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Greetings All

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    Greetings All

    Hi Everyone, I'm new and have found a great wealth of motivation and advice here especially under the toolkits. Approaching the end of day 6 AF after 20 years of on-off (mostly on) 12-16 drinks pre day. I've really taken a shine to the depravation vs gratitude way of thinking. I now believe that AL is no longer a part of my life. I'll be cheking in daily to stay motivated and deal with the cravings which atm are only slight. We have a long weekend coming up here and 2 weeks agao I would have been thinking about it as an opp to get legeless. Now I think of it as an opp to enjoy just being sober and being able to do things without being sick.:new:
    Diggin' being alive

    Greetings All

    Hi Woywoy boy - congratulations on 6 days AF that is a fantastic start :goodjob:

    :welcome: to MWO you have certainly found a great place to be and lots of help and advice to get through those cravings.

    It certainly is going to be a challenge over the next 2 weeks (I'm assuming you mean the world cup!) good luck on journey

    P x
    Learn from yesterday, live for today, hope for tomorrow. The important thing is not to stop questioning.


      Greetings All

      Hey WW,

      Welcome. How great to have you here!!!!

      Looking forward to getting to know you and here more about your walk, your story.

      This forum is amazing in terms of resource, support, friendship and good times.

      Well done for taking this step and well bloody done for 6 days AF allready in the pocket.

      Rock on!!
      AF since 15th March 2010

      The journey is the goal. As long as you're fighting the good fight and you're not giving up on giving up, you're winning. It's not about how often you get knocked down, it's about how often you get up again. Sobriety the goal for sure. But striving to get to that goal is what it's about. Not getting there. Because the journey never ends. The journey is the goal.


        Greetings All

        Hi there Woy boy
        Yes this is a great site - I found it a while ago and look in regularily.. Great for the 6 days... I havent got anywhere near there yet but I'm still punching that fist in the air...


          Greetings All

          Hi Woywoyboy, Good on you for 6 days...i registered here 3 days ago and like you soaking up the info and positive vibes
          30 day Challenge...started 16.08.2010


            Greetings All

            Greetings Woywoyboy from Earland, I see you are in Orztraylya. Fantastic site with loads of support and advice. Glad you found us, great going on your 6 days. Suggest you come and log on and post over the long weekend. Always somebody here.
            Keep safe
            Ethanol is a toxic chemical, why would I drink it?


              Greetings All

              Hi WWBoy, and welcome. It sounds like you are really ready to make a change, and that is awesome. Getting through this long weekend for you might have some challenges. The good news is that you know you may have some social cues to want to drink, and cues from your old habits, and cues from the cravings - since you know this, and expect this, you have the power. You can allow the cravings to come, and they will go. HOLD FAST. All the best to you,
              Sober since Feb 7, 2010.


                Greetings All

                Woyboy, congratulations on 6 days... it's a great accomplishment. Stay close to this site, it really helps. I like that you have taken a shine to the depravation vs. gratitude way of thinking. I find the more I realize that not drinking doesn't mean being deprived and instead it is really poison, the easier it is. I would recommend reading "The Easy Way to stop Drinking" by Allen Carr. The premise of the book is just that. There is a long thread with lots of comments that are helpful about it in the "what we are reading" section. There are also alot of reader reviews on it on Amazon. I know some people here don't like the book, but I think with your mindset the way it is, it would help :welcome:


                  Greetings All

                  greetings wowwowboy and well done on 6 days. good to have you here, this is a great place for advice, information and support. keep reading and posting and let us know how you are getting on
                  Today is the tomorrow i worried about yesterday and it turned out fine
                  Keep passing the open windows


                    Greetings All

                    Welcome, Woywoyboy and good for you on 6 days AF! Acceptance of the fact the fact that we need to live in a different and more positive way in addition to removing alcohol from our lives is a great start. I wish you the best on your journey - you will never regret it!
                    ​​Emancipate yourselves from mental slavery, none but ourselves can free our mind ~ Bob Marley ~ Redemption Song

                    AUGUST 9, 2009


                      Greetings All

                      WOW Way to GO Way. Pleased to meet you. Best of luck on your AF journey. Keep us posted on your progess!
                      Outside of a dog a book is mans best friend. Inside of a dog its too dark to read


                        Greetings All

                        Welcome wwboy another Oirsh person here. I just got tru a bank holday weekend af which is usually tough but i just positive an kept busy and it was great to wakeup sober and enjoy the days without bein in bed late an crawling out hungover. Its a great site with lots of support. I'm takin 1000g of L-Glutamine which seems to helping with cravings r else i'm just more determined but anyway i'm giving the l-glut a try. I'm now 15 days af which i havn't been since sometime last year normaly i go bout a week and fall off the wagon but i want to beat ths af demon so badly as it almost runed my life. Well on ur 6 days af and gud luck.

