First, on behalf of lurkers everywhere, thanks to all for such an active, open and honest forum - I love that everyone supports each other no matter the goal or approach, just sharing what worked for them.
Now, about me and my plan, so far. This isn't my first rodeo, as they say, so I've come to where I am with just enough insight into myself to know being AF is what my goal needs to be. I tried moderation and in the end, the only thing I could reliably keep control of was the brand of vodka I was buying, not how much ;-) Nightly drinking turned into a couple in the morning to get rid of the headaches, earlier and earlier happy hours, etc., you probably know the drill.
So far I've managed to scrape together just over a week AF, using a combination of supplements (L-Glut, PC and DMAE), shifting goals to family activities, a bit of exercise, and grinding through the craving, insomnia, and other nasty stuff. I am planning on using Bac to support me since I identify with the anxious, overactive brain stuff it seems to help with in addition to the craving. It hasn't come in yet but I'm really hopeful it will help make this just a little easier. I've been through the AA route, and am not ruling it out, but given my previous experiences, travel schedule, etc. I think I am looking for my own MYO.
I'm am looking into counseling and wondered what type others have found useful - group, one on one talk therapy, CBT, hypnotherapy, etc. What have you guys found in that area that helped you?
Anyways, thanks again for all the posts I've read over the last few weeks - it brought me to where I am today, which is a much better place than a week ago even with the craving and other nasties.