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starting out again for the millionth time

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    starting out again for the millionth time

    Have a great day in Wales anon! I feel exactly the same about about using the site keep thinking Im posting in the wrong place etc and think my posts sound daft! Im going to keep going tho. Day 4 going well !


      starting out again for the millionth time

      Day 7 Yeahhh!

      I am trying again after so many failed attempts over the years. It felt good to get up this morning and not feel like crap. I think one day at a time is the only way to do it. I managed to go a month AF until my Sister died of Colon Cancer on April 12th. That upset the apple cart for sure. It is raining here for about the 4th day and that doesn't help my mood any.
      Need some sun. :new:
      Don't worry, be happy!


        starting out again for the millionth time

        :welcome:Big welcome to ALL the new people on here!! Don't worry about posting on the right or wrong place, JUST KEEP POSTING, you'll figure it out and even better you'll find great support to help you get AF!!

        We don't care how you do it or how it works, we're all just thrilled you found MWO and can start on a path to a great, new life!! Welcome again!.
        KEEP POSTING and coming back!
        AF since April 19, 2010
        NF since Nov 10, 2000

        "One reason I don't drink is I want to know when I'm having a good time."
        -Lady Nancy Astor


          starting out again for the millionth time



            starting out again for the millionth time

            hello to all. It is still a holiday here in the states so it is another beautiful day to enjoy without a hangover. I am really getting the "hang" of this. Sorry, I couldn't help myself with that one.
            jackie claire, I am curious what sort of home reading they suggested in counseling. I read voraciously everything I find about this issue and always am interested in finding more. I am not reading a book called Moments of Clarity by Patrick Kennedy Lawford. It is a collection of stories from people who had that "moment of clarity" and used it to get and stay sober or clean or whatever. I am not a religious person and a lot of it is about moments when someone recognized their higher power and all but it is very inspiring nevertheless.
            Anon and Spnning J, I think the whole point of the site is to post whatever you like and nothing is daft! We are all in this together.
            Running, welcome and I am sending some sunshine your way.


              starting out again for the millionth time

              I didn't mean to say not reading. I meant to saw now reading. Jeez.


                starting out again for the millionth time

                Trying this again

                Hi - I started the "My Way Out" program last mother's day (2009) and did great on it until October, when my doctor put me on Lexepro since I was a little on edge (not sure if it was from the Topimax). After that, it was all downhill, and now I'm back to drinking 1 - 1.5 bottles of wine a night and gained back 25 pounds out of the 30 that I had lost. I've now weaned myself off of everything (Lexepro and topimax) for about 2 months now and I'm thinking of restarting the My Way Out program. Does anyone know if I just start it from scratch? (By the way, I've never used a blog before - this is my first!):new


                  starting out again for the millionth time

                  jmarbur;872539 wrote: Hi - I started the "My Way Out" program last mother's day (2009) and did great on it until October, when my doctor put me on Lexepro since I was a little on edge (not sure if it was from the Topimax). After that, it was all downhill, and now I'm back to drinking 1 - 1.5 bottles of wine a night and gained back 25 pounds out of the 30 that I had lost. I've now weaned myself off of everything (Lexepro and topimax) for about 2 months now and I'm thinking of restarting the My Way Out program. Does anyone know if I just start it from scratch? (By the way, I've never used a blog before - this is my first!):new
                  Hi jmarbur,
                  I am not much help but-----do recognise the slippery slope but I have never taken anti drinking medication as I do not much about them. I have read the MYO book. This time when I have gone AF I am in a different frame of mind which is helping me. I am even appreciating the rain outside my window. 4 th day AF


                    starting out again for the millionth time

                    hi guys. I don't know if this is the right place to post this but I wanted to share my day 2 with someone. I posted in another thread about how I had gone to a works do on Thursday, got completely drunk and couldn't remember what had happened. Yesterday I had to go back to work and face everyone which was horrifying for me as I am usually very careful at works do's not to drink at all or very much, I don't like those I work with to see my 'dark side'.

                    It didn't help that I drank on Friday AND Saturday as well and that had left me feeling pretty worthless as AL usually does.

                    It went okay, only because everyone else at the night out was pissed as well. There were the usual jokes about it but not the hell of shame I was expecting. So thats a hurdle over with.

                    I am now on day 3, I have been reading through loads of threads on here and it is helping me enormously to read other people's experiences and know that I am not alone. I am feeling hopeful but a little scared. I have a few issues in my life at the moment that will have to be dealt with without my crutch and I don't know if I will be strong enough when the going gets really tough. But I hope I will be, and for me the biggest message at the moment is that AL will NOT make things better, only worse.

                    Thanks for listening, and good luck everyone. I am so glad I found this place, even if I am not very good at it yet
                    It takes only one drink to get me drunk. The trouble is, I can't remember if it's the thirteenth or the fourteenth. :teeter:
                    George Burns


                      starting out again for the millionth time

                      Hi prancy,
                      For the life of me I can't remember half of the books that my counsellor recommended but the one that sticks in my mind is 'Families and How to Survive Them' by Robin Skynner and John Cleese. Because a lot of my problems were family based it's quite and eye opener and rather funny.

                      J x
                      It could be worse, I could be filing.
                      AF since 7/7/2009


                        starting out again for the millionth time

                        Jackie Yes, that book is brilliant I found lots of good stuff in there. Alicia how well your little scenario with the party resonates with me. i went to a do on Friday last got so drunk in front of my family and today when talking to me THEY had not really noticed. So much for the shame which pushed me into my committent this time. I am releived that I had not made too much of a show of myself but glad I am on my 4th day.


                          starting out again for the millionth time

                          After a struggle last night here comes day 5 AF. I have got a big party tonight so another challenge. Wish me luck


                            starting out again for the millionth time

                            Hi anon. Well done on day 4 its great that you got through the bank holiday weekend Im day 6 today but have had no tempations so far. I hape you can enjoy the party AF . You can do it !


                              starting out again for the millionth time

                              Good luck anon! Be strong, you can do it. Remember go easy, one day at a time, we will get there. Maybe because it's midweek, you could use something you have to do early in the morning as a reason to not drink, early morning something?? Jog? I'm not sure...


                                starting out again for the millionth time

                                Good luck with the party anon, you must come back and tell us how you got on! (it might help to remember how bad you felt after the party last Friday and waking up in the morning wondering what you said or did!)

                                I hope it all goes well for you.

                                It's the start of day 4 for me, I slept really well last night, up early and feeling pretty grand all in all! I haven't really had cravings yet, but the weekend is looming and I will be reading all I can on here to help escape those triggers.

                                Good luck again anon, I am rooting for ya!
                                It takes only one drink to get me drunk. The trouble is, I can't remember if it's the thirteenth or the fourteenth. :teeter:
                                George Burns

