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Does Grape Juice Work As A Substitute?

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    Does Grape Juice Work As A Substitute?

    Second night AF coming up. Last night I drank'd swear it had more grunt in it than regular booze, but of course it doesn't. However, it does make your teeth furry.
    Tonight I thought I'd try grape juice. I also noticed that the supermarket sells 'de-alcoholised wine.' Has anyone tried this? I haven't changed my routine only the drink.
    So far I don't feel any different. No craving or increased appetite. I feel the same as usual. Perhaps slightly more energy...tore out a thousand weeds in our long drive today but only because the garden waste bin goes out tonight and I hate putting it out when it isn't full. Had a 'white night'...nothing worrisome but took longer to go to sleep than usual.
    The journey is interesting (and I've saved twenty bucks!)

    Does Grape Juice Work As A Substitute?

    I love your post BH. So simple and positive. You are just doing it no hassles, and no angst.
    In answer to your q, ive not tried any wine or beer subs as I have been afraid they might trigger a craiving but Ive heard both good and bad reviews.
    Give anything a go, and keep up the good work.
    Best wishes Starty
    Living now and not just existing since 9th July 2008
    Nicotine Free since 6th February 2009


      Does Grape Juice Work As A Substitute?

      Hi Blue Heeler Day 5 here YIPPEE. I have drunk a beer substitute on Saturday night at a party. It was good for making people thinking I was drinking the same as them, it tasted lovely and I drove home. Also a good ploy is being the driver. Good luck I have been to Noosa and got very drunk there.


        Does Grape Juice Work As A Substitute?

        Hi Blue Heeler Ive just got to say that you live in the most beautiful part of the world! I have family who live there and visited in 2008. I tend to just stick to diet coke or orange juice with diet lemonade is v refreshing. Never heard of de-alcholised wine??? Good luck with your journey Im day 6 AF today.


          Does Grape Juice Work As A Substitute?

          I saw de-alcoholised wine in Woollies today - $11 a bottle, might save that for a special occasion. Bought 2 different bottles of non alcoholic "sparkling wine" ($4 ea) to try at my next need for a drink, which will be Fri night, maybe before. Don't know the difference between the drinks, am going to start taking them to parties though so people don't hassle me to drink. Will be able to tell you what I think of them after the weekend.
          I'm guzzling through the diet ginger beer in the evenings at the moment.


            Does Grape Juice Work As A Substitute?

            Hi BH

            I have tried alcohol free wine prior to joining MWO. I find the taste is nothing like wine and found I had to make a spritzer using soda to take the sweetness away. If I am honest it is no substiute. Have tried Alcohol free lager and Becks Blue I find fine like Anon said great if you are at a party and casn have that cool refreshing feel but with out the alcohol. Not being a lager person I have not had it that often. If I go out I drink J20 which comes in various fruity flavours and in the UK it is a popular drink.

            If you can go without a substute it really is the very best option.

            Good luck

            Success is knowing when to sit back and enjoy the moment


              Does Grape Juice Work As A Substitute?

              Well...I started on the 'de-alcholised' wine at 4pm, about half an hour ago. I regret to say that it is Bring Your Own Barf Bag Territory. Still I have another variety to try and also grabbed a 4 pack of Bundaberg ginger beer as a New York reload.
              I appreciate the advice too...maybe I'll come up with something bearable as a substitute.
              Anon, I know what you mean, if you are ever going to get pissed anywhere, Noosa is the place to do it (and I have...many times) Nothing quite like being down by the river having a great barbecue and a sea breeze refreshing stagger home.


                Does Grape Juice Work As A Substitute?

                Hi Blue Heeler

                you might want to experiment with different varieties/labels. There are four brands of sparkling grape juice here - one is completely disgusting (Pams) , 2 are okay (Grape-tise and Country dry), and one is really yummy but hard to get (Chamdor and it is from South Africa)

                There is one brand of de-alcoholised wine, but its from California, organic and incredibly expensive - tried it once and it was okay, but not worth the money.

                Not a beer drinker so I cant help you there.

                There are some really nice soft drinks here now - juice based, organic and no added sugar. I tend to go with those if I'm out plus at home our trusty Soda Stream!! And I do like my Bundy Ginger Beer ...... but if you can get Phoenix or Macs ginger beer in Noosa they are really nice too!!
                Never give up, for that is just the place and time that the tide will turn

                Harriet Beecher Stowe


                  Does Grape Juice Work As A Substitute?

                  I'll see if I can find them Miss B. I lived in Wellington many years ago (in the Kelburn Glen) loved the Cable Car and Victoria Uni. It's too cold there for me now. Last two times I landed at Rongotai I damn near froze to death. Haven't been back for years. There is one thing you do have though that I miss. It's the Marlborough Sounds. We had a bach at Double Cove and used to spend six idyllic weeks at a time there. Sold it though - more's the pity. Is it raining there?


                    Does Grape Juice Work As A Substitute?

                    Blue Heeler;874555 wrote: I'll see if I can find them Miss B. I lived in Wellington many years ago (in the Kelburn Glen) loved the Cable Car and Victoria Uni. It's too cold there for me now. Last two times I landed at Rongotai I damn near froze to death. Haven't been back for years. There is one thing you do have though that I miss. It's the Marlborough Sounds. We had a bach at Double Cove and used to spend six idyllic weeks at a time there. Sold it though - more's the pity. Is it raining there?
                    Yep - its raining everywhere. Has been for 11 days solid. I am ssssoooooooo over it!!!

                    Marlborough Sounds is magic. One of the best places in the country. Have been going there since i was a nipper as the family mascot on my father/brothers fishing trips. I love the fact that there are still hardly any roads over most of it!
                    Never give up, for that is just the place and time that the tide will turn

                    Harriet Beecher Stowe


                      Does Grape Juice Work As A Substitute?

                      I thought it would be raining. I like you Goethe quote. He's a bit like Yoda. 'There is do, or do not, there is not try.'


                        Does Grape Juice Work As A Substitute?

                        Well it is not raining here in Merseyside! Looks like it is going to be a lovely sunny day. It is 8 50 amand I have already been out for along run. I cannot believe how It feels. Just had a row with my husband poor man does not know how to cope with me.
                        I am not a lager drinker but would drink anything to get me drunk.It was Becks blue I drank on Saturday. It was bbq so it felt appropriate. Spent february in NZ what a fab country.


                          Does Grape Juice Work As A Substitute?

                          Have you ever tried 'Bucky' anon...also known as 'Buckfast aka Take on the World' or don't they let it out of Scotland? If I were there I'd be honour bound to try it because of the Blokes Code.


                            Does Grape Juice Work As A Substitute?

                            Hi Bluey,

                            I sometimes drink the dealcoholised wine.

                            I quite like it,
                            it doesn't really taste like wine and it has none of the dryness of wine,
                            at first I found it to be almost 'hollow'
                            but I pour it into a nice glass and really enjoy it.
                            Happy to be back


                              Does Grape Juice Work As A Substitute?

                              Fake stuff

                              I've had no luck with "fake" wine. (I'd prefer to contract diptheria than drink the brands I've sampled so far.) I understand there are some good ones - but I think you need to try them for what they are, not what they are trying to be.

                              That being said, I really think we are better off finding an 'alternative' rather than a 'substitute'. The substitute always fails to live up to the original and reminds us of what we are doing without.

                              (This may not make sense but it's my 2 cents!!)

