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Hey - I'm just full of (ah hem!) deep thoughts such today!

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    Hey - I'm just full of (ah hem!) deep thoughts such today!

    When you replace negative thoughts with positive ones, you open your mind to a new way of thinking. Negative thoughts and feelings can take your focus away from what is important. By choosing to focus on positive thoughts and do your best to let go of negative ones, you pave the way for success because you become optimistically attuned. You’ll learn to see blessings, instead of dwelling on life’s challenges, and anticipate positive outcomes rather than worry about the negative ones. Cynicism is a habit that can be broken, while positive thinking restores us to our natural mental state. If you are willing to replace unpleasant thoughts with positive thinking today, you will free yourself from unnecessary mind chatter and create what you want in life.

    (I think I needed this a LOT. It's nothing new, but it's something I need to hear. Over & over again... apparently.)

    Sometimes you have to take the leap and build your wings on the way down... Anais Nin

    Hey - I'm just full of (ah hem!) deep thoughts such today!

    Hi Savon, I have read this many times too and am trying to react to it. How are you doing? Are you following this path?
    Best to you.
    AF since May 6, 2010

    Forget the past, plan for tomorrow, and live for today.


      Hey - I'm just full of (ah hem!) deep thoughts such today!

      Gaia, I can say I've been TRYING (and need) to follow this path for a very long time.

      I do well for a while, then... not so much. But I can't help but think that those times I do well (even if it's for just a short time) are part of the Process. They build strength - it's like building a house, a bridge, anything ...

      So many here get into the "self-flagellation" mode.. that seems to keep the self-defeating circle going.

      While I have (am?) definitely experienced some depression, I've seen that we Can have some power about those thoughts... we can say simply STOP!! when we start down that path. It can work, something that simple.

      And if you do it consistently and enough... it retrains your thinking.

      That said, drinking does NOT help the process.

      I'm not very strongly on the path right now, to be honest. But I can see that I'm readjusting my thinking. That's the first step. We gotta stop playing the same damned record in our mind over & over again Compulsively!

      We need to jump off the merry-go-round! JUMP FAR AWAY.

      Sometimes you have to take the leap and build your wings on the way down... Anais Nin


        Hey - I'm just full of (ah hem!) deep thoughts such today!

        love that savon. like you say i need to hear that stuff over and over again...... and act on it.
        Today is the tomorrow i worried about yesterday and it turned out fine
        Keep passing the open windows


          Hey - I'm just full of (ah hem!) deep thoughts such today!

          Good that you came here to post. I know that my most destructive trait is negative thinking and I have no idea how to change that other than baby steps.

          Be strrong and count on your freinds here!!

