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Holiday weekend challenge

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    Holiday weekend challenge

    It seem like a bunch of us newbies are facing our first long weekend AF, looking to get through BBQs, beach picnics, etc., not to mention having an extra day of free time. I'm going to take each day as it comes, but I've committed to myself and made it known to those around me that drinking is not an option this weekend.

    Who's with me?
    "I will restore to you the years that the locust has eaten"
    AF since June 24, 2011

    Holiday weekend challenge

    I am in....

    Here are a few hints and tips that might help...

    Staying Sober: Dealing With Temptations

    Many patients over the years have asked me the same question: "I know I shouldn't drink but how can I avoid it when I'm out in social situations?"
    There are variations to the question, such as, "I have a job as a sales representative and, when companies take me out to dinner, I am expected to drink. What can I do?"
    Another question is, "When I go out with friends, all of us go to bars and everyone is expected to drink. They're all having fun, what can I do?"

    Another variation on the same theme is, "I am invited to a party with lots of old friends. I know there will be lots of drinking but I really want to go."

    1. "Be prepared for feeling awkward," says Donna Cornett, founder and director of the Drink-Link Moderate Drinking Program in Santa Rosa, California. She states that being prepared, "kind of takes the edge off of the anxiety and temptation."

    2. "Over time, some people get so comfortable with the situation, they don't even think about it anymore," says Mark Willenbring, MD, former director of the division of treatment and recovery research at the National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism. "They order a club soda with lime, and it doesn't bother them."

    3. If you are going to a party, picture yourself arriving there, getting a non-alcoholic beverage, eating appetizers, and staying away from the bar area. Focus on conversations and catching up with friends. Decide how long to stay before you even step in the door. It's all right to plan to leave before everyone gets "buzzed."

    4. Hold a glass of soda and keep it refreshed. That way, no one at the party has to offer to get you a drink.

    5. Learn how to say "NO." Practice turning down a drink beforehand so you'll sound confident at the event, Dr. Willenbring says. "Look them in the eye, say it very firmly, and try not to leave an opening for argument or discussion," he says. "Some people wonder, 'Should I tell them I'm an alcoholic?' But just say, 'No thanks, I'm laying off it tonight,' and if they press, simply say, 'I feel like getting healthier.'"

    6. Develop your own personal style for refusing a drink. I know one person who tells everyone in every social situation he is in that, "I am allergic to alcohol and cannot drink," if he is asked. Another individual tells people that he cannot drink because, "I suffer from terrible headaches. Thank you, but, no drink." If pressed he responds, "What, you want me to suffer a headache?"

    7. Yet another tactic is to appoint yourself the "designated driver." Most people today are keenly aware of the dangers of driving while intoxicated due to the risk of arrest and getting a DUI. Many people are more than happy to have a designated driver.

    8. One of the very best ways of preventing the temptation to drink is to avoid cues or situations that can greatly increase that temptation. This can call for some radical behavioral changes that most of us are unwilling or unable to do, such as, selecting new and non drinking friends, avoiding the bar scene completely, avoiding all parties, refusing to watch the Super Bowl with friends, etc. The problem with this approach is that it can make you feel resentful and end in your having a drink.

    9. Whatever the strategies used, one way to prevent yourself from feeling resentful about not drinking is to
    stay focused on the reasons for not drinking. Part of this strategy is to think in positive rather than negative terms. Consider the benefits for not drinking. One of the people I know is now able to enjoy the benefits of being free from a hangover the next morning and of feeling good the entire next day.
    "It's not your job to like me, it's mine!"

    AF 10th May 2010
    NF 12th May 2010


      Holiday weekend challenge

      NICE list one2many, I'm definitely going to put a few of these in the toolbox for weekend!
      "I will restore to you the years that the locust has eaten"
      AF since June 24, 2011


        Holiday weekend challenge

        101 Things to do instead of Drinking

        1. Read a book
        2. Take a walk
        3. Play a musical instrument
        4. Knit
        5. Clean your closets
        6. Research your genealogy
        7. Cook a gourmet dinner
        8. Write an article for your local newspaper
        9. Go take some pictures
        10. Clean the mildew in your bathroom
        11. Start writing that book you've been planning
        12. Plan a garden
        13. Plant a garden
        14. Play with a pet
        15. Read to a child
        16. Visit someone in an old folks' home
        17. Watch a news special on TV
        18. Set up a family budget
        19. Make a web site
        20. Take up archery
        21. Exercise
        22. Go to an online recovery meeting
        23. Surf the internet
        24. Call your mom
        25. Learn a foreign language
        26. Write a poem
        27. Play golf
        28. Take a bubble bath
        29. Draw
        30. Teach a parakeet to whistle
        31. Take a nap
        32. Listen to music
        33. Paint
        34. Clean your desk
        35. Start a stamp collection
        36. Go window shopping
        37. Browse in a book store
        38. Go to an art gallery
        39. Go for a drive
        40. Paint a room
        41. Watch the clouds go by
        42. Play darts
        43. Do target shooting
        44. Do home repairs
        45. Clean your garage
        46. Sort your photographs
        47. Make a scrapbook
        48. Climb a tree
        49. Plant a tree
        50. Make marmalade
        51. Make a list of things to do
        52. Write a letter to the editor
        53. Volunteer somewhere
        54. Take a hike
        55. Take a college class
        56. Try yoga
        57. Meditate
        58. Get a massage
        59. Make fruit smoothies
        60. Bake cookies
        61. Do a crossword puzzle
        62. Go to the gym
        63. Plant a color bowl
        64. Sharpen your pruning tools
        65. Change your engine oil
        66. Sew
        67. Groom your dog
        68. Go see a play
        69. Write a sonnet
        70. Sort your recipes
        71. Play solitaire
        72. Go bird watching
        73. Write a letter to a friend
        74. Read a poetry book
        75. Repot your houseplants
        76. Go to a movie
        77. Mow your lawn
        78. Put up (or take down) your Christmas lights
        79. Make pickles
        80. Go jogging
        81. Watch sitcoms
        82. Plan menus for a diet
        83. Do a jigsaw puzzle
        84. Play chess
        85. Write a country-western song
        86. Watch a video
        87. Go for a bike ride
        88. Plant an herb garden
        89. Start an online journal
        90. Dye your hair
        91. Go to a restaurant
        92. Lift weights
        93. Bake some bread
        94. Learn a martial art
        95. Polish the furniture
        96. Make a flower arrangement
        97. Read the newspaper
        98. Start some seeds
        99. Sort your magazines
        100. Do some laundry.
        111. Take a nature walk
        112. Play with your kids
        113. Volunteer at a homeless shelter
        114. Volunteer at a school
        115. Pick up garbage in a park
        116. Tickle your kids
        117. Play basketball
        118. Volunteer at an animal shelter
        119. Read to a child or pet
        120. Sign up for obedience training with your dog
        121. Take a walk and pick up litter you see on the way
        122. Spend time at the library
        123. Sort all your digital photos and make an album to print for holiday gifts to family.
        124. Help your kid organize his closet.
        125. Figure out the melody and chords to your current favorite tune on the piano.
        126. Practice your holiday cookie recipes
        127. Make crackers from scratch (that one didn't go so well).
        128. Make tortillas from scratch (better).
        129. Reread a book you haven't read for years.
        130. Tango
        131. Learn about someone else’s religion.
        132. Reread one of your college textbooks.
        133. Key out a wildflower.
        134. Do your nails.
        135. Do word puzzles.
        136. Play a board game.
        137. Burn CD’s of some of your favorite music for a friend.
        138. Plant a bonsai.
        139. Play Mad Libs.
        140. Speak only in heroic couplets for an hour.
        141. Read poetry online.
        142. Ride a stationary bicycle.
        143. Set up a domino topple.
        144. Play backgammon.
        145. Build a house of cards
        146. Make an entry in Wikipedia.
        147. Read a world almanac.
        148. Publish a family newsletter.
        149. Throw cards at a hat.
        150. Go to bed.

        "It's not your job to like me, it's mine!"

        AF 10th May 2010
        NF 12th May 2010


          Holiday weekend challenge

          151. Thank One2many and all those further down the path than me ;-)
          "I will restore to you the years that the locust has eaten"
          AF since June 24, 2011


            Holiday weekend challenge

            I'm in!!!


              Holiday weekend challenge

              Hi SoFlo!

              I am with you for sure, although I may have a bit of an edge as I have to work, so therefore alot of temptation might be taken away, not sure though, as my drinking never really has to make any sense.

              I had a really bad drunk on Thursday.. One of those ones where you realize, I really DO have to change! So... Ill join you in a AF weekend, for sure Buddy



                Holiday weekend challenge

                Awesome AF day with the family, looking forward to tomorrow. Passed by a park where some vets have put a flag display together for the weekend - one for each soldier fallen in our two current conflicts. I think it was the first time I've stopped to think about what his weekend is about in a while - partying and planning to party used to be full time jobs...

                OverIt & Spinning - Hope you're doing well.
                "I will restore to you the years that the locust has eaten"
                AF since June 24, 2011


                  Holiday weekend challenge

                  Sounds like you had a good day SoFlo I had a lovely AF day yesterday too. I went out for lunch with friends and drank water and coffee they don't drink so it wasnt that hard! Luckily no temptations for me today. Overit I too this week realized I do have to change this time for good so I came here. Day 3 AF for me (this time!!)
                  Still getting my head around this posting lark I'm sure I'll get the hang of it soon!


                    Holiday weekend challenge

                    Spinning fantastic on day 3 AF :goodjob:

                    One2many - thanks for posting this list - I'm printing it off think it will come in handy today
                    Learn from yesterday, live for today, hope for tomorrow. The important thing is not to stop questioning.


                      Holiday weekend challenge

                      Hi Soflo1, it is great to hear how focused you are. That is the attitude you need. I am also getting through this weekend, beautiful weather, beaches, bbq's, and doing it without booze. One2many, great post. All the best,
                      Sober since Feb 7, 2010.


                        Holiday weekend challenge


                        Glad to see you are doing so well and sounding so positive! Yes, what a shame when we are drinking all the things we really do miss out on or do not understand because we are so self absorbed. We fail to consider those around us. Yes, Memorial Day is about people who gave the ultimate gift to service, the gift of their lives to their country. Makes me feel very shameful at my past self absorbed ways, but we do have the opportunity for real change if we want it!!

                        No drinking for me yesterday, still tramatized by my Thursday drunk. I think it will carry me sober for a long while, and if not, I have Antabuse to take as well.

                        I went outside this early morning, (LOVE hangover free early mornings) and saw both a beautiful sunrise and as I was amazed at the beauty of it, I looked back and saw the calm coolness of a blue moon. I stood stunned at the double beauty of the beautiful blue moon and the bright sun peaking over the clouds.

                        Now we can start appreciating some of the real beauty in life without the booze glasses.

                        Keep up the great work, it really WILL be worth it of course.
                        I LOVE MY SEROTONIN AND BOOZE SCREWS IT UP!!!!!

