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Switching the auto-pilot/robot off?

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    Switching the auto-pilot/robot off?

    Thanks Gyco


      Switching the auto-pilot/robot off?

      Snap !! Gyco
      Wise words


        Switching the auto-pilot/robot off?

        I have been sober since july 09, I still get the craving, compulsion, it does get easier but it is still with me on a daily basis. When I'm at work it is easier, it's when I'm alone that I have to be on my guard, I still think just one drink won't harm, but I know from experience that I can never have just one drink. I would drink to the stage where I would just black out, I would also drink wine like it was lemonade and I was thirsty, a bottle would be gone in minutes, and I would convince myself that this was normal behaviour. No I cannot go to that place again, or my life would be over.


          Switching the auto-pilot/robot off?

          Hello everyone. This is a good post and I hope it will help me as we exchange ideas.
          I miss the weekend drinks, I think I am ok with one or two on a Friday or last night I thought I would reward myself for getting through the weekend with a beer or two which turned into 8.
          I am an alcoholic by he way, I have been quitting since January this year, had a couple of slips and my recent slip was last night so I missed work again today.


            Switching the auto-pilot/robot off?

            Hi and welcome load, been there so many times I sympathise, but it is possible as I can vouch for, possible but not easy. Just remember alcoholics can't drink like normal people, I wish I had learned that before all the heartache I suffered, but that was not meant to be.
            At the moment I'm in a good place.
            I wish you well.


              Switching the auto-pilot/robot off?

              Great thread thanks. Good feeling to realize I am not on my own


                Switching the auto-pilot/robot off?

                Thank you so much Sheri.. I have and still do the same as you did.. I will keep reading your post, I need to get in touch with that honesty myself and stop excusing and validating to myself that my use of alcohol is acceptable or need to admit it doesnt help me in the space I am in now... and can't use other people as a reason to keep on drinking... Oh but it can be hard and so confronting .. thanks again Sheri

