Well I'm happy to say I'm starting to get there. I'm starting to take pride in what I've accomplished so far. I've picked myself up, dusted myself off and changed my life. So here I am world take it or leave it. What you see is what you get. I'm me. I can't be anything else but that. I live for today because yesterday is gone and tomorrow doesn't exist.
Strange how when I got sober I began to question everything about myself. Should I grow up, stop being me, get better clothes? Well you know what I found out? The clothes don't make the person, the person does. Grown up and punk are to me states of mind. I've met teens who think more like a adult then I do and I've met older peopler who still act like they are 18. I've met people who are punk as hell with how they think and don't even know it. I've met mohawked punks who might as well be selling insurance. See being grown up or punk is not a style of dress or even confined to a certain age. Yes I am responsible with things like my son and bills. I go to work everyday. I know right from wrong. That is grown up. I also look a little different than most people. I view things diffrently I don't take things at face value. I still question things. So see you can be both. Don't know why I didn't think it could be possible. On the subject of punk my son and all little kids are the punkest mf'ers out there. They do what they want when they want, they don't care about the rules and they don't care what the other kids look like. I love seeing that freedom in my son. It brings it out in myself. The father is learning to enjoy and live life from his son. Hopefully he never loses that spirt but if he does it will be my turn to teach him. Sometimes I think as adults we are to concerned with teaching our children instead of learning a great lesson from them. To busy saying don't you want to grow up big and strong like daddy? Instead of teachin them don't you want to be yourself. Don't be in such a hurry to grow up because one day you'll wish you were young again. One thing I started doing recently I'd thought I'd share with you is this....when ever I see someone staring at me with a disgusted or what the hell look on their face I say to myself in my head "what are you staring at weirdo" and you know what that does? It makes me laugh inside and before they know it I smiling at them. Why get mad or bothered like I used to?
So what I'm trying to say is everyone be yourself and fuck the world if they don't like it. Because when its all said and done at the end of each day the only person you really have to answer to is that person in the mirror. And if you can look into your own eyes and be happy with what you did that day then good. But if you look in those eyes and say "why the hell did you...." then really think about it and make changes for yourself.