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Just a big thank you

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    Just a big thank you

    Just a BIG thank you to you all, for the beautiful encouraging words that I keep recieving. I am finding it amazing how people in here will donate their personal time to strangers. I believe (without trying to sound too corny) each and every human on this earth is born with a loving nature. And more energy is expended in doing the opposite. :thanks: again

    Just a big thank you

    Hi Matho you really are sounding positive and your progression on the road to recovery will be achieved. Well done on the no-hangover Sunday, I'm not there yet but not far away off to bed soon so will be joining you in approx 9 hours, take care

    P x
    Learn from yesterday, live for today, hope for tomorrow. The important thing is not to stop questioning.


      Just a big thank you

      Hi Matho!

      Nice to see you and that is a great picture of you and your perhaps son? Im so happy to hear that you are having success beating the alcohol monster. Thats why we are all on here, to beat it and live happy lives without it!

      Really proud of you, and yes... It is amazing some of the people on here are just incredible. I go about my day to day business thinking of many of them who have become my close friends. Its such a comfort that we all have each other to share the ups, the downs, give advice and encourage each other. I have learned so much about myself and this nasty problem I have. You are never alone

      Keep up the great work and I look forward to reading more of your posts.



        Just a big thank you

        Well done Matho - isn't it great to wake up not hung over and knowing you can drive your car and will not be over the limit. I love MWO coz all the people here are just a click on a key board away. You keep at it.

        Success is knowing when to sit back and enjoy the moment


          Just a big thank you

          Glad you found us and are sounding strong. There really is a great group of caring, unselfish people here, so stick around. You will be glad you did.


            Just a big thank you

            Nothing 'corny' about it.
            Thanks for coming


              Just a big thank you

              We are better for having found you too. Have a wonderful sober day!
              Outside of a dog a book is mans best friend. Inside of a dog its too dark to read


                Just a big thank you

                MATHO - I too am thankful everyday for finding MWO and all the great people who hang out here, Im so happy its helping you, keep up the good work and keep checking in....
                "In the depths of winter I finally learned there was in me an invincible summer ."
                AF - JAN 1st 2010
                NF - May 1996


                  Just a big thank you

                  Well done Matho and glad the forum is helping.


                    Just a big thank you

                    I would like to say a big thank-you too, to everyone that posts here on MWO. Your inspiring stories determination and guts have galvanised me into action these past three weeks. Until May 9th I drank a bottle of red wine every night sometimes more. Since finding this site I have managed to cut down to a bottle every two to three days, that would have been unthinkable a few weeks ago so for me that is an achievement in itself. I can only do it ODAT but hope this week to make it to Day 4 AF. Good luck to everyone and thank-you again for making a huge impact on my efforts to stay free of alcohol.


                      Just a big thank you

                      Hi Sparkly - WELCOME! I wish you luck on your goal to stay AF. It happens to be the ONLY way for me. I've tried to moderate only to sink back into heavy drinking time and time again! Keep posting and share and ask questions. techie
                      Outside of a dog a book is mans best friend. Inside of a dog its too dark to read


                        Just a big thank you

                        Popeye;871775 wrote: Nothing 'corny' about it.
                        Thanks for coming
                        I agree with Popeye, nothing corny at all ............ Well Done ....

                        Sparkly :welcome: to MWO, it really is great here, lots of lovely likeminded people here to support you .......... read and post as much as you can, it will help you sooo much ...

                        Love & Hugs, BB xxx


                          Just a big thank you

                          Here here!
                          I want to say the same.. and you have helped me heaps too! I love this site, so many beautiful people.. just finding this place and the lovely people here has restored my faith in humanity - after my past experiences led me to give up time and again.. but finding so many great people, has made me realise that there are alot of lovely people in the world which makes it worthwhile to not give up!
                          Katie xxx
                          "It works if you work it, because you are worth it!!!"


