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starting out again for the millionth time

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    starting out again for the millionth time

    have slipped back so far too ashamed to post or even look at this forum. I am just off to a party now and am determined no alcohol.

    starting out again for the millionth time

    Do not be ashamed. Instead be proud of yourself for stepping up and not giving up. With determination, you can beat this. We will help you any way we can.


      starting out again for the millionth time

      anon - you have nothing to be ashamed of. We ALL struggle with this. Please let us know how you made out at the party regardless. Its never too late to get on track again. As RTR says, we are here to help!
      Outside of a dog a book is mans best friend. Inside of a dog its too dark to read


        starting out again for the millionth time

        made it

        Thank you both for your response. Well I made it! drank non alcoholic beer which tasted fine also had sip of champagne which tasted not so nice.I am off to bed to read a magazine and to be far away from the kitchen where the booze is. Cannot chuck it (alcohol)away as it is my husbands. I really want to do it this time--I have read the books, been to AA etc.etc. I am so determined each morning when I have a headache and a hangover but by 5pm all resolve goes.BTW I feel so good being able to type this at 22 10 with a clear head.


          starting out again for the millionth time

          Good for you Anon keep going theres nothing better than to start the day with a clear head
          Learn from yesterday, live for today, hope for tomorrow. The important thing is not to stop questioning.


            starting out again for the millionth time

            Yes Panno, how wonderful to wake up with a clear head. I just have to make sure this wonderful feeling is remembered later on in the day when the craving starts. one day at a time sounds like the way I have to go to finally kick this beast.


              starting out again for the millionth time

              Hi anon! I too feel like Im starting out for the millionth time. Well done with the party Im a binge drinker and this time Ive had enough! Im on day 3 AF and woke up feeling good this am. I just did 5 weeks AF then decided to drink WHY??? Im with you lets finally 'kick the beast' !


                starting out again for the millionth time

                Just keep trying, we will get there. I'm only day 2 today. Have been trying very hard for 2 months to get sober. Longest I went for was 10 days. Then I stopped posting, shouldn't have because things went from bad to worse, so now I'm back again. For some strange reason am feeling very positive this time. YAY! Am trying to come up with some strategies for Friday nights. I seem to be able to muster up the willpower to stay sober Mon to Thurs, then have no resistance Friday nights.

                Well done for going 5 weeks Spinning J!

                Lets do this everyone


                  starting out again for the millionth time

                  Well done Spinning and Gertrude :goodjob::goodjob: keep posting and reading I'm on day 7 for about the million time really trying to get to double figures :h
                  Learn from yesterday, live for today, hope for tomorrow. The important thing is not to stop questioning.


                    starting out again for the millionth time

                    Just been out for a run. It was great as I usually do it as a hangover buster and feel dreadful for most of it. Well done to you all for keeping on trying and winning back some of the ground. Today I think am not going to say I will try one day at a time. i am going to say I WILL do ODAT. So this is day 2 yippee.


                      starting out again for the millionth time

                      Good on you Anon, it is ALL inside in our head and our attitude and determination. 'might' or 'try' just don't work 'I will do it' works!!!!
                      Morning Gertrude, welcome back, and Spinning, well done on 3 days, in my opinion they are the hardest so don't waste all that effort!!
                      Contentedly sober since 27/12/2011
                      contentedly NF since 8/04/14


                        starting out again for the millionth time

                        Hi anon,
                        I have slipped up again and again and again.. as the people here can attest! however, the main thing is you came back.. as I have done.. just keep trying - as many people have quoted to me - "the only failure is when you give up trying",
                        take care,
                        Katie xx
                        "It works if you work it, because you are worth it!!!"



                          starting out again for the millionth time

                          Yeh lets do it ODAT! Great you been out running anon it's my hobby too when not drinking. I get such a natural buzz from it and then go and poison myself with AL duhhh! Hi gertrude im going to keep posting now I have found this site too. Double figures sounds a good goal panno!The sun is shining and Im feeling positive


                            starting out again for the millionth time

                            Well this is my usual temptation time! Staying positive and will go and have a long bath to change the old routine. Do not even want a drink--but only my second day I suppose.
                            Will look at all the other posts later and hope to get encouragement from them. i hope I will soon be in a position to be encouaraging to others.


                              starting out again for the millionth time

                              welcome back anon, well done for staying al free lastnight. you can make today too. just do something. read, eat, watch a film, anything to keep the al away.x :l
                              The mind will intellectualize it, the heart will emotionalize it, yet the gut never lies.


