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Moderation don't make me laugh

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    Moderation don't make me laugh

    Got news from the doc last week that i need to cut out wine for 2 months. he thinks my pain and muscle weakness are linked to the amount I drink, which i admit is alot for a small female. i had cut down from a liter a night of wine to a bottle, but wasn't sleeping (I don't want to take lunesta every night) so was feeling tired and weak. Going to the gym left me feeling better, but emotionally flat and is hard work. Even washing my hair, my arms hurt!?
    I tld him that I wasn't prepared to cut out completely and would seriously cut back. He said good luck with that needless to say, i drowned my sorrows with a bottle of wine that night.

    I have supportive friends that I hang out and we enjoy drinking good wine with good food. Sat i had 2 glasses, sun none as the liquor stores are closed. Monday was tough, but i stuck with it. Tues i wasn't prepared to be without wine any more. i bought a bottle, but alas it all went, not what I wanted to do. Just having slept, I felt better tho. I suffer terribly with insomnia and cutting out alcohol doesn't help, lunesta does work for me thankfully, with some wine. This morning when i woke up I felt relaxed and happy for the first time in a while. i was pliable for my PT to work with. (she was the one that got me going to the doc in the first place as my pain level was alot higher than when she previously worked on me). My blood work came back and everything is normal exceptionally high GOOD cholesterol?! and he's asking me to give up!? I just want to moderate and hope this place can help

    Moderation don't make me laugh


    I'm new around here (in fact this is my first post!), but from the weeks of lurking I've done I think you will find folks here that will support you in your goals, whether it's moderation, a period of abstinence or continued abstinence - it's what I've really grown to love about this place.

    I do, though, have quite a bit of experience with insomnia, alcohol and ambien. What I discovered, both on this "quit", which I started last Monday, and previous ones (it does seem like it takes a while for me to learn...) is that alcohol was screwing with my brain chemistry and affecting my sleep, mood and energy level much, much more than I gave it credit for. My solution, of course, was to drink to more. Smarter folks than me can explain the relationship to sleep, alcohol and neurotransmitters, but in my experience, insomnia was something that alcohol contributed to, not helped, and it did not get any better for me by cutting back - my body had a worse response to the "just a couple" drinks before bed than it did if I were drinking to oblivion - I simply would either not get to sleep, stay asleep, or wake rested. For me, it takes about 2-3 weeks plus of abstinence and healthy habits before my sleep returns to somewhat normal, your mileage may vary as they say.

    As far as sleep aids, I do use ambien and at times have taken it nightly for a long period. When I questioned my doc about it he came just short of laughing at the notion I'd be afraid of taking a non-toxic sleep aid long term when my other option was to drink a toxic chemical nightly... have to admit it was a little silly when he put it that way!

    Anyhow, I know both you and I will get the support we need here - good luck with your goal!

    "I will restore to you the years that the locust has eaten"
    AF since June 24, 2011


      Moderation don't make me laugh

      Hey guys, welcome to MWO. Kslc we have members of all shades of drinking here but we are all here for one reason, alcohol is interfering in our lives in a very negative way. SoFlo, glad you decided to post, dont be shy.
      Bottom line is this is a fantastic place where we give each other non judgemental support, advice and help. I hope you stick around and find what you are both looking for.
      Keep safe
      Ethanol is a toxic chemical, why would I drink it?


        Moderation don't make me laugh

        You are in a typical drink-sleep-drink cycle enhanced with sleeping tablets because the AL is no longer enough. The only way to break it is to stop taking the drugs and that includes AL.

        Yes you will suffer insomnia, yes you will think you want a drink to knock you out but if you stick with it you will return to normal sleep patterns in approximately 2-4 weeks. The first 10 days were the worst for me but it does sort itself out. I actually believe we need to go through things like this whereever safe. Why?Because if it weren't so bad - the withdrawls etc then there would be no reason for anyone to stay sober. There would be nothing to prevent us from going there again. Whenever you take something from your body it has to be paid back.

        Some might go with the tapering method but that is a very high risk plan and at the end of it you still have to go through a period of time were you might not feel quite 'right'. Getting it over with has something to be said for it. 2 or 3 weeks is nothing compared to all those AF free days with a good night's sleep at the end.


          Moderation don't make me laugh

          Tues i wasn't prepared to be without wine any more.
          and he's asking me to give up!? I just want to moderate and hope this place can help
          I tld him that I wasn't prepared to cut out completely and would seriously cut back. He said good luck with that needless to say, i drowned my sorrows with a bottle of wine that night.

          Hi Ks,
          Seems you are very determined to keep on drinking, so can you use that determination and strength of will to work out some strategies for moderating?


            Moderation don't make me laugh

            Like you I'd prefer to moderate. I'm a male and for me a moderate amount is a six-pack of beer (or a bottle of wine)'s not enough to get me to light speed but is bearable. As for general tactics, I try to use a small glass and have breaks between drinks. Check email, watch TV News etc. In other words draw it out as long as possible then go to bed.
            Sleeping is a problem when not sufficiently anaesthetised but bed rest is almost as good as sleep. No hangover next day is a big plus.
            I guess it's a matter of retraining and letting the body reduce it's tolerance to alcohol. Eating helps as well. I don't seem to put on weight these days so getting fat doesn't bother me. I plan to get to the stage where I can drink a reasonable amount and enjoy the experience without going over the top. I think it might take a while but if you don't know where you are going you're never going to get there. I suggest you set a nightly limit of say three glasses (yep. it's flexible...depends on glass size) or four if need be, but stick with it and come down slowly. I don't think it should happen too quickly.


              Moderation don't make me laugh

              Like you I'd prefer to moderate. I'm a male and for me a moderate amount is a six-pack of beer (or a bottle of wine)'s not enough to get me to light speed but is bearable. As for general tactics, I try to use a small glass and have breaks between drinks. Check email, watch TV News etc. In other words draw it out as long as possible then go to bed.
              Sleeping is a problem when not sufficiently anaesthetised but bed rest is almost as good as sleep. No hangover next day is a big plus.
              I guess it's a matter of retraining and letting the body reduce it's tolerance to alcohol. Eating helps as well. I don't seem to put on weight these days so getting fat doesn't bother me. I plan to get to the stage where I can drink a reasonable amount and enjoy the experience without going over the top. I think it might take a while but if you don't know where you are going you're never going to get there. I suggest you set a nightly limit of say three glasses (yep. it's flexible...depends on glass size) or four if need be, but stick with it and come down slowly. I don't think it should happen too quickly.


                Moderation don't make me laugh

                Kslc - good luck with moderation and I do hope you are successful. For me - I can fool myself for a while thinking I am cutting back, but the usual pattern is cut back, drink more, and drink more. I too have a group of wine and cheese friends, but to my surprise, I found that is not the hardest time not to drink. Try it - you may surprise yourself by not needing the AL to relax with them. Good luck and we are here with support!


                  Moderation don't make me laugh

                  Like you I'd prefer to moderate. I'm a male and for me a moderate amount is a six-pack of beer (or a bottle of wine)'s not enough to get me to light speed but is bearable. As for general tactics, I try to use a small glass and have breaks between drinks. Check email, watch TV News etc. In other words draw it out as long as possible then go to bed.
                  Sleeping is a problem when not sufficiently anaesthetised but bed rest is almost as good as sleep. No hangover next day is a big plus.
                  I guess it's a matter of retraining and letting the body reduce it's tolerance to alcohol. Eating helps as well. I don't seem to put on weight these days so getting fat doesn't bother me. I plan to get to the stage where I can drink a reasonable amount and enjoy the experience without going over the top. I think it might take a while but if you don't know where you are going you're never going to get there. I suggest you set a nightly limit of say three glasses (yep. it's flexible...depends on glass size) or four if need be, but stick with it and come down slowly. I don't think it should happen too quickly.


                    Moderation don't make me laugh


                    I have been 'cutting back' since March longest AF period 18 days - failed on day 19. Sleep is something that has troubled me. Some nights I wake up approx every 40 mins. Since cutting back I find I go an average of 2 hours before I first wake, followed by approx 2 hours then wake for the rest of the night.

                    I was in the cycle of AL and herbal sleep remedies. AL induced sleep is not good sleep, the sleep I have now is not good sleep but it is better and improving. I am not using any herbal remedies now.

                    Stick with it as with everything it will not happen overnight - pardon the pun - but will be sooooooooooo be worth it in the long run.

                    Good Luck everyone

                    Success is knowing when to sit back and enjoy the moment


                      Moderation don't make me laugh

                      Just wanted to say thanks to all those who responded to me. Tues left me realizing that I need help with this....I bought the MYO book and ordered the CDs yesterday. I'm taking some of the suppliments suggested already to get used to them. I see the doc on Tues and I'm hoping he will perscibe me the Topamax that has been recommended. he wnated me to abstain for 2 months when i last saw him and I'm willing to do that, to prove somethhing more to myself than to him.

                      i didn't sleep at all last night, but my mind doesn't feel too tired. My boss won't be back n town for 3 weeks. I hope things will have shifted by then, as I'll be busy and need to focus. (Juust had a chat with one of my colleagues and I'm not very cohesive. i'm glad to don't have to drive into work!!)


                        Moderation don't make me laugh

                        I want to moderate too - when I drink too much I wake up in the middle of the night and can't go back to sleep. But after one day of no al I usually sleep well. I'm thankful for that. Best of luck to you...Valerian is helpful sometimes.

