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I'm turning 70 in two months

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    I'm turning 70 in two months


    I'm turning 70 in two months

    Blue Heeler,

    :welcome: to MWO.

    Read as much as you can and get comfortable.

    RJ's book is a good read, too, especially the supplement program.

    I am a true alkie and moderation is not possible for me but there are some here who can.

    You will learn over time what is and isn't possible for you.

    Glad you are here!!

    AF April 9, 2016


      I'm turning 70 in two months

      Welcome BH, you have come to a great site for answers to your questions. Others will be along soon to offer some good words to you and your own situation.
      AF since April 19, 2010
      NF since Nov 10, 2000

      "One reason I don't drink is I want to know when I'm having a good time."
      -Lady Nancy Astor


        I'm turning 70 in two months

        Welcome BH
        Whats a 'tallie of beer', is it a can or a tray of cans?
        I get what you say about worrying about your son. All my young people seem to drink an awful lot and it does worry me. When I look back to my 20's there's no way I drank as much as they do - I couldn't have afforded it anyway, I think there is a timebomb ticking the way young people drink nowadays.
        Contentedly sober since 27/12/2011
        contentedly NF since 8/04/14


          I'm turning 70 in two months

          It is a large bottle (750 mls). And yes, the youngsters seem to be going at it harder than I did when I was their age. Circumstances have changed. The Pubs used to shut at 6pm when I was young and we just lived with it. Of course if we wanted more it was only a matter of buying take-aways. Took a bit of organisation and often we couldn't be bothered.
          Later on though that all changed...I haven't had a problem getting alcohol for years and years...more's the pity.


            I'm turning 70 in two months

            Hi Blue Heeler, welcome to MWO, well done on deciding to make positive changes in your life. If we want drink there is little that will stop us. I understand your concern for your family as well as yourself, drinking a bottle of wine a day is bad for ones health and more so for the ladies, just check out the recommended safe levels. I also work from home so the option is there all the time and I dont have to worry about facing clients first thing reeking of booze and red eyed.
            So I do understand how your son gets hooked in. The thing is this creeps up on us and before we know it there is a big problem. Good news is we can break the vicious cycle if we really want to. There is no shortage of support, advice and help here, all of it non judgemental. Hope you stick around.
            Keep safe
            Ethanol is a toxic chemical, why would I drink it?


              I'm turning 70 in two months

              G'day Bluey, and welcome!
              Check out the 'Toolbox' thread here, in the 'monthly abstinence' section, as it has lot's of useful tip's and info for either getting off the turp's, or cutting back.

              Best wishes, G.

              'I am part of all that I have met, yet all experience is an arch wherethro', gleams that untravelled world whose margins fade, forever and forever when I move'

              Zen soul Warrior. Freedom today-


                I'm turning 70 in two months

                Hi Blue Heeler - welcome! You will find lot's of support here and as others have said before me - hopefully you can figure out if you can moderate or be abstinate. It's hard to measure what AL does to us until you stop drinking. Then you really realize how much it has affected your life. I too work from home sometimes and it makes it very easy to drink too much too often. Hope you find some useful tools here and good luck!


                  I'm turning 70 in two months

                  Welcome Blue Heeler. Not sure what direction you will go in to deal with your alcohol issues,but I'm confident you'll find the answer here at MWO. Best of luck to you and your family as you begin this journey. Keep us up-yo-date on your progress....techie
                  Outside of a dog a book is mans best friend. Inside of a dog its too dark to read

