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Chatroom - Help???

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    Chatroom - Help???

    Sorry for being such a techophobe but how exactly do the chatrooms work? I just went into 'chat' there and it told me what time I'd logged on and that someone had logged out a minute ago but how do I actually start 'chatting'??

    Thanks Guys, came online the other night when I really needed not to have another drink and may have left a bit of an angry depressing message but I just badly needed to hear from someone in the same boat, trying to make sure I have all the info at hand if the situation arises again! x

    Chatroom - Help???

    When you get into the chat room, make sure you hit "enter" on your key board, then make sure you click your cursor in the lower left of your screen. Then you can begin typing and "chatting".

    Good luck, Toby!
    AF as of August 5th, 2012


      Chatroom - Help???

      Toby, depending on your time zone there might not be anyone in chat, sometimes that happens. When you enter the room you should see a list of names of who is in there at that particular time. If there are no names then no one is in there. The way you chat is to type your message into the box at the bottom of the screen and hit enter and that is all there is to it. If you want to see who is in chat without entering the room you would click on Our Community at the top of the home page and then scroll down to near the bottomo and it says who is using chat. Then you will know if there are people in there. Good luck. Hope that was not too confusing.
      I'm really easy to get along with once people learn to worship me

