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Non-Alcoholic Beer

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    Non-Alcoholic Beer

    Techie - your day/night and the strength you had is nothing short of SUPERB! You should be proud of yourself!!! That's a huge accomplishment! And no, I didn't drink a 6 of O'douls in one night but the first 6 pack didn't last for more than a few days....

    SK8 - I don't eat either because of the 'ruining of the buzz' factor. Especially since I basically drink piss water, abstaining from food is essential if I ever want to achieve a buzz.... - As I just wrote this, ACHIEVE - seriously shouldn't be used when talking about alcohol unless one has achieved sobriety!!!
    NF - 3/17/09

    AF since 5/24/10


      Non-Alcoholic Beer

      Way to go sk8punk it's a very empowering feeling and I LIKE IT. BTW, your SSRI will kick in soon It took me a good week to week 1/2 before I noticed a decernible difference in my mood. Let me know how your doing every damn day I don't care. When I'm on this site and interacting with all these wonderful folks I know I'm in a good place....techie
      Outside of a dog a book is mans best friend. Inside of a dog its too dark to read


        Non-Alcoholic Beer

        It's interesting that 4myhealth41 and I although half a world apart, drink to a similar schedule. I have programmed my computer to start it's anti-virus program at 4pm (goes dead slow for an hour) Thus I am never tempted to be distracted from beer time, and am reminded to start drinking if I'm on the computer. The first drink of the day signals the end of any activity and it's 'talk time' and we sit in our beer garden (a bit of a euphemism really - it's only outside in the garden) Being in Queensland we live outdoors most of the time. It's great to watch the sun go down and listen to the birds. I live next to a National Park and there are all sorts of birds everywhere. I can't think of anything else I'd rather be doing.
        I used to ride my bike regularly and exercised quite often but I've stopped doing that since my son pointed out that I was getting too old and if I fell off I could bust my arse and never recover. Sadly it's a good point. I might risk it again and be careful...might be an idea to go for a ride at beer time and re-programme myself to a later start? Dunno, just thinking about the options.


          Non-Alcoholic Beer

          4myhealth41 THANKS MUCH I'm going to try a AF beer taste tomorrow. If I like it w/o food I'll let you all know. just afraid I'll say Ah shit and grab a Fat Tire instead. I can't moderate my drinking. I need to be AF or I'm a total asshole...techie
          Outside of a dog a book is mans best friend. Inside of a dog its too dark to read


            Non-Alcoholic Beer

            I'm not trying to encourage AF-Free beers or alcohol. It seems for some it only makes the desire for the 'real thing' impossible to avoid. For me, it may work based on my past but I won't know until I put it to the test - I'm hopeful.

            Techie - DON'T grab the Fat Tire. You made it through a really difficult event today - A MAJOR milestone!! I am striving to be where you are in your sobriety!! Don't give it up!!

            Blue - your locale sounds heavinly!! Last year when I quit the smokes I couldn't even go outside for months because it reminded me of smoking. Quitting the booze is a different beast. Going to have to find something to occupy my time EVERYDAY at beer-thirty!!!

            Funnygirl - good to know that the AF beers come in handy when the urge for the taste arises. How long have your been AF?

            I do exercise everyday (or at least 5 days a week) in the morning and maybe shifting that to my normal 'pop a beer' time will help? It's all just a guessing game at this point but I am determined. I have to be! Had an appt with a Cardiologist today and I was by far the youngest person in the waiting room. I'm too young to die of some self-induced issue!!!!! He (the cardiologist was stunned at my liquor consumption and was convinced that I wouldn't have this issue (my heart) if I would taper or give up the AL completely!

            I have some huge 'rubber meets the road' issues to sort out. I'm so happy I found this site. I will surely need the support!
            NF - 3/17/09

            AF since 5/24/10


              Non-Alcoholic Beer

              OK 4myhealth41 I'll leave the Fat Tire alone. I have to. It is a damn fine brew though
              Outside of a dog a book is mans best friend. Inside of a dog its too dark to read


                Non-Alcoholic Beer

                What's a 'Fat Tire?' Sounds pretty heroic to me. Also what's an odoull (sp)...don't seem to have them down here in Oz.


                  Non-Alcoholic Beer

                  OK I'm worse than you BH! Whats a Fat Tire, an O Doul, a 'rubber meets the road' issue and an SSRI?? I'm completely lost!!!
                  On a slightly different note, went away a few years ago with my hubby and 2 teenage boys (bout 15 and 16, my sons by the way - nothing strange!!) and hubby and I loaded up the fridge in Apt. with trays of non-al beers cos we knew they would want to try AL. Didn't tell them they were non-al and they didn't guess - they had a ball of a holiday and thought the 'olds' were dead cool givin them beer!! Ok not very PC but we knew they'd be off sneakin to the local bar if somethin wasn't available, only told them recently it was non-al and they are 27 and28 now!
                  Contentedly sober since 27/12/2011
                  contentedly NF since 8/04/14


                    Non-Alcoholic Beer

                    Hi again

                    Just seen the comment about drinking lots of low AL beer. Yes this is one thing that does/can happen. You try drinking more because you really are after the effect and the taste is just a cover. I've done that with 2% supermarket beer one year. I thought how can I possibly get drunk with this, it'll help me cut back. No it didn't. I simply drank more and more of it and eventually went onto 3 and 4% and finally back to wine and ciders.

                    This pattern is also documented in the AA Big Book - changing drinks and switching to "only" beers, light beers is all part of alcoholism and good experiences serve only to con us.

                    I'm not an AAer by the way but a lot of what they say is certainly true in my experience.


                    I too had high standards regards drink driving and said I would never do it. One day I did do it albeit morning afterwards and I didn't have any reason to travel anywhere. Result was I hit a car with children in it and nearly killed myself in veering away to minimise the impact. People warned me it would probably happen eventually and I didn't listen.


                      Non-Alcoholic Beer

                      Hi guyz,

                      I think it's been mentioned but non AL beer like Becks for instance tells you it's got less than 0,1% AL in it. So it's practically AF, but, be very aware if you're taking Antabuse, etc. It's most definately going to give you a reaction.

                      I try and stay away frm non AL beer for the same reasons UKgirl gave about non AL beer. it just takes me bck to a place I don't want to be at again. And also it's so easy to say, well I'll try a light beer next time, etc.

                      We're all different tho, right?!
                      AF since 15th March 2010

                      The journey is the goal. As long as you're fighting the good fight and you're not giving up on giving up, you're winning. It's not about how often you get knocked down, it's about how often you get up again. Sobriety the goal for sure. But striving to get to that goal is what it's about. Not getting there. Because the journey never ends. The journey is the goal.


                        Non-Alcoholic Beer

                        mollyka. I'm sure they will enlighten us. Just as an aside, we get lots of tourists in my town, it's a World registered biosphere. A couple of weeks ago I met two Irish girls who asked for directions. They were backpackers and both really lovely girls. They had the Celtic look. Dark hair and Blue eyes both stunners and with that beautiful accent, not tall but very slim and healthy. Mostly we get the Scandanavians and Poms. I wish we could see more Irish girls.


                          Non-Alcoholic Beer

                          On my way!!!
                          Contentedly sober since 27/12/2011
                          contentedly NF since 8/04/14


                            Non-Alcoholic Beer

                            I'm a Scot Molly. Fae Orkney. But now an Australian citizen. Dad was a Mason and Mum a member of The Orange Lodge. I married a (French) Catholic,our families were not thrilled but we have never argued a day about it in what seems like a thousand years of marriage. Kids are athiests...saw what bother being a believer could cause and abandoned the idea. I hope one day that all the 'troubles' will be behind us (and that my son finds a lovely Irish girl.)


                              Non-Alcoholic Beer

                              What mayhem religion causes in our world - right up there with booze I reckon. my Mum was a protestant, Dad a Catholic and the fuss and palaver they went thro to be married and stuff had to be seen to be believed. I have completely left the formal 'church' utter disillusion with clerical child abuse and Vatican cover-ups reckon I'm so 'anti' my kids will prob become nuns and priests just to rebel!!!!
                              Contentedly sober since 27/12/2011
                              contentedly NF since 8/04/14


                                Non-Alcoholic Beer

                                Thanks Molly. Don't really know why I mentioned it. Just dumping old baggage I guess. This place seems to make it easy to relax and offload. I know that I have a lot of stuff I need to let go of (and ending a sentence with a preposition isn't one of them.) It's nearly Winter here and the nights are getting colder. I've become acclimatised and notice the chill. It doesn't help that I am only 75kg (166lbs) used to be 96kg (210lbs)...I tend to go for the thermal underwear about now and stick with it for a couple of months. Having a quiet sherry ...not very much I hope.
                                I do know this, it is a damn sight colder in Skara Brae than it is here. Best Wishes, Alex.

