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Does Grape Juice Work As A Substitute?

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    Does Grape Juice Work As A Substitute?

    I drink grape juice w/o added sugar. Also use acai which can be on the expensive so sometimes I add a bit of seltzer. I find both to be excellent. However, I do make sure I'm drinking plenty of water throughout the day.
    Outside of a dog a book is mans best friend. Inside of a dog its too dark to read


      Does Grape Juice Work As A Substitute?

      Can you believe the best non-alcoholic wine I found was a sparkling wine at Target??? Awesome with cranberry juice. The rest taste like grape juice, Yuk. I like non-alcoholic beer and so far it's been a great fill-in at parties. Good luck and I hope you find something that will help the cravings!


        Does Grape Juice Work As A Substitute?

        Blue Heeler;874542 wrote: Well...I started on the 'de-alcholised' wine at 4pm, about half an hour ago. I regret to say that it is Bring Your Own Barf Bag Territory. Still I have another variety to try and also grabbed a 4 pack of Bundaberg ginger beer as a New York reload.
        I appreciate the advice too...maybe I'll come up with something bearable as a substitute.
        Anon, I know what you mean, if you are ever going to get pissed anywhere, Noosa is the place to do it (and I have...many times) Nothing quite like being down by the river having a great barbecue and a sea breeze refreshing stagger home.

        Bluey, There's LOTS of bewdiful places in Oz where you can get pissed!

        I love Bundaberg ginger beer. Another drink I like is Bisleri Chinnotto. It is like bitter coke. I've been drinking it for years. Wollies has it in the big bottles only, so I have arranged for my local greengrocer to get in cartons of the small bottles. Give it a crack, you may like it. It is usually on the bottom shelf in woollies and coles.


          Does Grape Juice Work As A Substitute?

          Rags. I bought a 4 pack of Bundy Ginger Beer. It was to be my New York reload. After attempting to drink the wine substitute whch was gross, the Bundy hit the spot. I drank two of them and I'll get more today. Looking forward to it. Still the furry teeth effect but that's nothing to bother about. After tonight I'll have saved sixty dollars...adds up pretty quick. Come to think of it, I need a new printer for my computer. A couple more days and I'll have it. Free!


            Does Grape Juice Work As A Substitute?

            Blue Heeler;875405 wrote: Rags. I bought a 4 pack of Bundy Ginger Beer. It was to be my New York reload. After attempting to drink the wine substitute whch was gross, the Bundy hit the spot. I drank two of them and I'll get more today.
            And it even comes in a bottle that looks like beer.

            Happy to be back


              Does Grape Juice Work As A Substitute?

              ... And it's named Bundy. Even better! Seriously though, it's my preferred softie, especially in summer.


                Does Grape Juice Work As A Substitute?

                And believe it or not the diet Bundy is quite nice too.


                  Does Grape Juice Work As A Substitute?

                  Interesting 5 for me AF and contemplating my first AF weekend in a long time ( I hope!)

                  I was wondering what to do to fill that oh so familiar glass with something. I was going to buy a couple of bottles of pellegrino, some grapefruit or cranberry, and make them like cocktails with ice and a slice. Or should I just stick to water and tea in case it looks too much like a cocktail and makes the cravings worse? I am so new to all this!
                  It takes only one drink to get me drunk. The trouble is, I can't remember if it's the thirteenth or the fourteenth. :teeter:
                  George Burns


                    Does Grape Juice Work As A Substitute?

                    Best I've found so far is ginger beer. Bundaberg GB if you are in OZ. For me, not drinking doesn't seem too tough at present. It's getting a little cool here, especially since I drink outside at night. Can smoke at the same time because we don't smoke in the house. I find that I am going to bed earlier too (can't drink when you're sleeping.)
                    Hope all goes well with you alicia.


                      Does Grape Juice Work As A Substitute?

                      Why shouldn't your soft drink be beautifully presented in a lovely glass.... go on, indulge yourself. If you make it look nice, you'll be more inclined to enjoy it rather than telling yourself it's just plain unexciting water.


                        Does Grape Juice Work As A Substitute?

                        It's funny Heeler, i found this grape juice at the local organic shop (thick and rich, but quite sugary), and it subsided my cravings temporarily. It was red grape juice. I don't think it's a long term solution though, will power is.
                        One day at a time.. Sometimes it's one minute or one second at a time.. Most important thing is to look ahead and don't look back!


                          Does Grape Juice Work As A Substitute?

                          I'm into day five now and no cravings. The main problem is still furry teeth from drinking so much sugary soft drink...not much to be concerned about. The fizzy (carbonated) nature of these drinks does tend to produce the odd involuntary gas emission but that too is minor. At least for me, others may think differently. What I now need to do is find something other than water, which isn't sugary or gassy. Any ideas?
                          I notice also that my digestive system seems to be working at a slower rate. What used to happen with clockwork regularity just after breakfast now happens at lunchtime. Funny that.


                            Does Grape Juice Work As A Substitute?

                            Blue - well done on Day 5!

                            Mint tea worked well for me, esp. in summer. I'd brew up a big pot, sweeten to taste/or not, then whack it into the fridge in a jug. Couple of ice cubes - very refeshing.


                              Does Grape Juice Work As A Substitute?

                              Thanks Tawny. I'll give it a go. My wife has a pantry full of strange teas. Never used them myself but she swears by them.
                              BTW, it's a beautiful day here, clear sky, warm and the slightest of breezes. I can't believe the ease with which my quitting is going...where's the snag? Mind you, only the fifth day. When does it start to bite you on the face?


                                Does Grape Juice Work As A Substitute?

                                I can't find any reason to pack in calories if there is no alcohol. One of the bonuses of not drinking is the amount of weight I lost, so definitely just fizzy water (boooooring yawn) for me. BH bet you farting like a mad thing - poor wife!
                                Contentedly sober since 27/12/2011
                                contentedly NF since 8/04/14

