Happy Sunday Sk8,
You seem to be in a bit of better spirits today

I have talked to doctors about antidepressants, and both doctors said that they can make a huge difference in someones life. If you think they might help, then go for it. You seem to have the classic symptoms of depression when you say you dont have the energy to do the things you once loved to do. Thats a red flag of depression right there.
Give it a shot! Im sorry you are having matters of the heart as well, but thats something almost everyone in life goes through at one time or another. I've certainly had my share of heartbreaks and disappointments. Im not downplaying your hurt at all, but I do see you emerging on the other side a much wiser and stronger person down the road with or without your girlfriend. She will always be in your life if you share your little boy. Time will tell how it will work out. Perhaps even she has some personal growth to do as well???
Keep posting. Everyone on here would love to see your success, as I know you have it in you.