very sad.
    Makes you realise how fragile life is. I know nothing about the guy but surely going to gym this morning he thought he was preventing the very thing that happened to him then.

    I am so very glad I'm alive!!! Still feeling awkward. The poor family.
    AF since 15th March 2010

    The journey is the goal. As long as you're fighting the good fight and you're not giving up on giving up, you're winning. It's not about how often you get knocked down, it's about how often you get up again. Sobriety the goal for sure. But striving to get to that goal is what it's about. Not getting there. Because the journey never ends. The journey is the goal.

    Life is so fragile. Here now, gone the next second.

    Wow Johnny, that really must have shaken you up, I can only imagine.

    Yes, you are right, life is very fragile and we don't know what is around the next corner, all we can do is grab life with both hands, live the very best way we can and be thankful for every new day that comes our way.

    Please don't let this weigh on your mind and ruin your day...just rejoice in the fact you are alive and this day is yours to do what you will... xx

    Have a good day Johnny x
    "It's not your job to like me, it's mine!"

    AF 10th May 2010
    NF 12th May 2010


      Life is so fragile. Here now, gone the next second.

      That is awful. It does show why we need to make peace with our past and move on with our lives, for we are here but a short time. No time for regrets or might have beens, just what we can do and that is whatever we put our minds to.
      Ethanol is a toxic chemical, why would I drink it?


        Life is so fragile. Here now, gone the next second.

        Sorry to hear that Johnny. Also, if heart disease run's in our family (and alcoholism) we need to get regular checkup's, as a healthy lifestyle won't alway's stop it.

        'I am part of all that I have met, yet all experience is an arch wherethro', gleams that untravelled world whose margins fade, forever and forever when I move'

        Zen soul Warrior. Freedom today-


          Life is so fragile. Here now, gone the next second.

          It was quite a shocking sight. I first thought it was some sort of an excercise they were doing. I very soon realised they weren't.

          I just felt so sad because I thought, I am here at gym because I'm hoping it will prevent that I will soon have a heart attack. Looking at the guy there I thought it's pretty hopeless.

          I got family history of heart attack, are short, chubby, going bold smoker until recently and alcoholic until recently. A heart attack match of note apparently. Well... just got to get on with it. I really hope this is a wake up call in terms of my eating, excercising habits, etc.
          AF since 15th March 2010

          The journey is the goal. As long as you're fighting the good fight and you're not giving up on giving up, you're winning. It's not about how often you get knocked down, it's about how often you get up again. Sobriety the goal for sure. But striving to get to that goal is what it's about. Not getting there. Because the journey never ends. The journey is the goal.


            Life is so fragile. Here now, gone the next second.

            Hi Johnnyh, that sounds like quite an ordeal, and it must be difficult to work through all your feelings for sure. You are very right about how fragile life is - and it is important to remember that as often as we can - so we can enjoy loved ones and life each day. I find I can squeeze more out of each day now that I am sober.
            Sober since Feb 7, 2010.


              Life is so fragile. Here now, gone the next second.

              Oh Johnny my friend I am sorry you had to see that.
              like my post yesterday, sudden death and sadness is everywhere these days....
              Kiss your family and embrace your day
              I love my family more than alcohol.:h
              Live in the Solution....not the problem


                Life is so fragile. Here now, gone the next second.

                And regular heart checkup's too mate. I know a bloke who is fit as a bull, and also had a history of heart disease in his family. He had a heart attack, but was lucky. The doc sent him to hospital immediately, and they operated, removing a blockage, or something. The thing is, he felt great up until that moment, and it would've been detected earlier, if he had regular heart checkup's. Now, he say's he's lucky to be alive, and spreads the message. Regular checkup's.

                Best wishes.

                'I am part of all that I have met, yet all experience is an arch wherethro', gleams that untravelled world whose margins fade, forever and forever when I move'

                Zen soul Warrior. Freedom today-


                  Life is so fragile. Here now, gone the next second.

                  It certainly makes you think.


                    Life is so fragile. Here now, gone the next second.

                    Johnny that is such a sad thing to witness you must have felt so helpless. Things like that really put life in to perspective.

                    Someone I know saved a man on a golf course, the paramedics said he wouldn't have made it had my friend had not kept up up the CPR.

                    Try to rest and have a relaxing weekend.

                    Success is knowing when to sit back and enjoy the moment


                      Life is so fragile. Here now, gone the next second.

                      Oh god, JohnnyH.
                      What a way to start the day. Or end a life. Thank you for the timely reminder.

                      Hope you were able to somewhat shake this morning's events :l
                      Okay, WHO put a stop payment on my reality check?

                      Winning since October 24th, 2013


                        Life is so fragile. Here now, gone the next second.

                        I know how you feel Johnny. When I hear of tragedy striking such as this, I think my problems with alcohol are so tiny, and I feel so ashamed of it all. We have a chance at life, while others just dont. It makes you think how precious a gift life is. Lets all vow to keep it precious shall we?

                        Hugs to you,

                        I LOVE MY SEROTONIN AND BOOZE SCREWS IT UP!!!!!


                          Life is so fragile. Here now, gone the next second.

                          Hi Johnny. That must have been truly awful for you and everyone.
                          You are right, life is so fragile and it can be taken away at any moment.
                          Two weeks ago a client I worked with had a sudden heart attack and died while walking his dog in the park. He was 42 and his heart attack was alcohol induced.
                          Its very shocking
                          We must look after ourselves
                          Living now and not just existing since 9th July 2008
                          Nicotine Free since 6th February 2009


                            Life is so fragile. Here now, gone the next second.

                            Johnny - that IS horrible. You didn't really say if they Both died, but I gather they did. Too strange that there would be two deaths on same day in a GYM, of all places.
                            Sometimes you have to take the leap and build your wings on the way down... Anais Nin


                              Life is so fragile. Here now, gone the next second.

                              Hey guys. Still feel awkward about yesterday obviously. Don't feel particularly excited going back to that gym but yeah.

                              No, the other person didn't die. I actually saw him downstairs with his girlfriend later and though he didn't look in the best condition he looked solid on his feed. I hope he will undergo thorough check up. He lookd really scary too when he had that collapse.

                              I just hope the I'll finally get a grip on my eating and excercising habits. I live so unhealthy. I get scared when I hear young ppl passing away with heart attacks, especially fit ones, nevermind being there when it happens.

                              Thanks guys for the comments. After posting yesterday I thought today I might have been a bit melodramatic in sharing my feelings like this.
                              AF since 15th March 2010

                              The journey is the goal. As long as you're fighting the good fight and you're not giving up on giving up, you're winning. It's not about how often you get knocked down, it's about how often you get up again. Sobriety the goal for sure. But striving to get to that goal is what it's about. Not getting there. Because the journey never ends. The journey is the goal.

