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On my way!!!

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    On my way!!!

    I had my Dr appt today and he was very supportive and actually quite impressed that I had done my research and had dropped off material to him prior to my visit. He has given me the starter pack and prescription for Topamax ,but asked me to remain open to Campral and to call him if I experience any serious side effects, I have to say I am a very lucky person to have a very compassionate and open minded Dr. He felt bad for not seeing the signs, but I told him I have hidden it very well. So I have started taking my supps today, keep trying the CDS but I keep falling asleep within the first 5 minutes. I do have to say right now though I really want a glass of wine and a cigarette. haven't taken the topamax yet and am going to go and do some sewing to get through this little craving. One of my triggers is after work and coming home to just the dog. I have always either come home or go out and have a drink or 3 or 5 after work so this is going to be the hardest hurdle for me.

    Anyway, just wanted to say to others out there, there are Dr.s out there and who will listen to you, I really believe that by being honest, doing my homework and being realistic to the fact that this is not a walk in the park that my Dr. was so receptive to this idea.

    Thanks everyone for just being out there somewhere

    On my way!!!


    Good luck! My doctor was very compassionate also. If you find it hard at first, the medicine does really help as the dose increases. I found that I was better able to concentrate on the CD's early in the morning (between 2:30 and 4:30 am). I am rested and nobody bothers me at that time either.

