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ODAT Sunday 16th May

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    ODAT Sunday 16th May

    Scuse me butting in and starting the ODAT thread out of the blue. I haven't been on here for quite a while but feel the need to come back for the support that is one of the great things about this site! I've slipped back to some heavy drinking days and waaaay too often and want to beat it and I know that ODAT is the way to start!! So here I am.

    :hallo: to everyone. Have a great Sunday, ODAT!.

    ODAT Sunday 16th May

    Hi Bessy,

    Welcome Back. This place is so good for me too. I just don't get much puter time!!!

    It's pretty quiet in ODAT today. Maybe everyone is busy doing ODAT! Heavy drinking way too often - not good, not good at all. Change is definitely needed Bess. Sending you lots of encouragement.

    Stick around, hope to get to know you a bit better. Let's know your plan.
    Developing an Attitude of Gratitude


      ODAT Sunday 16th May

      Hi Bessie and Mazzie nice to meet you both, it sure is quiet today. Starting day 9 today and feeling pretty good can't remember the last time I had 8 full days without the usual bottle or 2 of wine!! 2nd Sunday without a hangover :cheering: I don't have a full plan yet but I am spending alot of time close to everyone here and it really is helping. I am taking the supplements: Milk Thistle, Kudzu and L-Glut and a multi vitamin and they also are helping particular the L-Glut around that 5 o'clock time!! Have a great day both of you and all those yet to come :l
      Learn from yesterday, live for today, hope for tomorrow. The important thing is not to stop questioning.


        ODAT Sunday 16th May


        My dearest bessie!!! WB to ODAT! The thread almost died and was revived by some wonderful new and incredibly supportive lovelies and some old faithfuls still drop in. Good on ya for getting a grip as the holiday season comes on fast and furious for you!

        Hooray, Hooray!
        No booze today!!!!

        Go for the "O"!
        Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


          ODAT Sunday 16th May

          Hi Bessie
          Good for you. If you did it once you can get back there again.
          I still haven't made it more than 8 days at once. I lost motivation there for a while, but I intend to go for it this time. I don't think L-Glut does much for me - still find I have to urge surf between 5 and 7, and if I do this consciously and keep busy, I won't let myself get in the car.
          I'm not sure whether Milk Thistle works either, but it makes me feel better, so I take it, along with Multi-vitamins and Evening Primrose.
          Working out a plan ahead of those tricky times is a good idea. Danger time for me is often at about a week AF, when I'm starting to feel good and like it's not that hard. Then the little voices start telling me that one little drink won't hurt, but of course one drink generally becomes one bottle or more, and therein lies the problem.
          Right, I must get to bed. Talk to you tomorrow.


            ODAT Sunday 16th May

            Morning everyone, I hope you are having a great weekend. Panno, great job on the 9 days sober. I have my first baseball practice today for my adult fun league. I am hoping that now that I am af, I will be able to be a hitting machine! I made it through another band rehearsal last night, no booze, no smokes - I fealt comfortable, which is a real positive change. Take care everyone,
            Sober since Feb 7, 2010.


              ODAT Sunday 16th May

              Hi Bessie!

              Long time no see!!! Good to see you!

              Happy Sober Sunday everyone! Im heading to church with my son in a few minutes. Im going to really sing my heart out and praise God today!

              Day 6 for me


                ODAT Sunday 16th May

                Lovely picture Spam!!!
                Enjoy church OverIt
                Hi Bessie..we have never met but hello!!!!
                Mama has been struggling lately so I need to stick close......I have some new resolve and determination....
                Day 1 for me....blew it last night and I am PISSED.....but today is a new day
                I love my family more than alcohol.:h
                Live in the Solution....not the problem


                  ODAT Sunday 16th May

                  Hi everyone hope you dont mind me poping in here,
                  Takeing it just for today is good,we can all cope with today, we can deal with tomorrow when it comes and lets forget about yesterday,its gone and its done, so one day at a time.Go for it.:-)

                  :congratulatory: Clean & Sober since 13/01/2009 :congratulatory:

                  Until one is committed there is always hesitant thoughts.
                  I know enough to know that I don't know enough.

                  This signature has been typed in front of a live studio audience.


                    ODAT Sunday 16th May

                    Well gee- the Cow finally came home!
                    (sorry Bessie- had to)
                    Forgive me dropping in like this- but ODAT is a great thread and Bessie was always one of my favorites, so had to say hello.
                    How's the menagerie?
                    Have a great day everyone.


                      ODAT Sunday 16th May

                      Day 2 AF nearly complete, am really proud of myself, but right now am struggling a little. Feel a bit edgy and can't settle to anything. Have a bit of a headache and my shoulders are sooooo tense!!!

                      Keep thinking tomorrow I will feel OK and about the way I woke up this morning without feeling completely crap, didn;t realise how crap I felt every monring til I woke up without a hangover.

                      Keep strong everyone, I am determined to do better this time.



                        ODAT Sunday 16th May

                        Good job day 2 Izzy.

                        Mama, I worked 13 hours yesterday, from 11 am until 1 am. Trust me if I wasnt at work, a bottle would have been calling my name too. Weekends are really hard, I know! Sometimes when I have to work my ass off, im actually grateful for it.
                        I LOVE MY SEROTONIN AND BOOZE SCREWS IT UP!!!!!


                          ODAT Sunday 16th May

                          Near the end of AF day 3. After months of drinking two bottles od wine every night before colapsing in bed semi conscious I find I am catching up on a lot of missing sleep (real sleep that is, not a drunken stupor!)


                            ODAT Sunday 16th May

                            Good for you Red!!! Keep going!
                            I LOVE MY SEROTONIN AND BOOZE SCREWS IT UP!!!!!


                              ODAT Sunday 16th May

                              Good Heavens Over It....where do you work till 1am...if it involves a pole ,I don't wanna know!!!!!
                              (not that I would love you any less!!)
                              I love my family more than alcohol.:h
                              Live in the Solution....not the problem

