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ODAT Tuesday June 1st 2010

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    ODAT Tuesday June 1st 2010

    Hi everybody,

    I'm about to head off home so will have to be on my guard - will be glad when get tonight under my belt. Once again, too used to having a bottle of wine in the evening. Good luck to everyone else as well.

    Short term goal 7 days AF


      ODAT Tuesday June 1st 2010

      Hi Patricia you can do it, fast forward to tomorrow morning
      Learn from yesterday, live for today, hope for tomorrow. The important thing is not to stop questioning.


        ODAT Tuesday June 1st 2010

        Yes this is the witching hour. So happy that tommorrow will be day 5 never lasted this long in over 40 years. Always looked like I was functioning ok what a lie and what a waste of my life. HOWEVER, no looking back with regret just look forward ODAT.
        Off for a run instead of a bottle of wine no contest really.


          ODAT Tuesday June 1st 2010

          That is AWESOME ANON. You ARE changing your life ODAT. GREAT have a nice run...john
          Outside of a dog a book is mans best friend. Inside of a dog its too dark to read


            ODAT Tuesday June 1st 2010

            :thanks:Nicest thing any one has said to me for such a long time. Feel so encouraged
            techie;873836 wrote: That is AWESOME ANON. You ARE changing your life ODAT. GREAT have a nice run...john


              ODAT Tuesday June 1st 2010

              One day at a time is the only way any of us can do it....
              Glad to see so many people here, together we can all beat this thing!

              :heart:I love my daughter more than alcohol:heart:

              Believe in yourself. You are stronger than you think.


                ODAT Tuesday June 1st 2010

                Hi everyone! Just in from work with sore feet!! You'all sound strong and positive! goin to make dinner and will check back later!
                Contentedly sober since 27/12/2011
                contentedly NF since 8/04/14


                  ODAT Tuesday June 1st 2010

                  Hi all.
                  It is the FIRST of the month so we can all do it ODAT.
                  gertrude, I am sorry about your lunch but that is soooo like what would happen to me if I tried that.
                  Actually, you are right. It is pretty funny. Sometimes when I am feeling lonely and I KNOW I need to get out of the house, I take a book with me to a cafe or restaurant and just read at the table. At least I feel the presence of people around me. Being lonely in a quiet house is very hard.
                  Two weeks AF for me today. I feel so full of energy and positive for the day. Two weeks ago I started Tuesday with several beers because I was so dizzy and depressed from the two nights before. My husband had been gone for 10 days in Europe and he came home and I could barely get out of bed to greet him. And I stayed in bed for about 3 days. I mean, I was working on my computer and getting some important work done, but I just didn't want to get up. And I didn't want to leave the safety of my room.
                  It is amazing how different I feel today just two weeks later. Husband was also gone for a week this week and he came home last night with a terrible cold and cough and I was bustling about making hot lemon honey water and bringing him sorbet. Now which wife would you like to come home to?


                    ODAT Tuesday June 1st 2010

                    Day one nearly over. Shop shut. No wine in the house. One down twenty nine to go.


                      ODAT Tuesday June 1st 2010

                      Go Little Owl and Prancy...I chose sober wife!!!
                      I love my family more than alcohol.:h
                      Live in the Solution....not the problem


                        ODAT Tuesday June 1st 2010

                        Day 5

                        Just checking in quickly before the school/swimming lessons run to say I am day 5 today.
                        Am going to try and put something in quote from prancy
                        Two weeks AF for me today. I feel so full of energy and positive for the day.
                        Fantastic, I can tell how good that feels for you xx I choose sober wife too.

                        Little Owl - good work, don't get too overwhelmed by the 29 to day at a time and we will get there

                        mama bear, anon, k9lover, mollyka, techie and everyone else, hope you have a great day/night...see you on the next ODAT thread xxxx


                          ODAT Tuesday June 1st 2010

                          Morning Gertrude, Little Owl, K9, Techie, Anon, overall we seem to be steaming along. Every AF day just makes it seem easier doesn't it!
                          Mamabear, just noticed your signature! Well done on 16 days AF - you did that very quietly - into the weeks now, that's brilliant!
                          Am taxi-driver for son and daughter all over the bloody place this morning so better go and get dressed, have to do a late shift today so am grumpy! Daughter goes away tomorrow so I'd better be nice - check in again later if I get a chance
                          Contentedly sober since 27/12/2011
                          contentedly NF since 8/04/14

