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I have taken an overdose

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    I have taken an overdose

    Of anti-depressants.. funnily enough.. just got off the phone to my ex who basically said my son does not appear to be missing me, he doesnt even "care that you are not around".. yep, that did it for me..
    "It works if you work it, because you are worth it!!!"


    I have taken an overdose

    Hi Katie,

    I don't know you, nor you me. I assume you're here for the same reason I am.
    Depression and alcoholism.
    Depression and hateful people cause us to feel horrible things.
    When I feel "dark thoughts" I remind myself that it's not really me feeling this way
    but my "unbalanced brain".
    Although you many not believe it just now, tomorrow is another day and another chance.
    Please pick up the phone and call someone, a friend, sibling or a hotline.
    Or have someone take you to an emergency room.

    Your son will be glad you did.
    He'll know his mom reached out for help and did not leave him.

    magic. xxx
    ~Are you looking for the Holy One?
    I am in the next seat.
    My shoulder is against yours. ~Kabir


      I have taken an overdose

      HI again,
      I see that you have the number for an "acute care team".

      Please call them Katie.
      They want to help you, that's what they're there for and why you have their number.
      Then go back and read your last thread.
      It's full of good advice.

      ~Are you looking for the Holy One?
      I am in the next seat.
      My shoulder is against yours. ~Kabir


        I have taken an overdose

        You'll show him, you'll hurt yourself. Do get help and straighten this thing out. I know people in your situation who were able to become sober and get their children back and move on from the bad marriage. Your overdose just makes it more possible for your ex to say you are an unfit mom. Is that what you want? I suggest you don't talk to him. Just to people who can support you. Do go to emergency and get checked out. Don't drink along the way. Take the bottles of drugs with you and make your best guess as to how many you took.
        Good Luck. Don't make matters worse for you or your child


          I have taken an overdose

          Shit Katie this isn't good for anyone. Like Magic said we're all here for the same reasons. Your ex does sound like a real asshole. But its just words. You know for a fact your son is missing you. That's why he said he wasn't . He has been playing mind games with you and you fell into the trap. I too suffer from low sef esteem and depression. But you have to realize when people are just saying things to hurt you. He knows what buttons of yours to push. And everytime he gets a reaction he knows he has won that battle.
          You've got to pick up the phone and get professional help Katie. I'm not saying this to be mean. Its fact. You need to do your recovery under supervision. We can only offer you support here. You have to want to do the rest. I hope everything turns out well for you.
          Sober since 4/8/10 -OVER 150 DAYS AND GOING AF!!!!

          Get busy livin or get busy dyin-Duane Peters
          No more bad future-Skull Skates


            I have taken an overdose

            Katie Listen to what everyone is telling you. Call the HOTLINE NOW. Go to detox and rehab. The courts look VERY favorably on folks who get help. Do it for yourself and for your son. DO IT NOW PLEASE!
            Outside of a dog a book is mans best friend. Inside of a dog its too dark to read


              I have taken an overdose

              I spent 30 days in rehab over 5 years ago and have been sober since.
              It was the best thing that I have ever done for my children and myself.
              Listen to your friends here, who know you, and pick up the phone.
              You'll be glad you did.
              You must trust me on this.

              magic xxx
              ~Are you looking for the Holy One?
              I am in the next seat.
              My shoulder is against yours. ~Kabir


                I have taken an overdose

                I've pm'd you. Please let us know what is going on.


                  I have taken an overdose

                  Sweet Jesus be your footprints in the sand Katie. Please make that call. I see you're offline now and hope and pray that is what you have done.

                  Start by doing what's necessary, then what's possible and suddenly you are doing the impossible.

                  St. Francis of Assisi


                    I have taken an overdose

                    Katie, call for help NOW! You're making a huge mistake if you don't!


                      I have taken an overdose

                      Katie, I have been to this point many times with my daughter. The people in the crisis team were a god send both for her who was 'over it' and for me who was desperate to get some help for us as there was nothing I could say to her that made any difference. I think that may be the case with all of us on line here who are just really concerned for you and feel helpless. We are all just saying the same old stuff and not really getting anywhere with you. When are feeling better in the next few days, we will be able to offer lots of well meaning advice and support but right now, I really believe that you need some professional quick responses to where you are at. This is not a judgement at all. Just that I have been there and can visualise where you are at and at these times, medical help can make a huge difference. I promise you this, so please, get in touch with those in the medical field that you have a contact with. We will all be here with all the support in the world once you have done that.xx


                        I have taken an overdose

                        So sad that you have cosen to come here and post that message. We all wish we could help but most have no way but to send a cyber message. I hope that you have already decided to find someone that can help you in real life.


                          I have taken an overdose

                          Hi Katie, if you are online please respond to us, I too know what its like and I know you don't feel like picking up the phone now and getting help but trust me it's what you have to do, you will be very glad of it when you do come out of this, this is not the answer and trust me I know this. We are real people, real feelings and care for each other, come tell us whats happening, you are a strong girl, you don't need to stoop down to the level of your ex and let him win this one, come back and fight like the person I know you are, you deserve it.
                          I will be here waiting all night till you come back we will all be here cheering you on.


                            I have taken an overdose

                            I am not near you at the moment, so I can not drive to you myself.
                            But I have just phoned a friend of mine who IS near to you, and she will drive to you if you want to Pm me your address.
                            She is a lovely lady, and a registered nurse and she can help you get in contact with the right health services.
                            I would far prefer to PM this, but I imagine your inbox is quite full now.
                            Please let me know.
                            If your 8 year old self met you, would they be proud?
                            Rejoined life 20/5/19


                              I have taken an overdose

                              KatieB, please call for help as everyone has suggested. We all care and wish you well.


