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Greetings fromthe Emerald Isle

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    Greetings fromthe Emerald Isle

    HI all,
    Been hovering for a week or so and decided to sign up tonight ( as it is in my time-zone)
    Day one will be tomorow ( again!)
    My story mirrors so many of your own that it probably doesn't bear repeating. I'm a 'only drink at night guy' 4 1/2 litre cans of STRONG ( 5.6%) beer plus a glass of wine that I cannot even explain.
    Sick and tired of the 'Groundhog Day' experience....wake up about 5:30 wonder WTF time I went to bed and what damage I caused before doing so! Will I be OK to do the school run in the morning if I were stopped by the police ( Garda in my country) . EVERY morning I wake up and WANT to NEVER drink again but by 3 or 4 pm this morphs into ......." Sure why not have a 'few' beers to calm the nerves/ drown the sorrows/ celebrate the good times....i.e the usual litany of excuses to be drinking!
    I've tried in recent weeks to cut back and, brilliant that I am, have managed several one day stops but in the past week when I thought I'd be kicking it for good, stayed off it for 2 whole days ( WOW!!) but then fell back to type. Can't even say that I " white knuckled it" for the few days - more a case of, I feel like a drink so what the hell else would I do?! That more than anything scares me!
    Stopped smoking in Jan this year and thought I'd be able to bring that experience to the whole AL thing but find that the rules are completely different! When I feel like a cig , I simply say " wat are you thinking?" or words to that effect and it works! I thought I could bring that attitude / gameplan to the whole AL thing and 'win', in so far as Im winning with nicotine to date.
    Notice I've prattled on for ages and apologies for that - will ( hopefuly) post again, more coherently, after day one begins tomorrow!
    If anyone listening or considering posting a reply, I'll be V clear - I REALLY want to stop drinking but have not, as yet. Please God by this time tomorrow, all I'll have is a hangover and seriously better outlook on life!
    Thanks for listening? reading.....
    By the way, Eire Go Brea roughly translates as " Ireland forever!"
    " All the good qualities of mankind are soluble in alcohol"

    Greetings fromthe Emerald Isle


    Welcome aboard!

    Your story certainly sounds familiar. It's amazing how disciplined many of us can be in other areas...addiction is a very different beast, however.

    Stick around, read up and make yourself at home!


      Greetings fromthe Emerald Isle

      Welcome EGB Your story melds with mine and others. Hope to hear much more from you in the coming days.
      Outside of a dog a book is mans best friend. Inside of a dog its too dark to read


        Greetings fromthe Emerald Isle

        Welcome EGB......come to right place. Lots of good support here ! (Your Galic Jack ass, my kids are part Irish......but not me ! ha!) IAD Ha!
        ?Be who you are and say what you feel because
        those who mind don't matter and those who matter don't mind.?
        Dr. Seuss


          Greetings fromthe Emerald Isle

          Hello Erin go Brea and welcome to a wonderful place where we all share the same problem. Stick around and you WILL get there. A few irish on the daily ARMY thread jump in and say hello, they have helped me enormously. Good luck.

