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a week since slipping

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    a week since slipping

    im posting this as a bit of a warning. i had almost 3 months AF and then had a big drink session. i felt awful the next day, never again etc etc. a week later i did it again. its now over a week since that binge and i really think it has taken a week to feel back on track. ive read many times about people having a 'slip' after a time af and going back to the old drinking ways. i just couldnt understand it. why throw away the good that has been done. i really feel that first binge opened the gates to doing it again... and i did. this is a warning to not let your defences down. that one drink really can turn to something bigger and it just isnt worth it.
    Today is the tomorrow i worried about yesterday and it turned out fine
    Keep passing the open windows

    a week since slipping


    I've been there and done this myself several times and yes it did open the gates. Not right at once but further down the line. Not saying it does always happen but a very good post for anyone to heed.

    This is actually one of the many things I use everyday if I ever get an urge to drink AL.


      a week since slipping

      spuddleduck;878007 wrote: im posting this as a bit of a warning. i had almost 3 months AF and then had a big drink session. i felt awful the next day, never again etc etc. a week later i did it again. its now over a week since that binge and i really think it has taken a week to feel back on track. ive read many times about people having a 'slip' after a time af and going back to the old drinking ways. i just couldnt understand it. why throw away the good that has been done. i really feel that first binge opened the gates to doing it again... and i did. this is a warning to not let your defences down. that one drink really can turn to something bigger and it just isnt worth it.
      Thanks so much for that post. I am on my very first day 8 and have friends coming around with wine. I am thinking to myself one drink in company with fairly sober friends will not do any harm? Looking at your post it would be the slippery slope particularly when I feel so good today. However, I would just love that 1 glass of wine. HELP


        a week since slipping

        all i can say is DONT HAVE THE WINE. if you're anything like me it wouldnt be just 1 glass anyway. give yourself some good AF time before you even think about moderating. as i said i posted this as a warning. if you could have just one glass with soberish friends you wouldnt be here in the first place. if it is just one glass, why bother, just have a glass of something AF. you dont have to give up your life... just the booze.
        Today is the tomorrow i worried about yesterday and it turned out fine
        Keep passing the open windows


          a week since slipping

          oh and yes, i was just gonna have one glass !!!!???!!!
          Today is the tomorrow i worried about yesterday and it turned out fine
          Keep passing the open windows


            a week since slipping


            That 1 glass can do an awful lot of harm. Firstly if only left at 1 glass it may lull you into thinking you can do it again and everytime you do you are gambling with stopping. Secondly it reawakens your addiction centres and can set off stronger desires to drink. It is up to you to work out if it's worth it - the pleasure of 1 glass versus the possibility of slipping back into old habits.

            Myself I'd love to get drunk this afternoon but I know I'd be risking my job, health, looks and the trust I've built up with friends, family and colleagues. That isn't worth a few drinks.


              a week since slipping

              spuddleduck;878007 wrote: and i did. this is a warning to not let your defences down. that one drink really can turn to something bigger and it just isnt worth it.
              amen spuddle glad you made it back and fight a good fight
              :beach: life does change as long as you are willing to change yourself ..
              best thing about the future it comes one day at a time..


                a week since slipping

                That is the trick. Not having that first drink. I've come to accept the fact I can not have one drink. Its no longer a option in my life. It does make things easier. At least for me.
                Sober since 4/8/10 -OVER 150 DAYS AND GOING AF!!!!

                Get busy livin or get busy dyin-Duane Peters
                No more bad future-Skull Skates


                  a week since slipping

                  Wow that was quick! Got some Becks Blue in the fridge. I will be so proud of myself if I do not have the wine. Alcohol is such a seductive liar. I must try to remember all the wise things you are writing as I know you are so right!


                    a week since slipping

                    Alcohol is the ultimate LIAR for us. It tricks us into thinking that the experience will be something GOOD, when in fact, for almost all of us, it is an experience that turns into something BAD.

                    Sk8 is so right. You just cant even pick up the first drink, as that is gate leading you right into Hell. Speaking of Hell, since I believe in God, I bet more than anything the devil just DELIGHTS in seeing us out of control. He probably laughs at us in our weakness, im sure.

                    SPUDS.... Your learning, and you still have TONS of AF time. You are DEFINATELY making tons of progress!!!


                      a week since slipping

                      hi spuds,youve done great by realising ,it can take you to places where many have been b4 you,almost out of star trek,hahaha,im proud to call you my friend whether u drink or not,hang tough where theres a will,beleive me,there s a way,good luck to you gyco


                        a week since slipping

                        Spuds, I had to learn that lessong the hard way too. For me it was at 60 days AF. I thought I was "fixed" or something. It was the lure of "just one." (hahahahaha)

                        anon;878016 wrote: Thanks so much for that post. I am on my very first day 8 and have friends coming around with wine. I am thinking to myself one drink in company with fairly sober friends will not do any harm? Looking at your post it would be the slippery slope particularly when I feel so good today. However, I would just love that 1 glass of wine. HELP
                        I finally realized that in all my 30+ years of drinking, I NEVER EVER wanted just one. Not even when I first started drinking. I wanted more more more every time. The most frustrating drinking experiences I had were situations where I HAD to try to limit myself. Then I couldn't WAIT to get out of that situation and get home or somewhere else where I could drink like I really wanted to. So why all of a sudden did I think all I wanted was one? That's craziness. And yes...that "just one" attempt led me to 8 months of misery wanting back on the wagon and just not mentally able to get there. So.... I agree - don't do it!

                        sk8punk;878048 wrote:
                        That is the trick. Not having that first drink. I've come to accept the fact I can not have one drink. Its no longer a option in my life. It does make things easier. At least for me.
                        Me too. That acceptance is powerful.

                        Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
                        Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

                        One day at a time.


                          a week since slipping

                          Spuds thank you for this post. Two years ago I had 2 months sober and then one night I thought "just one glass, I deserve it and I can now control it." Within a week I was not only back to my old drinking patterns, but they were on the increase. Then finding that sort of portal in time again where I could muster the motivation and momentum to quit became even more difficult.

                          Thank you for the warning and the advice!
                          While we may not be able to control all that happens to us, we can control what happens inside us.
                          Benjamin Franklin


                            a week since slipping

                            ditto everyone wine...just like wouldn't be just one for me!!!

                            damn that devil!!
                            I love my family more than alcohol.:h
                            Live in the Solution....not the problem


                              a week since slipping

                              Great post Spuds... and a warning to be heeded.....

                              Alcohol is such a charmer and a seducer.....wily and clever....don't flirt with the devil, it aint worth the HELL afterwards...
                              "It's not your job to like me, it's mine!"

                              AF 10th May 2010
                              NF 12th May 2010

