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Hey Everyone, I'm back.. from hell (literally..)

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    Hey Everyone, I'm back.. from hell (literally..)

    I have soooo missed you all on here so much.. I have gone through absolute hell..
    The court case with the assault was last wed.. the case was "dismissed" - in other words he (my ex) wasn't found guilty or not guilty; the judge basically just could not decide "beyond reasonable doubt" that he did it, though she did say he "probably did". He got off mainly due to his slimy lawyer's tactics.. they brought up my history of self-harm and also (surprise surprise) referred to me as an "alcoholic".. it was awful; I cried and cried afterwards and hence fell off the mountain I was climbing so well (I did 12 days AF up until then)..
    My ex has been overly "cocky" since and threatened me with all sorts of things - Family court, taking my son off me etc.. I have gone through mediation and they are "on my side".. I have been smoking cigs heaps, and am back to Day 1 again AF due to all the stress and having no internet so I have been feeling pretty isolated.. My internet has only just been turned back on now.. so now my ex is "on the loose" and ready to make my life hell.. the fight for custody of my son is now underway.. I just dont know if I have the strength anymore to fight.. I am totally exhausted and drained by it all.. but so good to be back here.. I really have missed you all.. xxx
    "It works if you work it, because you are worth it!!!"


    Hey Everyone, I'm back.. from hell (literally..)

    oh sweetheart i'm so sorry for what you are going through. this world is truly a cruel place. just try to concentrate on you and your boy. i wish i could jump through the screen and give you a big hug and wrap you and your boy in cotton wool. glad you are back online for support though, i too am back on one day at a time. it's so hard in testing times. give yourself some tlc and relaxation time. glad the mediators are on your side too, thats a positive xx:h
    The mind will intellectualize it, the heart will emotionalize it, yet the gut never lies.


      Hey Everyone, I'm back.. from hell (literally..)

      Oh no Katie.

      I feel so sad. I don't know what to say to cheer you up really?! Please don't lose hope. There's a saying, what goes around comes around. Your ex is not going to get away with it.

      Oh man...

      Glad You're back on the wagon though. I think it's more then understandable that you 'slipped' after all of that. Just keep going now. It's not going to be easier dealing with all of this with AL that's for sure.

      I really feel for you Katie. I'm sending huge, huge, huge hugs over there. You were dearly missed as well.
      AF since 15th March 2010

      The journey is the goal. As long as you're fighting the good fight and you're not giving up on giving up, you're winning. It's not about how often you get knocked down, it's about how often you get up again. Sobriety the goal for sure. But striving to get to that goal is what it's about. Not getting there. Because the journey never ends. The journey is the goal.


        Hey Everyone, I'm back.. from hell (literally..)

        You have a great deal on your plate, I wish I could send you the magic bullet. I am glad you're back online. We are all on your side!
        While we may not be able to control all that happens to us, we can control what happens inside us.
        Benjamin Franklin


          Hey Everyone, I'm back.. from hell (literally..)

          Thank you girly-wirly, johnny and not tonight..
          It really does feel great to be back online.. this is the place that made me so strong and determined not to turn to AL in any case.. I am here to fight the battle once more..
          Katie xxx
          "It works if you work it, because you are worth it!!!"



            Hey Everyone, I'm back.. from hell (literally..)

            Hi Katie

            Sorry to hear that things haven't been going well. Don't give up, you can start a fresh. Every day the sun comes up is an opportunity to create a brighter future. Focus on the little things that are good and maybe its back to OMAT and then ODAT.

            Recently I've been watching a DVD called "The Secret" which gets you to focus on the positive things you want out of life, write them down and visualise them etc. It has helped me to lose my negative thoughts and build a plan for a better future.

            Best wishes
            Allen Carr’s book changed everything for me. The easyway to control alcohol. Highly recommended


              Hey Everyone, I'm back.. from hell (literally..)

              Katie, sweetheart glad you're back.

              I'm sorry the court case didn't find in your favour, but the judge had to do what he did on the evidence he was presented.
              It's now time to be absolutely squeaky clean ( you can still have the odd cigarette).
              It's time to make a realistic plan. Try not to think too far into the future. Believe me there are still days that I have to take it ODAT.
              If needs be take it minute by minute, hour by hour, which will soon become day by day .......

              I know it's not easy, honey, but it is doable.

              J x
              It could be worse, I could be filing.
              AF since 7/7/2009


                Hey Everyone, I'm back.. from hell (literally..)


                You are back here and that is wonderful.
                I am so sorry about the way things worked out for you but remember YOU ARE STRONG and you will FIGHT and we are all behind you.
                PUt all your tools in your toolbox, lay your plan in can do this....

                Lean on us....together we can ALL do this xxxx
                "It's not your job to like me, it's mine!"

                AF 10th May 2010
                NF 12th May 2010


                  Hey Everyone, I'm back.. from hell (literally..)

                  I'm so sorry Katie, I agree with JC, unfortunately even tho I'm sure you feel like licking your wounds and falling into a bottle, this is when you need to be ultra strong for your son. Like with any situation but particularly one like this, alcohol will do you NO favours - it is every much if not more the enemy than your ex. seems to be now.
                  It's great you came back and take as much strength from here as you can.
                  Thinking of you
                  Contentedly sober since 27/12/2011
                  contentedly NF since 8/04/14


                    Hey Everyone, I'm back.. from hell (literally..)

                    Ah Katie I am so sorry honey, that is crap :l
                    I am glad you are back here among friends, we understand how hard this is but you must be sober to fight this battle, for win it you will and you will keep custody of your son. Come on you can do this, you need to do this, we are here to help.
                    Ethanol is a toxic chemical, why would I drink it?


                      Hey Everyone, I'm back.. from hell (literally..)

                      Hi Katie,
                      I'd just like to add my support.
                      Stay strong!


                        Hey Everyone, I'm back.. from hell (literally..)

                        Just sending positive wishes your way!
                        AF since May 6, 2010

                        Forget the past, plan for tomorrow, and live for today.


                          Hey Everyone, I'm back.. from hell (literally..)

                          Katie, I'm so sorry that the Court process was indecisive, and it has also been a time of much change in terms of shifting. Take a deep breath, get some equilibrium back and know that there are many people here to stand beside you when things feel like crap.
                          Never give up, for that is just the place and time that the tide will turn

                          Harriet Beecher Stowe


                            Hey Everyone, I'm back.. from hell (literally..)

                            Thank you all.. I am determined to stay strong and sober through this next ordeal.. as my ex has said though - his karma is the fact he has lost me and his son as a family forever..
                            Another plus is my new apartment is beautiful - much bigger with a large balcony.. I bought a lovely outdoor set and am really happy here.. my son has a nice big room and seems happy too.. I am just so glad to be back.. to hopefully help support some of you guys too.. xxx
                            "It works if you work it, because you are worth it!!!"



                              Hey Everyone, I'm back.. from hell (literally..)

                              KatieB;866917 wrote: Thank you all.. I am determined to stay strong and sober through this next ordeal.. as my ex has said though - his karma is the fact he has lost me and his son as a family forever..
                              Another plus is my new apartment is beautiful - much bigger with a large balcony.. I bought a lovely outdoor set and am really happy here.. my son has a nice big room and seems happy too.. I am just so glad to be back.. to hopefully help support some of you guys too.. xxx
                              Hi Katie - good to see you back.
                              So sorry things turned out in court the way they did. Sometimes there is just no explanation why something so obvious to us can't be seen by others. Just do what you can to look on the positive side of things. Your post above shows that you are already starting to do that. Just stay as focused as you can on the good things in your life and on staying sober for your little boy. Your ex may give you a hard time but don't do anything that will endanger you having your son. If you were to drink while the child is with you and the ex tipped off Social Services for example, it could mean a very different story from here on in.
                              You know what MWO means - unending support for all the members. Just stay close by and we'll help each other out as best we can...
                              For every 60 seconds that you are angry, you lose a minute of happiness.
                              AF since 10/10/2015:yay:

