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ODAT Thurs 20 May 2010

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    ODAT Thurs 20 May 2010

    Still here, still struggling.

    Daughter's boyfriend's 30th celebration last night, had a few drinks, didn't drink before I went, wasn't really drunk. Was the night before though after a horrendous day at work and daughter at our house making a cake.

    So day one, I'm getting sick of it, drinking that is, lets see how far I get this time.

    Need to be up at 6am and at work by 8am. Covering for someone on holiday, she left evrything in a muddle, not her fault the system was down for most of her last day. I never really caught up yesterday and had to leave on time to get to the 30th party or I'd have stayed late. Tired from last night, tonight have to stay over to look after daughter and boyfriend's cat. I'll be glad when this week is over.

    Still not finished decorating the kitchen. Hopefully finish this weekend.

    So, think positive, day one and here I go!!

    Oh yeah, what happened to everyone yesterday? I'm sure I didn't see a wednesday ODAT. It is thursday today isn't it? The week I'm having I'm not really sure!!

    ODAT Thurs 20 May 2010

    Morning Little Owl i'm struggling too but lets hang on in here. I was doing quite well almost got double figures and then wham, and the problem with me once I have the taste its then hard to break the habit - but I will get there.

    Got a really busy 2 days with promotion stuff, not a part of my job I like but it has to be done, so its just a quick check in

    Hi to everyone to come have a great day :l
    Learn from yesterday, live for today, hope for tomorrow. The important thing is not to stop questioning.


      ODAT Thurs 20 May 2010

      morning little owl & panno

      just try and get through the day as best you can,keep to your goals and keep to your plan, it will get better.

      :congratulatory: Clean & Sober since 13/01/2009 :congratulatory:

      Until one is committed there is always hesitant thoughts.
      I know enough to know that I don't know enough.

      This signature has been typed in front of a live studio audience.


        ODAT Thurs 20 May 2010

        Morning everyone, it's actually night here, so i'm welcoming in Friday

        Did alright today, haven't had drink since Sat, but had two glasses of wine tonight. I feel alright with my decision. I stopped at two, which was my goal.

        Be strong peoples! I'll check in tomorrow morning, which will be your night time.

        Sitting down to a night of Prime Suspect with Helen Mirim in it
        One day at a time.. Sometimes it's one minute or one second at a time.. Most important thing is to look ahead and don't look back!


          ODAT Thurs 20 May 2010

          Good Afternoon Odaters!!

          Hang in there guyz!!! Rome wasn't built in a day (and not a couple of days either).

          Hey Spam. Back to your old Avatar I see. Nice. Am sure Hubby will allright. I can't stay without my wife to be honest. I get so miserable. Went for a weekend away 3 months ago or so with my boet (camping). First night and day were alright, second evening I just wanted to go home. My brother conivnced me to stay the night and we rode back home early, early Sunday morning. I'm a sissy, what can I say.

          Off at home today. Was at work in the morning but took the afternoon off. Not feeling too great. REally need some rest.

          Great day everyone.
          AF since 15th March 2010

          The journey is the goal. As long as you're fighting the good fight and you're not giving up on giving up, you're winning. It's not about how often you get knocked down, it's about how often you get up again. Sobriety the goal for sure. But striving to get to that goal is what it's about. Not getting there. Because the journey never ends. The journey is the goal.


            ODAT Thurs 20 May 2010

            Spammo...he will be home soon...I promise
   sweet....I wish my hubs missed me like that!
            Spam - what does hubby do that he gets to travel to exotic places???
            I cannot wait for the weekend so I can rest....I feel you Johnny....I am pooped!
            I love my family more than alcohol.:h
            Live in the Solution....not the problem


              ODAT Thurs 20 May 2010

              I'm pooped too mammabear and johnnyh! Think I caught up at work, did an extra hour.

              So Spam, evryone was hiding yesterday! I didn't have a lot of time to look anyway what with the birthday celebration.

              Panno, I guess a job is a job the way things are at the moment I'm glad I've got mine. Been there a long time now and we are a small close team. Everyone is lovely.

              Johnnyh, god made the world in 6 days and rested on the 7th. I have now spent 7 days decorating my kitchen, though not all in a row, and its still not done! I wonder how long Rome took . . .

              Well, got to gather my stuff for work tomorrow and head off to daughter's house to look after the cat and stay over. I've heard the cat stands on her chest at 4 or 5 in the morning and cries, when daughter opens her eyes she purrs, daughter says come on then and puts her arm out, the cat lies on her back to have her tummy tickled and goes to sleep purring.


                ODAT Thurs 20 May 2010

                Guess its a night where we are all pooped. Miserable day im in a very low mood but thankfully sober. Off for an early night :l
                Learn from yesterday, live for today, hope for tomorrow. The important thing is not to stop questioning.


                  ODAT Thurs 20 May 2010

                  Oh dear Panno. Sleep well. At least its friday tomorrow - Woohoooo!


                    ODAT Thurs 20 May 2010

                    Hi everyone

                    Just a quick check in. I have had painters in all week so the place is a complete mess. Between that and the garden I am also pooped so I guess an early night for a lot of us.



                      ODAT Thurs 20 May 2010

                      You're all so lucky, having jobs and being tired!! Appreciate it, believe me!

                      Panno, if you think your job is s#*%, don't! Having a job is good, it will keep your mind off things.

                      Had two glasses of wine last night. Didn't feel as great as i should have this morning... Bleh. Pls don't tell me it's alright and i can start again. I have to learn the consequences of my actions. But:

                      For anybody considering it, it might seem like a good idea at the time, but it's the SAME OLE, SAME OLE. Don't think that because you have abstained that the one time you fall off the wagon will be okay. If anything, the hangover is worse because your body has become so used to being clean.

                      So, i repeat, do not think it's okay!
                      One day at a time.. Sometimes it's one minute or one second at a time.. Most important thing is to look ahead and don't look back!


                        ODAT Thurs 20 May 2010

                        :clapclap::clapclap::clapclap: I so agree with you Change, so kick-ass time!!!
                        Little Owl, I am finally finished painting - nearly finished my marriage and lost me my will to live ...............but finished! Rome would have been built 10 times over!!
                        Realised a lot of my drinking triggers are disharmony in the house - I hate crankiness and grumping so much, when I was growing up we all had to be sweetness and light or my Dad used to get mad - I don't think that was right either, you need to be able to express your opinions, anyway, hubby was putting up a stand for a tele in the kitchen yesterday, and somehow because he made an arse of it it was my fault and he was thumpin around the place again. Drinking never even flashed thro my head so I was very pleased with myself (and he did apologize which was nearly a first!!).
                        Tele works, paintings done and I'm sober :H:yay:
                        Contentedly sober since 27/12/2011
                        contentedly NF since 8/04/14

