I am glad to have found a site like this where we can be anonymous and supportive of each other. I am a 52year old woman and have been an alcoholic for the last 7 years. The only thing that I have tried is abstinence, but find it hard to get past 2 days without a drink. Would love to chat with people who have battled this problem and found things to be helpful. Anyway, a big HELLO to everyone.
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I am new to the site
Hi everyone,
I am glad to have found a site like this where we can be anonymous and supportive of each other. I am a 52year old woman and have been an alcoholic for the last 7 years. The only thing that I have tried is abstinence, but find it hard to get past 2 days without a drink. Would love to chat with people who have battled this problem and found things to be helpful. Anyway, a big HELLO to everyone.Tags: None
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Big HELLO back at ya Dar! :welcome: This is a great place! I've been battling this alcohol thing for pretty much the past 30 years(at least seriously drinkin that long), Apparently, I've been drinking since I could reach it off of the coffee table @ age 2!! Looong time ago!!(1962)
This place will change your life! It's great to "have a life" again.:H .
.... rather than the alternative... (I think we all know where that leads)
Welcome ! & hugs, JudieThe only thing worth stealing is a kiss...:flower:zwink:
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Good to have someone to talk to
Thanks Tawny & Judie,
7 years of drinking doesn't sound like much, but it has been taking it's toll on my life. For me it all started after I lost a brother whom I was really close too and then a year later my mother passed away. Then after 18 years of marriage I realized my husband was becoming increasingly emotional unavailable to me and physically and mentally abusive. I fell into a clinical depression and ended up in hospital for a period of 2 months, of which he very rarely visited me. In hospital, I had made the decision to leave him the first chance I got and filed for divorce. I felt happier once I left but had a tough time sleeping at nights because of all the divorce issues. Sleeping pills were not working and a friend suggested having a shot of whiskey before bed, and that worked very well. Of course, the need for alcohol grew, until now I can barely make it through a day without a drink and it is affecting my relationships with friends and family. I have actually been drinking for 10 years, but the first 3 years I was in control, and for the last 7 years it has controlled me. My friends and family are in disbelief because I rarely, if ever drank. The only thing I have tried is a few days of abstinence here and there.
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too fast and too soon to become an alcoholic
Hi cooking queen,
I took anti-depressants while in hospital and for a short time after, but found that I could no longer afford them as my ex immediately cut me off his health benefits plan. But now, I have a good job and my own health benefits plan and really should try getting on them again. Very afraid to talk to my doctor about my addiction to alcohol. Have many on this site talked to their doctor and what was their reaction?
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I just joined too Dar!!! I've always drank wine, but lately I can't seem to go a night without it for one reason or another or just no reason at all.... so I came here today, read about Topamax and just ordered some online.... I tried campfhor years ago and it didnt work, but then again I didnt stop drinking the wine so dont know what I was expecting... I am at the point I have put on lots of weight and I know its all from the booze.... and I am not happy with myself so I know I need to get real and do something about it before it ruins my life!!! I am 47 and not getting any younger and dont like being over weight its never ever been a problem before... its the calories from 4 - 6 glasses of wine a night that are doing it!! I dont feel comfortable talking to my doctor AND I dont wanna go to AA that seems so useless to me! I think I need a drug to kick start me! Lets hope it works!Fiona
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This is my first day too.Already wondering how im gonna get through tonight without a glass of wine in my hand.I love the stuff.Its gonna be a long old road but hey the same distance for us all ! (about 250,000 miles):H (why did i insert a smiley???? i wont be laughing come 7pm)
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I swore last nght I wouldnt have any but I did.... I work away from home half the week so it's easy to use the excuse.. I am bored! But tonite I am DETERMINED not to have any... I think half my problem is not having anyone to discuss it with, and not having anyone else that admits to the problem even though most of my friends have the same problem!!! so thanks to everyone.. I think we can all help each other as many before us have!Fiona
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Right on!!
That is what we are all here for!! To help eachother!! I have been coming to the boards since early June and have been a changed person because of it, Titania, Dar, Annie, welcome!!!!:welcome: Let's all help eachother, I know you are helping me just by being here!!
Have you all read the book?? Started on supps?? I have started upping my topa to 175 now and really feel a difference!
We all do and don't do things we wish we did differently, don't beat yourselves up over it!! This is a learning experience, believe me, I still mess up sometimes, we are not perfect!! And I don't think any of us will ever swear that we are!
We are all here to help eachother, so keep reading, posting, reading and coming back, read read write, write!!
We all love you!!!:l :h
Mary Anne
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Hi Titania & Annie,
I find myself struggling from day to day as soon as I get home from work, but on the days I have managed to abstain I plan something that has to be done before I allow myself to sit down and think about a drink. I realize it is a habit that has turned into an emotional addiction. Today, instead of coming home, feeding my dog and sitting down for a drink, I am going to mow my lawn, cook dinner and look into some hobbies that I might enjoy. I too struggle with a bit of a weight problem and am considering a program like Curves or Jenny Craig.
I think we just need to fill the time we are drinking with something else.
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Hi Mary Anne and Everyone
Thanks for your warm welcome. If you have been on this site since June, it gives me faith that something about this site is working and I will remain here and give my all. One of the biggest things I have had to overcome as an alcoholic is stopping emotionally beating myself up when I fail to make it through a day of abstinence. Now if I faill one day, I am refreshed by the next day to pursevere on with the challenge of making a new beginning alcohol free. I am a 5:00 p.m. (after work) till I drop drinker, but on the days I do manage to abstain, I have usually planned something that I have to do. Someone suggested looking for a hobby and I think that is good advice, maybe joining a weight loss program would keep me away from drinking for a few nights a week. Has anyone attended a program like Curves or Jenny Craig?
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Thanks Maryann... I just ordered topomax today so it'll come in a few weeks i guess... I took camphlor a few years ago and it didnt work, but then again I was still *consuming* so no wonder it didnt... what book??? and where can I get it.. i've seen people mention a book etc so let me know and I'll get started!!!
thanks to everyone!:new:Fiona
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I just joined the site on the advice of my doctor. I have been depressed for a long time and she gave me the Beck test and then told me that she thinks some of my depression could be from my drinking. I knew I had a problem, but did not want to recognize it. I am not even sure now that I want to stop. I tried to tell her what has been going on in my life, but she would not hear of it and told me that all alcoholics have excuses. I understand that. The next few months are very difficult for me with all of the holidays and the anniversary of my mom's death four days after Christmas. Anyway, the doctor gave me Campral to help with the cravings. I really don't have cravings, but I think it is more like a habit. Come home from work, sit down and have a beer while making dinner, etc., but one turns to two and two to three and so on. I have found myself blacking out lately and I know that is not good. I think I am just running away from my problems. Is there a middle ground or is it all or nothing?
Thank you for listening. I am struggling with this decision.....