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    Today was my first day on baclofen. I had to go to the post office and sign for it. When I got home around 10:00Am I had the usual morning shakes so I took one. I then laid down in bed and the next thing I knew three hours had passed and I had slept like a baby even though I had just slept for 8 hours. Then I looked at the packaging and realized they were 25mg. Yes they do come in 25mg from All day chemist. These are some powerful pills. I am going to be cutting them in half from now on. I also felt an almost instant relief from the nagging anxiety. And 8 hours later I took a half pill. But I am not going to try and drive on this stuff till I get used to it. Tomorrow I am going to take two half pills, one in the morning and one before bed. I will stay with that for a few days then work my way up. I got a good feeling about this. I really believe it is going to work.



    Eeek. 25 mgs at one time from the get-go is definitely a bit too much.

    I am at 100 mgs/day now and still drinking.

    But I have had glimpses of sobriety.

    I hope you have great success with Baclofen and I hope you share your journey with it. The good, the bad, and the ugly. The more information we share, the better it is for everyone to come.

    AF April 9, 2016



      Can you get Baclofen in the UK or Ireland without prescription. (Like many I suspect, I want to try and beat this myself without going through my doctor)




        If you go to the med section there is a thread on how to get baclofen. I was lucky to get some from a friend to start out, but I also ordered from the internet. Many do it on a regular basis with no problem.

        Good luck, I already feel baclofen is going to assist me greatly in this battle.

