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    Hi everyone. I've just been lurking recently since joining in on May 1st when I had lots to say and ask about. Just wanted to say that I'm on day 26 AF which frankly amazes me. The cravings have, around day 25 really lessened - something I thought could never happen although I was reading this over and over on the threads from you all who were going well.
    Could someone please tell me how to activate the drinktracker. Do you start on it (in my case) on day 26 or on day 1. I'm keen to have another goal that I can look at daily, if I can only work out how to operate it! Thanks again for all the inspiration. You are a truly lovely and kind bunch of people out there.


    Hi there Just,
    Well done on going for AF straight away!
    Haven't bothered with drink tracker myself, but I imagine if you've gone 26 days, start at 26.
    Someone should read this soon who will be able to tell you how to operate it, but I assume you just scroll to the bottom of the calendar on the screen then click where it says and follow any prompts.
    And, thank you for your kind words.



      Hi Rags,
      Congratulations on 26 days, that is great! When you go to the drinktracker you log in with your username and password, then the monthly calendar will come up. You can either start on today's date, or go ahead and fill in all of the previous dates (that's what I would I can see how well I did!) Then be sure to check in everyday so you can track your progress. Glad to have you on MWO!
      :heart:I love my daughter more than alcohol:heart:

      Believe in yourself. You are stronger than you think.



        Justforme - I agree with K9. When I first came, I even filled in what I could remember of the 8 previous days of August before my quit date (it felt kind of yucky!). Log in, go to May, and you can bring up any date in that month - and I'd sure want to see what Mama Zum calls "BFYZs" - or "big fat yellow zeroes" - they still make me feel good after 9 months of them! Be sure to fill in the last day of the month before midnight though - I think I missed one and couldn't get back in once the month changed (guess I better go look)! Congratulations on 26 days! BFYZ!
        ​​Emancipate yourselves from mental slavery, none but ourselves can free our mind ~ Bob Marley ~ Redemption Song

        AUGUST 9, 2009



          K9Lover;868488 wrote: Hi Rags,
          Congratulations on 26 days, that is great! When you go to the drinktracker you log in with your username and password, then the monthly calendar will come up. You can either start on today's date, or go ahead and fill in all of the previous dates (that's what I would I can see how well I did!) Then be sure to check in everyday so you can track your progress. Glad to have you on MWO!
          I addressed this to "Rags" and I meant to address it to "Justforme"....oops, I'm sorry. I guess I'm not as good a multi-tasking as I thought I was.
          :heart:I love my daughter more than alcohol:heart:

          Believe in yourself. You are stronger than you think.



            Thanks to all, and yes, I painstakingly went back and put on all those zeros from 1st May! Tragic, I know. But it feels good. I went through a major celebration last week/weekend. It was for me and it was so hard not to drink and it felt like I really 'deserved' it. My lovely husband also in support of me, did not drink either. I don't think he has had more than one or two drinks since I went AF. I think he really must want this to work. But it does feel lonely. I feel like I am standing just to the left of myself all the time when I am out or in converations. I know that eventually this feeling will pass. The fact that the 4.30 p.m. cravings have almost become insignificant is really encouraging for me that perhaps all the rest will fall into place.
            One thing though, this site has been it for me. It truly is the best thing that has happened to me finding you all out there in cyberspace!



              Good work Justforme. I note the ' 4.30pm cravings.' Gets me right about then too. I wonder if this is a critical time for others? Maybe arranging to be somewhere else or doing something else at a critical time helps?



                Hi Bluey,

                I found that eating something around 3pm helped with the 4.30 cravings.

                I understand that when our blood sugar level gets low our brain sends a signal for sugar which we misinterpret as a craving for AL (or something like this)
                Anyhow what ever the reason I find eating helps and not a chocolate bar but something more like a couple of dry biscuits and cheese (vegemite yum)
                Happy to be back



                  Hey JR and BH,
                  I think I've been replacing my wine intake with wine gums, well primarily wine gums but jet aeroplanes will do the trick as well. Have been thinking that this craving for sweets might be a result of cutting out my nightly fix of wine (with all that sugar). I'll try the cheese and crackers or whatever at 4.30 today and see if that helps. I'm sure there is some connection with just putting something into our mouths at that time of day. My counsellor likens it to a baby needing a dummy (or a pacifier for our US friends). The soothing, calming aspect of the glass in the hand, or the smoke etc. I used to love to lie on the lounge and watch tv once the kids were in bed and sip on a glass or 3 of wine. Now I'm shovelling down the wine gums. I know there's a connection.



                    Maybe we are on to something here? I'm a smoker too. A cigarette and a beer seem to go together naturally for me. I like to sit down somewhere comfortable at around 4pm and light up. Can't abide walking around with a smoke or drink in hand...seems barbaric to me.
                    I don't eat sugary food, just don't like it. Maybe I'm getting it through the booze?
                    Definitely food for thought.



                      That thing about a glass of something in your hand and sipping on it is real common. It's funny, when I went AF, at first I always had this flavored sparkling water I'd drink every night like I used to drink wine. I'd keep lots of bottles on hand (just like I did with wine) so I'd "always have enough". One night I ran out and about threw a fit. I'd gotten so attached to that stuff, it was almost like it was real wine. Eventually it just sort of faded, but I find if I'm out somewhere listening to music, or in a social situation, I have to have "my glass" close at hand - now it's water, cranberry juice, or Diet Dr Pepper. Old habits die hard, even after the AL is out of your system.

                      Blue Heeler, alcohol is like super sonic sugar. So, yes, you're getting it. I was never overly crazy about sweet stuff either. Also, lots of us liked our AL around that time, on an empty stomach - that extra kick.

                      Remember the saying "HALT" - stands for hungry, angry, lonely, or tired. Hungry is a big one for a lot of people. So, yes, it's a good idea to try a snack like Jacqrabbit suggests. Anyone getting a lot of sugar cravings can try L-Glute - it works for that as well as AL cravings. I know I ate a lot more of sweet stuff and comfort foods when I was first AF, and I didn't much before. Whatever gets you through at first is OK in my opinion.

                      Justforme, your Drinktracker looks great! Be proud!
                      ​​Emancipate yourselves from mental slavery, none but ourselves can free our mind ~ Bob Marley ~ Redemption Song

                      AUGUST 9, 2009



                        first time poster here... happened to find this site the first day I decided to go AF... that was 11 days ago... other than one urge to have cold beer on a friday afternoon... just don't seem to have it in me...

                        also realize that many others have/had bewitching hours... many in the 4 - 7 range much like myself... found that just drinking anything (water w/ lemon in my case) seems to satisfy need...

                        started taking walks w/ wife in evening too... anything but sitting in front of tube w/ glass of booze in hand seems to help...

                        was chatting w/ AF college buddy (roommate for several years actually)... had tough time at first... now doesn't even like taste of beer... really ???... can something that's tasted good for 30+ years all of a sudden lose its luster ?

                        this is a new venture for me... other than having to go AF several years ago due to reflux/ulcer (caused partially by booze no doubt)... have had a nasty habit for a loooooooooooooooooong time... am curious what the other side has to offer...

                        thanks for listening...


                        p.s. how do I find that drinktracker, calendar thing ???



                          Drink tracker is at the bottom of the Main forum page.

                          It really does help make you accountable.

                          You will be asked to sign in, same as your user id and password
                          Happy to be back



                            thank you... found it... little slow at times, that's all... maybe should call myself snailjim...



                              Drinktracker is not allowing me to log in using my username and password.
                              One day at a time.. Sometimes it's one minute or one second at a time.. Most important thing is to look ahead and don't look back!

