I know I have to get back on track. But I get these up and down reports every single day with respect to my Dad's condition. I am trying to hang in there. Everyone goes through death, right? Then the job market. Forget it. I am 50 and unemployed. Don't even have the will to look right now, honestly. Then my Dr... Asked him for TWO Klonopin to get me through a plane ride and funeral and all he said was...call me when your Dad dies and I'll see if I can help you. Ok. So, I am doing the best I can do. I am venting here, I guess, as MWO is a compassionate place. There are more problems, but I won't get into them.
At any rate, trying somehow to reconnect with this community. My days are nothing more than talking to Mom, about talking about Dad's falls, hospice workers, and just crap. Nothing good. I know I am better off than most now, believe me. It's still hell and the wine doesn't make it any better. To this end, trying to get off the wine. Trying to find alternatives. That is questionable, at best.