I have found myself taking more asprin and advil within that time then within an entire year. The headaches are huge. My body aches as if I have the flu and my body runs hot and cold.
The fatigue is tolerable.
At first I thought that I was actually coming down with something but then I noticed as I got closer to the twenty four hour mark when I was scheduled to take another Tope I would start feeling better and after I took the Tope I would start feeling bad again.
On the other hand it has definately changed my thinking towards alcohol. I have actually, put down my glass and walked away to do something, returning an hour later. I have noticed a great reduction in cravings. They are not really cravings, it is more like a habit. I have actually said on more than one occasion over the last two weeks, no thanks I'm good. There have been two days of not drinking. Only one day of over indulging, and the rest were what I would consider fairly lite.
I suppose that I could be over sensitive to the Tope. Can I stop taking it or should I wean myslef down by going every other day?