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My Grey Eyes Are Turning Blue

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    My Grey Eyes Are Turning Blue

    Just looked the pix Doggygirl. That is some transformation. It proves that a picture is worth a thousand words. You look years younger (and cute too.)

    I'm into day 10 now, one third of the way. Still sailing..
    I truly couldn't face a beer now ( my main squeeze) I couldn't even consider a single malt whisky...something has definitely clicked in my mind. I wish I could identify the trigger.

    Somewhere I have had a revelation. All the obvious reasons have been known for years and yet it was not until I came here that the change happened. I think it must have been reading some of the posts. The torpedos were fired and some time later hit the target. Definitely happened subconciously. I will try to think back over the weeks I was here before I stopped and re-read what I read earlier. It would be good to know what tipped the scales. Did you have a 'defining moment?'


      My Grey Eyes Are Turning Blue

      I am so inspired by your transformation DG - you look fantastic. I am looking at myself in the mirror now and I see broken capillaries, luggage under the eyes and a puffy face.. yuk. I am not overweight proably underweight, can't wait to get to the gym now. I'm taking a photo of myself this morning and will use it as a reminder.

      Bluey I had the revelation last night when I woke up on the couch at 2 am, my face in half a glass of wine that I did't finish before I passed out.. I went up to bed where my son was sleeping in my bed and he woke up as I lay down and he said sleepily.. Ahh Mama you stink...And I thought at 2.02am Enough!!
      And I woke up in the morning late to get him to school and I looked in the mirror and nearly cried at what I saw... and again I said Enough


        My Grey Eyes Are Turning Blue

        G'day patrice. It's chilly here this morning. Hope it's better there. One consolation, it'll be a damn sight colder in NZ.
        I don't know about the Gym. I did my time at that sort of thing, always bored the pants off me, only did it because my job had a 'required fitness level.'
        You must be busy with work and looking after your son and are probably on the go all day.
        What do you do for relaxation? Besides having a drink that is (perfectly understandable - it's a very common way of shutting down)...what other options do you have?


          My Grey Eyes Are Turning Blue

          Its about 40 dgrees here, humidity 90%. I am not that busy, I usually finish work around 2pm so the day and night stretches on, can't go outside too hot and mossies everywhere.There is nothing to do here, no live music, no real cinemas (except in malls), no theatre. There is a yacht club but everyone brings booze there.. so reading and watching T.V. Or go to the gym... options certainly are limited!! Won't even be able to watch the world cup cos of the time diff!. BTW - your part of the world is nice- I lived in Brisbane for a few years and got to Noosa a bit


            My Grey Eyes Are Turning Blue

            Where are you from in NZ Patrice? When your contract finishes will you be going straight home? It'll be time to start your son in school then I guess, and you'll probably want to settle for a while. I couldn't bear the thought of living in NZ now, too long ago and far away, besides that the place has changed so much. Many of my friends from those days have jumped ship and left, mostly for Australia. There are more opportunities here and the climate is better. My wife and children feel the same as me.


              My Grey Eyes Are Turning Blue

              patrice;882748 wrote: Its about 40 dgrees here, humidity 90%. I am not that busy, I usually finish work around 2pm so the day and night stretches on, can't go outside too hot and mossies everywhere.There is nothing to do here, no live music, no real cinemas (except in malls), no theatre. There is a yacht club but everyone brings booze there.. so reading and watching T.V. Or go to the gym... options certainly are limited!! Won't even be able to watch the world cup cos of the time diff!. BTW - your part of the world is nice- I lived in Brisbane for a few years and got to Noosa a bit
              Oh how I would love 40 degrees right now!...its super cold here, snow low on the surrounding ranges and in some parts -8 this am but a beautiful sunny day. I also worked overseas for a few years, met an Aussie, married and lived in Australia for 12 years then came back to NZ to bring up the kids..funnily enough it was my hubby who wanted to come to live in NZ..
              Hang in there..I'm also having a bit of a hard day today feeling like I dont quite know what to do with myself!! (only day 3 I hope this passes quickly!)
              30 day Challenge...started 16.08.2010


                My Grey Eyes Are Turning Blue

                Mayday. It will pass quickly. If there is one constant in life it is time. Never varies and never changes. Use it to your advantage by letting it pass while you avoid temptation. Once you get to bed then that's the battle won for the day. Next day will be better.
                I've been lucky. I had the 'eureka' moment and haven't felt like a drink since.
                I am still amazed that it happened so quickly and still have no idea why.


                  My Grey Eyes Are Turning Blue

                  Thanks Blue Heeler..hadn't thought of it like that but yep if I can get through till when I fall asleep, thats another day done... man I really didn't think I would have a hard day like this so soon...have spent the whole day thinking about alcohol..just shows how messed up my head is..hoping for your 'Eureka' moment...
                  30 day Challenge...started 16.08.2010

