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Depression Meds Topamax - help!

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    Depression Meds Topamax - help!

    Hi everyone,
    I'm new here and have been sober for 2 days. I'm so glad that I found this website and I ordered the book yesterday. I'm afraid to order the pills b/c I already take zyrtec and just started zoloft. I don't know if I should add another med to everything as i'm scared of drug interactions. I've had a headache for the past 2 days and don't know if it's withdrawal from Al or from the zoloft. Maybe I shouldn't have started this all at the same time. Has anyone gone thru this before? Can I take the Topa with my other meds? I guess I'll just read the book first and see if that's all i need. I'm so glad that there are other people in the world having Al problems and getting better. I really need some hope and to know that I can live my life AL free. Take care!

    Depression Meds Topamax - help!

    Hiya JennieLynn ! Glad you found this website Im new here too. Dont know much about the meds side of things sorry, but lots of people here do. Hope your headache eases. Im on day 4 AF today. Good luck with your journey


      Depression Meds Topamax - help!

      You could/should talk to your doctor about the drug interaction before you consider adding a med onto what you are currently taking. That being said the antidepressants and anti craving pills work on different neurotransmitters and have been used together safely under medical management. Problem with baclofen in many cases is that most doctors don't know much about its effect on alcohol cravings.
      i have been AF for almost 5 months now on baclofen. It is not a miracle but it does work!
      Your depression may have come from you alcohol dependence. Time will tell if you are truly depressed or if it was an effect of this illness.
      all the best



        Depression Meds Topamax - help!

        Hi Jennie and welcome - also well done on two days AF!!! That is the hardest part - to actually take that first step - or it was for me! I do take Topa and also take Celexa and have no problems - but my Doc did put me on both. I would hazard a guess that the headaches are due to AL withdrawal but am not a doc. If you take Topa, would it be through a doctor? he/she would know if your meds would be okay to take together - or a pharmacist - mine is so knowledgeable and will find stuff out for me if he doesn't know.

        There are lots of us here that have been through this - I have been AF since beginning of Jan thanks to Topa - for me it has been amazing, hardly any side effects. You will find loads of support and friendly, non-judgmental people here. Yes, you can live AF!!

        Again, welcome to MWO - read the book, peruse the site, read others posts, ask questions - you can do this!

        Sunshinedaisies xx
        How simple it is to see that we can only be happy now and there will never be a time when it is not now....


          Depression Meds Topamax - help!

          Jennie - Hi & welcome. I take lexapro, topamax, & zyrtec daily. No outstanding SE's for me. I say give it a try. Best of luck to you on your road to sobriety!
          Outside of a dog a book is mans best friend. Inside of a dog its too dark to read


            Depression Meds Topamax - help!

            Thank you, Spinning J! Good luck on your journey too! That's fantastic that you made it to Day 4 (or 5 by now). Keep up the good work! :goodjob:


              Depression Meds Topamax - help!

              Hi Sunny,
              Thanks for your reply. And great job on your 5 months AF! That is fantastic! I plan to talk to my doctor about the meds this week. My headache is better today too. Take care, and keep up the good work! :goodjob:


                Depression Meds Topamax - help!

                Thanks for your reply, Sunshinedaisies! I'm glad to have found MWO and to have so much support. I'm feeling better physically today but do plan to visit my doctor this week to talk about the meds. And, GOOD FOR YOU being AF since Jan. Wow! I'm hopeful that I can make it that far too! I know this is going to be a hard journey, but it will definitely be worth it. Wishing you all the best!


                  Depression Meds Topamax - help!

                  That's good to hear Techie! Thanks for writing to me, and good luck to you too on your journey!! :thanks:

