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I have a Question?

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    I have a Question?

    Congrats mazzie a AF b-day with your son. How cool is that. Looking to do the same when my daughter turns 15 in august.
    Outside of a dog a book is mans best friend. Inside of a dog its too dark to read


      I have a Question?

      Hi Mazzie, congrats on Day 5! For me, being AF has brought a lot of issues I drowned out with AL. I just started seeing a therapist as I realized these were things I had to deal with - sober. That's such a good attitude - being grateful - I try very hard to do this to keep me on track. But it's great to be reminded too. Keep posting and we are here to support you!!


        I have a Question?

        Hi All

        Have been doing pretty well. Day 9 today. I realize now that this process of change is not only time consuming but also all consuming. It is a bit strange but suddenly I just don't have the time to be thinking about drinking let alone putting in the time to actually do it. I have too much else to do. I do feel like I haven't had the time I need the last few days to put into myself as I'd like to but change has begun!!! and I can see and feel the difference.

        I have gotten something from each of you that I think about during the day and these things are treasures. Thank you.
        Developing an Attitude of Gratitude

