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Is Quitting Drinking Similar to Quitting Smoking?

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    Is Quitting Drinking Similar to Quitting Smoking?

    Hi Everyone

    I've been lurking for a few weeks and actually utilized the live chat once, but I have this one question that I'm trying to get some insight on - Is Quitting Drinking Similar to Quitting Smoking?

    I quit smoking on 3/17/09 cold-turkey after smoking for 24 years. I have not had a single puff since that St. Patty's day last year when I quit the smokes. And now my goal for 2010 is to quit drinking.

    A little history - I have been a beer drinker since I was 15 or so. I've been drinking on average 10 beers a night for the past 10+ years (with two 'quits' during both of my pregnancies and while nursing my kiddos), however, the last quit was approximately 8 years ago.

    I fully recognize that I have a problem but I am scared to quit. I'm not sure that scared is the right word to place on my feelings but drinking and getting drunk are pretty much the only thing I've known for most of my life.

    Prior to giving up the smokes, I couldn't even fathom life without them, but all in all, the quit wasn't nearly as difficult as I had thought it would be. Yes, I had some major moments and lots of tears and 'depression', but overall I'm so happy that I finally just said enough is enough and I can't believe that it's already been 14 months (I used to count the minutes, then hours, then days, and now I don't even count until I get a monthly quit anniversary reminder)!

    Now that I believe smoking is truly a thing in my past, I feel the time is right to try to put the alcohol behind me as well. For those of you that used to have both vices, I wanted advice or feedback from those that have successfully quit and stayed AF and NF. Was quitting one addiction harder than the other? I know that it is different for everyone but I'm trying to prepare myself mentally for the months ahead and what I may experience that could be similar to quitting the nicotine.

    Thanks for any help/advice/guidance/suggestions you can provide.

    Leslie :new:
    NF - 3/17/09

    AF since 5/24/10

    Is Quitting Drinking Similar to Quitting Smoking?

    Hi there welcome. I'm not sure there the same exactly, but hey they are both powerful addictions. Take solace in the fact that you beat the smokes, so you have it in you to do this to if you want it. This is a great place and you'll get plenty of advice from those who have met both challenges and are doing well. Keep posting and take hold of the program!

    Outside of a dog a book is mans best friend. Inside of a dog its too dark to read


      Is Quitting Drinking Similar to Quitting Smoking?

      4myhealth41 - I quit smoking 15 years ago and it was one of the hardest things I've ever done. Quitting drinking is hard too - but in a different way. I will tell you this - if you can quit smoking, I know you can quit drinking. Put a plan together - how you will stay busy, the supplements offered here and hypnotherapy are great too - especially if you are a social drinker. Post and read as much as you can in the beginning, it's invaluable to know what others are going thru too.


        Is Quitting Drinking Similar to Quitting Smoking?

        hi & welcome 4myhealth41, This is a great supportive community,read as amny as the posts/threads as you can,share your feelings & thoughts as you will recieve great feedback and sound advice, re giving up smoking i stopped in 06 and found doing that much easier than stopping drinking.goodluck you can do it.

        :congratulatory: Clean & Sober since 13/01/2009 :congratulatory:

        Until one is committed there is always hesitant thoughts.
        I know enough to know that I don't know enough.

        This signature has been typed in front of a live studio audience.


          Is Quitting Drinking Similar to Quitting Smoking?

          Hi 4myhealth41, and welcome. It is great to hear that you have won the battle over smoking. I was a cigar smoker, little ones that you inhale, it was tough to give them up, but I did - prior to going sober. For me, like Mario, alcohol was tougher and still is. The first month or so was the worst, and it has gotten better. Cigarettes could be something you do privately, no one would know. If you are not drinking at a dinner party everyone knows, and you have to figure things out - that social hurdle is one I am still working through. Anyway, go for it, living sober is truly awesome. All the best,
          Sober since Feb 7, 2010.


            Is Quitting Drinking Similar to Quitting Smoking?

            Hmm, i think drinking is a little more difficult to quit than smoking, only because (to me) smoking is about the physical addiction and once you're over that, i don't really think there's an emotional component.

            Drinking on the other hand is socially acceptable, legal and not that expensive compared to other drugs. I've found that the hardest thing about giving up drinking is the emotional component, what lay underneath the urge to drink. If you can conquer that, then you've got a better chance at quitting for good.

            One thing though, i find the longer you go without a drink the easier it is to cut down or quit. I think the brain adjusts.

            So, there is some good news! You'll find you'll lose heaps of weight, will sleep better and will generally feel clearer in the head.
            One day at a time.. Sometimes it's one minute or one second at a time.. Most important thing is to look ahead and don't look back!


              Is Quitting Drinking Similar to Quitting Smoking?

              I think that quitting smoking is easier. I quit more than 15 years ago, and ate heads of lettuce for a week, then I was over it. I still wanted a ciggie for a year, though, but as I could no longer inhale it was not longer pleasurable. Now I can't imagine having one.
              When you overdo it with smoking, the hangover is fairly easy - just a headache and yukky mouth. Normally smoking does not cause fights and scenes, or worse.
              SO drinking excessively, on a binge basis, is riskier than the occasional binge on ciggies. That should make it an AL binge a more painful exercise, thereful easier to quit, but it seems not to work that way.
              Success is not final, failure is not fatal, it is the courage to continue that counts.
              AF since May 6, 2010


                Is Quitting Drinking Similar to Quitting Smoking?

                Very well said, Sheri and absolutely true! I'm glad I had the strength/courage to give up both addictions ~ it is sooooo well worth the fight!
                NF - 3/17/09

                AF since 5/24/10


                  Is Quitting Drinking Similar to Quitting Smoking?

         short answer would be quitting smoking is easier, and there are basically 2 types of people in the world. smokers and non smokers. (this was my mind game) I decided I did not want to be 'the type of person who smoked - which I equated with unhealthy. Alcohol on the other hand - well, there are lots of healthy people who have a glass or two of wine with their steak, a beer at the game, a cocktail for NY's. so my current goal is to REALLY convince self once and for all that 'I can't be a moderate drinker' therefore I don't want to be a drunk. Have one glass and I"m on my way....Good luck. Remember its killing your lungs and esophagus. Oh, and the two things together are a real doozy for health (my way of motivating you)
                  From the Sanskrit prayer;

                  "....For yesterday is but a dream, and tomorrow is only a vision,
                  But today well lived makes every yesterday a dream of happiness and every tomorrow a dream of hope."

                  determined to be AF


                    Is Quitting Drinking Similar to Quitting Smoking?

                    Thats a good question...I quit smoking 8 years ago so I cant remember how difficult it was to quit. I think they are both challenging to give up.
                    Be strong-
                    We define ourselves by the best that is in us, not the worse that has been done to us.
                    Be constructive. Clear the word of CAN'T


                      Is Quitting Drinking Similar to Quitting Smoking?

                      letting go

                      4myhealth41;862467 wrote: Hi Everyone

                      I've been lurking for a few weeks and actually utilized the live chat once, but I have this one question that I'm trying to get some insight on - Is Quitting Drinking Similar to Quitting Smoking?

                      I quit smoking on 3/17/09 cold-turkey after smoking for 24 years. I have not had a single puff since that St. Patty's day last year when I quit the smokes. And now my goal for 2010 is to quit drinking.

                      A little history - I have been a beer drinker since I was 15 or so. I've been drinking on average 10 beers a night for the past 10+ years (with two 'quits' during both of my pregnancies and while nursing my kiddos), however, the last quit was approximately 8 years ago.

                      I fully recognize that I have a problem but I am scared to quit. I'm not sure that scared is the right word to place on my feelings but drinking and getting drunk are pretty much the only thing I've known for most of my life.

                      Prior to giving up the smokes, I couldn't even fathom life without them, but all in all, the quit wasn't nearly as difficult as I had thought it would be. Yes, I had some major moments and lots of tears and 'depression', but overall I'm so happy that I finally just said enough is enough and I can't believe that it's already been 14 months (I used to count the minutes, then hours, then days, and now I don't even count until I get a monthly quit anniversary reminder)!

                      Now that I believe smoking is truly a thing in my past, I feel the time is right to try to put the alcohol behind me as well. For those of you that used to have both vices, I wanted advice or feedback from those that have successfully quit and stayed AF and NF. Was quitting one addiction harder than the other? I know that it is different for everyone but I'm trying to prepare myself mentally for the months ahead and what I may experience that could be similar to quitting the nicotine.

                      Thanks for any help/advice/guidance/suggestions you can provide.

                      Leslie :new:
                      hi 4myhealth:welcome:good question,i stopped smoking 30 years ago,with one relapse after the second year,cant say the same for drinkingi wouldnt touch a smoke if someone paid me to try it again,i beleive there the same,vices,we no will die from smoking eventually,or get other ailments from it in the long run,i beleive i would be dead if i had not quit,i was 3 pack aday man,at 27 i could hardly breath,but i also over due everything:upset:but not anymore,ive been tot to moderate in everything i do,it seems to be working up to now,i also believe for people with addictive personalities,our guards have to be on alert,all the time,we are different kind of people,plus what we were tot as chilren or seen our families doing,doesnt make it rite,i think society is starting realise,the epedemic there getting themselves into now adays,more so then years ago,lets face it,doesnt take a genious or even doctors to tell us,smoking,drinkging and drugging are bad for us,it is not normal to do this stuff anymore then to starve yourslf or over eat,i believe it takes alot of time and retraing to eventually figure out what is rite from wrong,:thanks:for letting me vent gyco


                        Is Quitting Drinking Similar to Quitting Smoking?

                        I have found them both equally chanllenging. I quit smoking 14 years ago and I still crave a smoke on occassion. It is especially hard around my girlfriend who can smoke on and off whenever she likes. The addiction part of it just doen't seem to grab her. For me the two addictions are very similar. The question for me is ..can I be a moderate drinker?? I know I can't do this with cigerettes, tried, tried and tried again. Time will tell. It took me many many tries to quit smoking. It may be the same with drinking. I'm treating it all as a personal experiment.
                        Change your thoughts, and you change your world. - Norman Vincent Peale


                          Is Quitting Drinking Similar to Quitting Smoking?

                          Wise words Gyco.

                          judestir- Thats so interesting that you still crave a cigarette. I can be in a room full of smokers and I dont get a craving. The desire to smoke has just left me completely...just shows how we are all so diffirent when it comes to battling with out addictions. Same aim but different paths
                          Be strong-
                          We define ourselves by the best that is in us, not the worse that has been done to us.
                          Be constructive. Clear the word of CAN'T


                            Is Quitting Drinking Similar to Quitting Smoking?

                            For me, ciggies were infinitely easier - once I was off them 3 weeks I never felt any inclination to smoke whatsoever, however with booze it just seems to always lurk a lot or a little - never really goes away, and for the alkie there is so much more at stake with even one drink, that was just my experience anyhows
                            Contentedly sober since 27/12/2011
                            contentedly NF since 8/04/14

