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Non-Alcoholic Beer

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    Non-Alcoholic Beer

    I've been AF for 2 weeks now. I discovered a lovely non alcoholic ale a few weeks back, I wish I'd kept the bottle cos I can't for the life of me remember what it's called!! It seemed to have all the nice ingredients of real ale such as hops but without the alcohol obviously. It was just a bit sweeter than real ale. If they could make more drinks like this with natural herbal ingredients that are known to have a relaxing effect ie. hops and wild lettuce, that would be brilliant! I love the smell and taste of hops and will miss some of my favourite ales for that reason.


      Non-Alcoholic Beer

      I posted a comment in the research section about synthetic alcohol. Basically an english prof called David Nutt is working on producing an alternative to alcohol called synthetic alcohol.Some reports say it could be available by 2012 but apparently there is a long way to go with no guarentees. Obviously this will be no help to you now but I wonder if this is our future? It gave me tremendous hope to read it-its great to know brainy professors are out there trying to help us-wouldnt it be wonderful some day if this was all a bad dream? Anyway its a story I will be following with great interest and if I come across an update I will post it. I havent seen it mentioned anywhere else in the forum which suprised me-I wonder do people know about it. I have only three words for the professor-HURRY UP PLEASE(lol)


        Non-Alcoholic Beer

        Thanks for the info herosa. I'll look it up. Bit of a worry that he's a Nutt. Still, cynics are everywhere and it's probably just as well. In the last five years there has been a huge jump forward in medical research. Mostly out of America but also Australia and other places. I don't know why it has happened so quickly and can only guess that there is money to be made. Not necessarily a bad incentive. If the market wants the product then it needs to be produced. Altruism is all fine and well but if it doesn't put the chicken in the pot it's a waste of time.


          Non-Alcoholic Beer

          Yes I agree.I no longer care why people help us as long as they do and yes his surname is very unfortunate! What is annoying is that there was this big burst of publicity about it when he first announced it at Christmas then the trail went cold. I have tracked down his email address and I have decided if there is no more publicity about it by the end of the summer then I am going to email him myself and ask him whats happening. There is no guarantee he would answer of course but his secretary might. Anyway if you dont try....etc etc and it would be worth a shot.Any information I get I will post of course.I think its very exciting-the idea we could go out and have a drink without all the suffering-well thats the holy grail of everyone on this forum isnt it?The idea that that could be reality some day instead of fantasy would be amazing.Anyway good luck and take care and I will come back to you if I find out anything new.


            Non-Alcoholic Beer

            Molly and Blue. Fat Tire is a brand of beer. Microbrew I believe. O Douls is a non alcohlic beer. SSRI is antidepresent select seratonin reuptake inhibitor. Where the rubber meets the road is a expression I'm not sure how to explain. I think it basically means where the problem starts.
            Hope that helps. I sometimes forget there's people from all over the world on here.
            Sober since 4/8/10 -OVER 150 DAYS AND GOING AF!!!!

            Get busy livin or get busy dyin-Duane Peters
            No more bad future-Skull Skates


              Non-Alcoholic Beer

              I love the concept of the Holy Grail. I really don't know what it means but it sounds magnificent. We are just tiny mortals trying to get by in the World herosa. BTW, I am very new here myself, my board name is because I was a Cop. It's an Australian thing. I'd love to know why you picked 'herosa' it is very unusual. I get the Hero bit but the rest eludes me. If I'm prying don't hesitate to tell me where to go.


                Non-Alcoholic Beer

                Thanks sk8. I knew someone would put us right. It's not much of a problem really. We have our own odd ways and expressions down here too. Only too happy to explain when necessary. I think it's becoming less of a thing (differences in the vernacular) the more we talk to each other the more we understand each other. Maybe too, the more we understand ourselves? I think that the focus of expressing ourselves and our problems clears our own minds too. I mean if you want to communicate you need to be clear in your mind what you want to say...that helps with defining what you are trying to resolve. Sorry if this sounds like carp...not thinking too straight right now.


                  Non-Alcoholic Beer

                  Herosa is an anagram of the family name ohares as in the airport. No hero im afraid!


                    Non-Alcoholic Beer

                    Thanks SK8, I'll try to keep up!!!
                    Contentedly sober since 27/12/2011
                    contentedly NF since 8/04/14


                      Non-Alcoholic Beer

                      Molly, Blue, & Herosa. First, welcome herosa. Secondly, I'll try to use more generic descriptions going forwand. sk8 is correct we tend to post w/o consideration of the global presence. Thanks....techie
                      Outside of a dog a book is mans best friend. Inside of a dog its too dark to read


                        Non-Alcoholic Beer

                        Don't ever use more generic expressions. Keep with your native tongues and twists. I love of these new words and phrases from around the world.

                        Great info! Beer is my one and only choice for drink and I miss it terribly. Thought about the non-AL Beer has me a little worried (not for the AL in it cause it's only .05%) but for the risk of relapsing to the real stuff. I'm doing okay with some new AF drinks for now. If it gets tough maybe a back up in the fridge as a last case scenario (as Funny Girl does).

                        Good stuff


                          Non-Alcoholic Beer

                          NP meech I'll keep the lingo status quo. to be honest I rarely reach for AF beer. to me it dosen't taste that good, and makes me question why the hell I'm doing it anyway. as i mentioned in an earlier post with certain food that I've always had beer with I'll opt for an AF.
                          Outside of a dog a book is mans best friend. Inside of a dog its too dark to read


                            Non-Alcoholic Beer

                            Deffo keep the colloquisms (sp?) going, love all the different expressions, can hazard a guess most of the time what's meant. I'm sure the Irish turn of phrase can be a bit challenging sometimes too!!
                            Contentedly sober since 27/12/2011
                            contentedly NF since 8/04/14


                              Non-Alcoholic Beer

                              Well bring it on molly. No ifs, ands, or ochs...techie
                              Outside of a dog a book is mans best friend. Inside of a dog its too dark to read


                                Non-Alcoholic Beer

                                SK8 did a great job at explaining the previous blurbs I made regarding the O'douls, etc.

                                When I said, 'the rubber meets the road', it has the same meaning as, 'the shit hits the fan', etc. Basically, its time to get serious and quit messing around ~ a time for change that is needed ASAP - a realization!

                                Herosa, hadn't heard about the synthetic AL, however to me it seems similar to the e-cig. May help with the AL addiction but may not necessarily be 'safe'....

                                Blue Heeler - Your name to me meant breed of dog - my neighbor has a blue heeler. I never knew that terminology also meant 'cop'...
                                NF - 3/17/09

                                AF since 5/24/10

