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Back again!!!

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    Back again!!!

    Hi I am back now on day 2 af AGAIN!!!! had 4 af days last week and then blew for now I am gonna try my best to make it 7....the worst time of the week for me is a thats when my last drink was
    I would like to thank Nan for sending me the information, it was very helpful, I have just come back from the gym and feel good....
    Its good to come back and read that I am not the only one struggling....and :goodjob: to all of you have got as far as you have....

    take care all....
    I want to live life sober....not die a drunk

    Back again!!!

    Welcome back. Congrats on the AF days you have had. Hopefully that tells you that you CAN do this.

    Is focusing on a stretch of days (i.e. I'm going for 7 AF days this time....) possibly setting you up to drink? I know that part of this is a mind game and we have to find what works. I'm just thinking how my OWN mind would react. If I said "I'm going to try to not drink for 7 days..." there are a couple of things my mind would do.

    1. "Try?" OK. So we failed. Let's drink. (I can't TRY anything. I have to just do it!)

    2. If I am not going to drink for 7 days, I guess I WILL be drinking after that.

    For me, it works to focus just on today. I'm not going to drink today. If that seems overwhelming, I can break it down further into hours or even minutes.

    Just a few thoughts for whatever it's worth. The important thing is that you find what works for YOU.

    Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
    Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

    One day at a time.


      Back again!!!

      Thanks DG....
      thats sound advice, I will just take it ODAT and be proud of myself for everyday that goes by that I am be honest with you...I am absolutely sick to death of AL...I am sick of the remorse that I have after drinking, of calling myself names and beating myself up, of the wasted time and money...the list goes on and on...I know that coming here each day and reading reading reading will help...
      thanks again....
      I want to live life sober....not die a drunk


        Back again!!!

        When we first get sober, we are faced with a zillion decisions to drink or not to drink in very rapid succession. They key is to say NO to that urge, one urge at a time.

        You can do this. I can't even tell you how many years worth of days I told myself "I won't drink today..." and yet I did. Again and again, day after day until I was ready to kill myself rather than go on like that.

        If I can get sober, so can you. Make it the most important thing in your life. Be willing to go to ANY length to get sober. If you do that, you can get sober.

        Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
        Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

        One day at a time.


          Back again!!!

          Hi Liverbirdy. Nice to see you back.
          Doggygirl is right. Make this THE most important thing in your life. Make YOU the most important person in your life and you will get there.
          I am so pleased you found your way back here and are ready to give it another try. Just keep at it, keep visiting and posting and you will get more and more AF days.
          You certainly arnt the only one struggling. There are lots of us here struggling to get thru each day.
          Come back to the newbies nest. There are still quite a few people you would know.
          Welcome back.
          Hippy Chick
          I finally got it!
          "All that we are is the result of what we have thought. The mind is everything. What we think, we become" Buddah


            Back again!!!

            Hey Welcome Back LBirdy! Just noticed your post now. I'm so glad you did and you will be too! To the gym?? That has to feel good and incentive to keep going back. Pretty hard to work out all hung eh? Did you find the L Glutamine? Have a wonderful day!

            Start by doing what's necessary, then what's possible and suddenly you are doing the impossible.

            St. Francis of Assisi


              Back again!!!

              welcome back....I am struggling right there with you and I have always listened to Doggy's wonderful advice....
              now I just need to act on it!!
              I love my family more than alcohol.:h
              Live in the Solution....not the problem


                Back again!!!

                lbirdy, welcome back. it is always good to come home....
                I so agree with dg. Sometimes setting a AF time goal sets you up to get there and then think, well, phew! I did that and now I can moderate. Been there, done that. Sadly, most paths lead right back to the same spot! Who wants to spend their life feeling remorseful and ashamed? Good luck with today and tomorrow and the next day, each at its own time. You will find the best way for yourself.


                  Back again!!!

                  Hi LiverBirdy,

                  Yes I definately remember you! Hope you stick around a while again. Yes, with angels like Doggygirl and many other helping hands you and ME can get sober. It boils down to how much we want it doesnt it? You will get there, if you want it.


                    Back again!!!

                    Welcome back LB. So happy you decided to get back into the good fight. Best of luck to you. Hope to hear more from you!
                    Outside of a dog a book is mans best friend. Inside of a dog its too dark to read

