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ODAT Tuesday June 1st 2010

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    ODAT Tuesday June 1st 2010

    I am not ODAT today.. but cannot delete the title..
    "It works if you work it, because you are worth it!!!"


    ODAT Tuesday June 1st 2010

    Hi Katie girl!

    Your commitment to keep coming back shows your determination. Somebody had to point that out to me last week, and they were right. You have alot on your plate right now, but as long as you keep hanging in there, things will be ok. Funny, you and SK8 remind me alot of each other. Hes a great kid too just like you

    Sometimes having to work alot is a GREAT thing. I have to work alot too, so no drinking for me either.

    Love ya Katie girl! Happy Tuesday to all that comes!!!


      ODAT Tuesday June 1st 2010

      Day 4

      No probs Katie, hope things turn around for you soon though.

      One of the reasons I drink is because of loneliness, so I thought I'd start trying to go out to lunch with friends so I don't feel so lonely. Rather than be all gloomy in the evenings, thought I'd feel better if I'd seen a friend that day. Anyway, I texted a few friends this morning to see if anyone could join me for lunch (Tues and Fridays are the only days I have no kids with me). To cut a long story short only one person could make it. After I'd been at the cafe 30 mins she rang to say she couldn't make it, so I had lunch on my own. I know it sounds a bit sad, but I thought it was just hilarious. So I called in and saw a friend with a new baby on the way home and chatted with her for half an hour. Anyway I'm proud of myself for trying....I'm going to try again next week.

      Hows your day going everyone??


        ODAT Tuesday June 1st 2010

        Not sure whether this is the ODAT thread for today? Hi everyone, back again and also signing up for the June march but hoping to sign in also for the ODAT thread as back up. Have been catching up with all the posts - some sad stuff and some positive stuff. AL really doesn't do much good does it? But I certainly still try and persist in controlling it - what a battle and one I've decided to do without for June - hope everyone keeps well and happy today. Px
        Short term goal 7 days AF


          ODAT Tuesday June 1st 2010

          Good morning Katie and Gertrude

          Katie I've been reading all your posts and I really hope you find a way through this. Your life is so difficult at the moment. As other people have said, your son really does need you, and you sound such a lovely person with so much to give.

          Gertrude, I tend to be a follower, to be a leader and arrange something like that would have been difficult, and then to have nobody turn up! I can do things on my own completely, I quite like to be on my own, its easier, then nobody can let you down. But at the beginning of the year I could hardly bring myself to leave the house except for work, and I spiralled down and down. Well done for breaking out, I hope it works out better next week.

          Well, June 1st, back to work, May came in and went out with a bang, I'm glad its over, I have a busy couple of weeks. Starting over again.


            ODAT Tuesday June 1st 2010

            Morning Katie and Gertrude and all to come

            Well done Gertrude thats the spirit keep going and it will soon happen.

            Alls well this morning, gosh its hard to get back into a work when you have a couple of days off but needs must!!

            Hope everyone had a brilliant weekend catch you all later xxxx
            Learn from yesterday, live for today, hope for tomorrow. The important thing is not to stop questioning.


              ODAT Tuesday June 1st 2010

              Hi Patricia, I was typing while you posted. I think it must be the ODAT thread! You are right, alcohol doesn't do any good at all. It blots everything out, but when you sober up its all still there, and then you are hungover and feeling awful, and angry that you did it again, and depressed, and ashamed, and its just not worth it. I'm gonna try for June too.

              Panno, I don't want to go back to work either! But at least I'm back to my job after a week and a half of someone elses, that was quite stressful!


                ODAT Tuesday June 1st 2010

                It was two years ago this month that I joined and with the support of everybody here did 30 days - since then I have done many other little stints but always come back when I feel things need tightening up. I one of the successful components is constant logging on to here so that's what I'm aiming to do. Little Owl, good luck to you for June. Px
                Short term goal 7 days AF


                  ODAT Tuesday June 1st 2010

                  Hi everyone

                  Did I confuse everything by continuing on with this ODAT thread? Sorry, will take me a while to get used to where to post/what to post.

                  Patricia - Yes I am going to do June AF too, and will keep posting to get there too.

                  Little owl - I have been on my own alot for the last 7 years - well with the kids, DH works away alot. I was happier at home with my wine in the evenings than making the effort to catch up with people. I have pretty much isolated myself, now I've found myself lonely and drinking more...aaah.

                  Hi Panno - hope going back to work goes okay.

                  Well its evening here and I'm very irritable, but will be okay, looking forward to waking up to Day 5 AF tomorrow



                    ODAT Tuesday June 1st 2010

                    good luck guys on your quest.....i'll give it a go too but not to hopeful of getting to far only day 2 again but hey nothing ventured nothing gained.....lets give it a go for June....take care
                    Yesterday I dared to struggle. Today I dare to win!!


                      ODAT Tuesday June 1st 2010

                      That's the spirit Boycie!!!!!
                      mama here....def ODAT
                      love and strength to all that follow!!!!
                      I love my family more than alcohol.:h
                      Live in the Solution....not the problem


                        ODAT Tuesday June 1st 2010

                        Hi all ODAT'rs

                        Start of a new month and a fresh beginning. Starting off unhung and some AF time behind me so intend to continue that way for the rest of the month.



                          ODAT Tuesday June 1st 2010

                          Perhaps if we all pull together then we can do it . . . . . . Px
                          Short term goal 7 days AF


                            ODAT Tuesday June 1st 2010

                            Ah June 1st and looking forward to a solid stretch of sober days!
                            Outside of a dog a book is mans best friend. Inside of a dog its too dark to read


                              ODAT Tuesday June 1st 2010

                              Hi All. Day 5 for me today and feeling very positive about being AF in June We can do it !!

