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    First time writing. Have just got these liver enzyme results and am very worried. got (ast sgot) (aspartate)89, gpt (alp)(alanine) 171, gtamma gt 133. I have ordered the pack but have not yet received it. I started taking milk thistle a few weeks ago is there anything else I can buy to help myself in the meantime...:new:


    re sick liver

    yes you can use SAM-E
    there are lots of good reports about this far as i know it is being used in euorpe much more extensively than in north america.



      I don't know what those numbers mean. I do know that I have been taking milk thistle as soon as I heard they helped your liver a few years ago. I figured maybe I could cancel out the potential damage when I realized I was drinking too much. Did your doctor tell you anything about the results?


        SICK LIVER

        Phoebe, are you interpreting the results or is a doctor? sometimes the results look bad but you have to understand the balance with the other indicators in the blood workup.

        a suppliment that has a combo of N-Acetly L Cystine and L-glutathione is a standard treatment for liver disease according to my reading (I'm not a doctor). also the Sam-e already mentioned, milk thistle, dandelion root, turmeric root, beet root, artichoke extract are all suppsed to be very good. if you have advanced scarring of the organ, then there is news that an anti-arthritis medicine Sulfasalazine (spelling) is recently rumored to actually reverse this condition that's been previously thought to be irreversible. There's lots of info on the net. and of course from all the great folks here. don't panic, lot's of people in your shoes.
        nosce te ipsum
        (Know Thyself)


          SICK LIVER


          Has anyone used LIV-52? I found it on the web and it sounds great for liver but I want to research it and check it out with others.


          Good luck. we all need to zero in on this research even if we are abs!

          Waiting to hear from all with info.




            SICK LIVER

            Ivygoodluck, that's an interesting site for the Liv52. I wish there was more US based research on it. looks like it's all from India??? not that that's bad. will keep researching it. it contains compounds that I've never heard of for this application...curious.
            nosce te ipsum
            (Know Thyself)


              SICK LIVER

              I have in the past had abnormal liver results which right itself without medication. I stoped drinking and within 3 months my liver functiontest was back to norma. My belief is that the liver needs a rest from alcohol and uneccessary medication. Maybe give it a rest!! just a suggestion good luck.


                SICK LIVER

                Yes..........and drink plenty of water to flush out toxins.
                "Be still and know that I am God"

                Psalm 46:10


                  SICK LIVER

                  Yep, water is extremely important for all body functions. I am still trying to find out more about LIV-52. Milk thistle tends to upset my stomach.

                  D, I am going to check out that arthritis drug since I have that too! Thanks



                    SICK LIVER

                    SICK LIVER

                    Thank you for all your advice. I'm Living in Spain and whenever I try to order vitamins or supplements over the internet, they never seem to quite get here. Perhaps 'customs' reject anything like that. I bought Milk Thistle at the pharmacy and it cost 26.88 euros for 90 tablets providing 150 mg. silymarin (actual milk thistle)...I think that's expensive


                      SICK LIVER

                      hi Unregistered, yes that sounds pretty steep. the Indian spice turmeric should be cheap. Dr Weil and many others believe it has a helpful effect on liver function. I cook with it all the time and you can also make a cold tea out of it thats nice.
                      nosce te ipsum
                      (Know Thyself)


                        SICK LIVER

                        SICK LIVER (cont'd)

                        Hello Unregistered in Spain!

                        I'm new here, and live in France. There is a website I go to (a French laboratory which makes very high quality products), called Fenioux ( In French Sylibum marianus (Milk Thistle) is called "Chardon", or "Chardon marie" (perhaps this is blessed thistle, but I believe it is the same stuff)...

                        Anyway, they have boxes of 200 gel caps containing 300mg each for 19?... maybe it will be easier if you're ordering from inside the EU zone...

                        If you do a group order or order several things, it might be helpful to do so from them.

                        Hope it helps!!!



                          SICK LIVER

                          Thank you so much for all your help. I've checked out Fenioux and although I speak a bit of french it'll take a bit of time to figure it out. Also, have asked a friend to bring me over some things from London and have them delivered to her. If anyone knows of an economical website to order from I'd be grateful. Also, in the past I've found some of the chinese herbal formuation excellent for other problems, so I am investigating that route as well. If I find anything really useful, I'll post. Thank you again.:thanks:

