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Can't take the side effects even at 25mg

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    Can't take the side effects even at 25mg

    I have been taking the Tope for two weeks now at 25 mg. I have supplemented with multi's and exercised as well as meditated.

    I have found myself taking more asprin and advil within that time then within an entire year. The headaches are huge. My body aches as if I have the flu and my body runs hot and cold.

    The fatigue is tolerable.

    At first I thought that I was actually coming down with something but then I noticed as I got closer to the twenty four hour mark when I was scheduled to take another Tope I would start feeling better and after I took the Tope I would start feeling bad again.

    On the other hand it has definately changed my thinking towards alcohol. I have actually, put down my glass and walked away to do something, returning an hour later. I have noticed a great reduction in cravings. They are not really cravings, it is more like a habit. I have actually said on more than one occasion over the last two weeks, no thanks I'm good. There have been two days of not drinking. Only one day of over indulging, and the rest were what I would consider fairly lite.

    I suppose that I could be over sensitive to the Tope. Can I stop taking it or should I wean myslef down by going every other day?

    Every man has the right to tend to his garden.

    Can't take the side effects even at 25mg

    I cannot speak from experience because I do not take the topa but it sounds like you have gotten a lot from the other aspects of the program where you probably do not need to take it. Good job!!
    I'm really easy to get along with once people learn to worship me


      Can't take the side effects even at 25mg

      I had body aches with topa as well. I also had digestive problems, but I thought--well, it's either this or quit drinking forever, and I didn't want to do that. Remember that this is a long term process. We don't get where we want to be overnight, and there's a little aggravation and pain with it, but I think it's worth it. If you react on 25 mg., that may be good news. Your body is learning to process alcohol differently. After a month or so on topa (the aches got better, but the diarrhea didn't) I decided that what I needed to do was do 30 days abs and try the various meds separately until I could figure out what my body could take. I found that I was allergic to kudzu, although the topa was still a little problematic. After using topa for about six weeks, even with the side effects, and then abstaining for 30 days, I emerged without the need to get drunk. Don't ask me how that happened. I drink 2 or 3 times a weeks and never more than two. BUT--I do exercise regularly, I visit the boards, and I still listen to hypno from time to time. I think you need to keep at it. Make it work. It's not going to happen by magic.
      "Anything coming back to life hurts." --Toni Morrison


        Can't take the side effects even at 25mg

        Thanks for your responses

        I did not Tope at my usual 11:00 am and have to say that I am feeling much better. My digestive problems are more on the the constipation side so I will visit the local pharmacy tomorrow. Decided that going with 25 mg every other day may be a good dose for me. If I am that sensitive to 25 mg a day, perhaps that will be a better dose for me. My appetite has almost diminished but I keep putting weight on. Go figure. I get all the shit side effects, no pun intended.

        Definately thinking that ABS is the way to go for a time period. Thinking one month starting tomorrow. Wish me luck.

        Thanks for the feedback.
        Every man has the right to tend to his garden.


          Can't take the side effects even at 25mg

          Hello, Queen,

          Some people have to start even lower than 25 mg, and cut their pills in half and take 12.5 mg to start. You'll need a good pill cutter for this!! I'd recommend doing this instead of taking the topa every other day, since topa has a short half life.

          Good luck!

          AF as of August 5th, 2012


            Can't take the side effects even at 25mg

            Young at Heart

            Thanks darling your a the hat
            Every man has the right to tend to his garden.

