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Topa and Campral

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    Topa and Campral

    Hi, I have decided to make a new start today and quit drinking. I am hoping that posting on forums daily and and getting some group therapy will help me. I wanted to see if anyone knew if you could mix topramax and campral together. Please let me know. Thank you.



    Topa and Campral

    Welcome Irishbill, haven't a clue I'm afraid, never took either but someone will come along and tell you, in the meantime I'm just sayin Hi:welcome:
    Contentedly sober since 27/12/2011
    contentedly NF since 8/04/14


      Topa and Campral

      Welcome Irishbill
      You will need to do this in close consultation with your doctor regarding drug contra indications.
      Meanwhile, it will be lovely to have you here.There is so much help, inspiration and information.
      If your 8 year old self met you, would they be proud?
      Rejoined life 20/5/19


        Topa and Campral

        Hi Bill, welcome, I'm new too, and I've just started on Topamax the lowest dose since last friday night, in combo with the My way Out Supplements, and my interest in alcohol is dimishing at a speedy rate, somewhat faster that I was ready for. Isn't it funny that I'm missing the buzz that my champs once gave me, but I'll just have to find that buzz some other healthy way. So far the topa has been playing a little havoc with my emotions i'm irritable and get down easily which isn't me at all. I was on Topa yrs ago for migraines and had to come off because of the depressive/anxiety, but i'm hoping the MWO supplements will counteract that this time, so I guess we will see, but for now it's doing its job of reducing my cravings, I was a 1-2 bottles a night champs girl and now I'm having trouble finishing two glasses, so thats pretty great for me, and if it wasn't for the pure habit of having a drink at night I wouldn't even feel like having one, it's pure what do I do now behaviour, which I spose the next step if I can't get through that is the hypnoses cd's. Oh the other prob I have with Topa is the tiredness, so whatch that too. Anyway didn't mean to go on and on, best of luck and good on you for reclaiming your life over what I sometimes refer to as the "groggy monster"


          Topa and Campral

          Chickey Babe;867642 wrote: Hi Bill, welcome, I'm new too, and I've just started on Topamax the lowest dose since last friday night, in combo with the My way Out Supplements, and my interest in alcohol is dimishing at a speedy rate, somewhat faster that I was ready for. Isn't it funny that I'm missing the buzz that my champs once gave me, but I'll just have to find that buzz some other healthy way. So far the topa has been playing a little havoc with my emotions i'm irritable and get down easily which isn't me at all. I was on Topa yrs ago for migraines and had to come off because of the depressive/anxiety, but i'm hoping the MWO supplements will counteract that this time, so I guess we will see, but for now it's doing its job of reducing my cravings, I was a 1-2 bottles a night champs girl and now I'm having trouble finishing two glasses, so thats pretty great for me, and if it wasn't for the pure habit of having a drink at night I wouldn't even feel like having one, it's pure what do I do now behaviour, which I spose the next step if I can't get through that is the hypnoses cd's. Oh the other prob I have with Topa is the tiredness, so whatch that too. Anyway didn't mean to go on and on, best of luck and good on you for reclaiming your life over what I sometimes refer to as the "groggy monster"

