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Non-Alcoholic Beer

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    Non-Alcoholic Beer

    Hi Everyone

    I'm ramping up for my quit - not sure if I'm going to do the ODAT or 30 day challenge but I'm trying to get prepared as best I can.

    Have any of you substituted non-alcoholic beer for the real stuff with success? I love the taste of beer but don't necessarily ALWAYS have to drink to get drunk. I'm thinking that if I can still get the taste then maybe, just maybe, the withdrawal won't be too bad???

    Any thoughts? Words of wisdom?

    Thanks for your input
    NF - 3/17/09

    AF since 5/24/10

    Non-Alcoholic Beer

    I've tried it and will very occasionally have the odd AL free Becks or Erdinger if out. So it can be useful however there are some warnings to heed.

    Be very careful not to simply 'substitute' AL-free for beer. This maintains the habit and association which can keep a certain amount of 'dependence' or 'reliance'. The other thing that can happen is that it can lead to drinking shandies, then the weak beer from those shandies either because you are lulled into a false security or because the AL-Free isn't available one time.

    Just be careful. I've also tried AL free wine but couldn't stand it it was so close in taste it took me right back, reminded me of how it was and I couldn't finish one glass.

    My guess is once you've stopped you won't necessarily miss it at all. I thought I liked the taste of AL and the truth was I drank for effect. Now I prefer a Cranberry-Light, Elderflower cordial and camomile tea - speaking of which well steeped the tea can be just as refreshing.


      Non-Alcoholic Beer

      4myhealth......non alcoholic beer has a certain amount of alcohol ! 2% Alcohol and lower can be listed as Non-Alcoholic Beer. ( In America ) So if your very sencetive to alcohol, would'nt mess with it. IAD
      ?Be who you are and say what you feel because
      those who mind don't matter and those who matter don't mind.?
      Dr. Seuss


        Non-Alcoholic Beer

        I've used it to get through "party" situations to remain sober yet still feel like I'm having fun. You could get just as buzzed drinking orange juice. I say, whatever gets you through the day, or party, as it were.


          Non-Alcoholic Beer

          In general I tend to agree with IAD. However What UKblondeand and fennel say should NOT be dismissed either. I would not use AF beer on an ongoing basis. I would not if your sensitive to AL as IAD noted. I use it when I eat certain things, i.e., mexican food, hot wings, etc. (exposed my healthy diet). But in social situation on occasion why not if it makes you happy and comfortable. I also agree with UKblonde AF wine is vile.
          Outside of a dog a book is mans best friend. Inside of a dog its too dark to read


            Non-Alcoholic Beer

            I never tried it. But then again I wasn't drinking beer for the taste.
            Sober since 4/8/10 -OVER 150 DAYS AND GOING AF!!!!

            Get busy livin or get busy dyin-Duane Peters
            No more bad future-Skull Skates


              Non-Alcoholic Beer

              sk8punk;864214 wrote: I never tried it. But then again I wasn't drinking beer for the taste.
              I never drank for the taste either. But iced tea with hot wings? I just can't do sk8. A taco with a lemonade? I rather stick needles in my eyes!
              Outside of a dog a book is mans best friend. Inside of a dog its too dark to read


                Non-Alcoholic Beer

                I have tried mid-strength beer and light. Mid-strength is just OK but I ended up drinking much more of it to get there. Light beer is a disaster. Can't drink enough of it to get anywhere...the only result is bloating and flatulence.
                It might just be possible to drink a couple of bottles and slowly taper off. I don't know for sure. Maybe a wind down program could work? I am planning my own strategy and then I'll work out the tactics. In the meantime I'm going steady and trying for a slow reduction. My drinking is very well organised. Same time start every day, same place and dinner about two hours after starting. I never go out or drive when I've been drinking. If I run out that's it (I can't remember when I last ran out.)
                The thought of never having another drink rattles me. I've done it all my life.
                When I first started I'd go to the pub after work, drink for about an hour and go home. No more for the day. It was 6pm closing then which made stopping normal. Later when I was shift working, I'd go to the canteen at the end of my day. All of this was 'public' drinking.
                Later on, when running my own business, I bought supplies in. When everything for the day had been done it was 'beer o clock'. Still is but with no real work to do I start at 4pm.


                  Non-Alcoholic Beer

                  I drink only two things - water with lemon all day and then beer at night. I don't drink soda, coffee, wine, juice, etc. - just water and beer. The water is a good habit, obviously, but the beer has got to go (or rather the alcohol in the beer).

                  The O'douls worked well when I was pregnant - didn't have to give up my beer, per se, but still got to enjoy the taste. I bought 2 six-packs during the 9 months and while the first 6 beers went pretty quick, the second 6 I never finished until well after my baby was born.

                  All this being said, I haven't tried to give up the AL since my babies were born. Going without AL during my pregnancies was a complete no-brainer. Now that my kiddos are a little older, and I've been abusing alcohol for years, there most likely be a bigger challenge to be had than I expect - hence the Non-Alcoholic Beer question. I know I am addicted, otherwise I wouldn't drink like I do - UGH!

                  Only time will tell how MY body, mind, etc. will deal without the daily drinking.....I pray its not as bad as I have made it out to be in my mind!

                  I appreciate all of your responses and I hope to be amongst the AF for good club here very, very soon

                  Thanks to ALL of you!!
                  NF - 3/17/09

                  AF since 5/24/10


                    Non-Alcoholic Beer

                    I just can't drink the AF beer for the sake of drinking it. I think that would set me up for failure. Like I said in an earlier post I ONLY drink 1 or 2 AF brews usually out at dinner with certain foods. I can take the O'douls with a burrito but alone as in a six pack? NO I rather drink urine
                    Outside of a dog a book is mans best friend. Inside of a dog its too dark to read


                      Non-Alcoholic Beer

                      Honestly as a way to ween yourself of of drinking AF beer could work. Different things work for different people. If that's what you think will work for you then run with it.

                      Techie I do see your point. I never ate when I drank. I thought it would kill my buzz. Jeez I can't believe it took me this long to realize I had a problem
                      Sober since 4/8/10 -OVER 150 DAYS AND GOING AF!!!!

                      Get busy livin or get busy dyin-Duane Peters
                      No more bad future-Skull Skates


                        Non-Alcoholic Beer

                        Blue -

                        I also work from home and have always had my "beer-thirty" (4:30 for me). For the past few weeks I have been trying stretching my 'start' time. I'm now hitting it (the beer) around 5:45 or 6:00. Speaking of 'Light' beer, I drink the bottom of the barrel crap due to budget. It's really diluted and watered down (perhaps the reason I can drink 10 - LOL). It's called Old Milwaukee Select The finest of the finest, NOT! AND, like you, I NEVER drink and drive but always make sure I'm set for the night before I pop my first brew. At least we are both responsible in that area (zero tolerance for drinking/driving). This journey to quit will be interesting, to say the least. We're all here for the same reason although our stories may be different. What I know so far is that the group of people on this site are OUTSTANDING and very supportive. Exactly the type of people I need to surround myself with
                        NF - 3/17/09

                        AF since 5/24/10


                          Non-Alcoholic Beer

                          Yeah sk8punk this road is so damn tough. But I do know one thing. If I don't stop I'm going to die from it. I went to a graduation arty this evening with plenty of booze around for adults. I must admit that I broke a sweat, but I'm made it through sk8 without giving in. The old me would have had a ton of drinks there, chained smoked, and stopped for beer or wine on the way home so I could continue. I actually had a good time, and I'm here to say I feel great that I'm sober right now because that's AMAZING given the situation I was in. Thanks for listening brother!
                          Outside of a dog a book is mans best friend. Inside of a dog its too dark to read


                            Non-Alcoholic Beer

                            Great job Techie! I went to lunch with some buddies from work. Of course they had a few beers. Didn't bother me at all. Looks like we both made good steps in the right direction today.
                            Sober since 4/8/10 -OVER 150 DAYS AND GOING AF!!!!

                            Get busy livin or get busy dyin-Duane Peters
                            No more bad future-Skull Skates


                              Non-Alcoholic Beer

                              I keep AF beer in the fridge. Don't drink many, but it helps to know that I have them if I'm dying for a beer. With me it's all mental and feeling like I'm not being deprived of anything - it takes the pressure off knowing I have an option handy.

                              There are actually some good ones out - Guiness makes one that is called Kaliber and is pretty good. I brought a few bottles to a party when I first stopped drinking and it was great. I could hold a bottle & participate without anyone asking me anything. (most of them didn't know it was NA beer & in the beginning I didn't want to have to explain.)

                              Do whatever it takes to make you not drink. Everyone is different and needs different tools.

