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Back Again....

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    Back Again....

    Well here I am 7 months on and still drinking.

    I did really well to start with but since Christmas haven't had a day off. That is until today am 24 hours in and I feel horrible. My head feels like it doesn't belong to me, I feel sick and anxious, pacing the house going into every room! Is this normal??

    I feel like I'm going bonkers and my husband as always is a fab support for me.

    Will this last a few days or will it be longer... any advice would be great.

    Izzy xx

    Back Again....

    Hey Izzy, welcome back. I had also taken a leave of absence until two months ago.

    Yeah that sounds pretty normal unfortunately. The first couple of days can be horrific as you're describing it. Juist dont' know what to do with yoruself and just craving that drink. Well,, don't give in. For me it did get better after a couple of days and I think it usually does. I think it comes and goes in phases then. You'll be more anxious at times than others. I kept myself well distracted and that helped. The more you focus on youre cravings, etc. the worse it is going to get. If you can, try and distract yourself, get busy.
    AF since 15th March 2010

    The journey is the goal. As long as you're fighting the good fight and you're not giving up on giving up, you're winning. It's not about how often you get knocked down, it's about how often you get up again. Sobriety the goal for sure. But striving to get to that goal is what it's about. Not getting there. Because the journey never ends. The journey is the goal.


      Back Again....

      Hi Izzy40. One day at a time is what I'm trying. I lasted two days, but then drank wine last night. Today is day one again. And today I am not going to drink. I've drunk endless cups of tea! I think logging on here as much as possible helps. If I don't I slip back. Want to come and help paint my kitchen to take your mind off it?!!

      I found I did well at the start too, back in January, but its difficult to keep it going.

      Its good your husband is supporting you.


        Back Again....

        Thanks guys,

        Have drank endless cups of fruit tea and I also have a party to go to tonight which I'm not sure is a good idea!

        I will help you paint your kitchen Little Owl if you come and help me with mine x


          Back Again....

          Ok! Mines yellow, what colour is yours? Different I hope. I'm getting a bit fed up with yellow!

          If I'm out and don't want to drink I say I'm trying to lose half a stone and I'm having diet coke because its only got about one calorie in it. Whats the occasion?


            Back Again....

            It's a 50th, 21st and 18th in the same family and they always expect me to be life and soul of the partay! Which as you well know we often are lol!

            May try L-Glutamine, any side effects with it at all?


              Back Again....

              Niacin really helps me with anxiety.

