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    ODAT MON 14th JUNE

    Good morning fellow ODAT'ers! Have a great week! Bring on Day 8! Strongs to all of us!

    ODAT MON 14th JUNE

    Hi Amber and all that follow! Another AF weekend done. Very pleased I didnk have a 'few' beers whilst watching the football. Its day 18 for me today and Im feeling good. The sun is shining here and I feel blessed !


      ODAT MON 14th JUNE

      18 days?? WOW!


      Well done! Watch out, I am chasing you! LOL


        ODAT MON 14th JUNE

        :goodjob: on your 8 days you 're not far behind. Let's keep it up !!


          ODAT MON 14th JUNE

          Way to go All. Nearing the end of day 10 and I had a few cravings but not real strong ones. I think it may have something to do with getting up at 4am to watch the Aussie's get flogged in the soccer.
          Back to work tomorow and having a lot to do helps a lot.
          Diggin' being alive


            ODAT MON 14th JUNE

            Hi woy woy, spinning and all to come
            Day 5 but counting up the days 12 days out of last 16 AF. That looks better to me
            Well done to us all:h


              ODAT MON 14th JUNE

              And Amber well done that has only just appeared on my messages!


                ODAT MON 14th JUNE

                Mornings guys.

                wow, well done for all your guys AF time. You're all on a great track!!! Keep it up!
                Feeling fantabolous today and after having had some super craving on Friday night that I don't know how I got through, honestly, I am glad I can tell you, these moments pass too. I'm feeling really strong this morning.

                Keep doing it, keep doing it!!!
                AF since 15th March 2010

                The journey is the goal. As long as you're fighting the good fight and you're not giving up on giving up, you're winning. It's not about how often you get knocked down, it's about how often you get up again. Sobriety the goal for sure. But striving to get to that goal is what it's about. Not getting there. Because the journey never ends. The journey is the goal.


                  ODAT MON 14th JUNE

                  Good mornng all well day 19 for me and my 3rd sober weekend. Had some cravings on saturday but not too strong so i didn't cave in had some tough days but gotta stay strong and its great to wake up hanger over free and feel sick with a thumping headache. Here's to a sober monday and a good week ahead.


                    ODAT MON 14th JUNE

                    Well done Firefox!! Weekends are tough. Realising that myself once again at the moment.
                    AF since 15th March 2010

                    The journey is the goal. As long as you're fighting the good fight and you're not giving up on giving up, you're winning. It's not about how often you get knocked down, it's about how often you get up again. Sobriety the goal for sure. But striving to get to that goal is what it's about. Not getting there. Because the journey never ends. The journey is the goal.


                      ODAT MON 14th JUNE

                      Hi all, well I am on night 1.. yes because I already had the last bottle of wine in the parlour earlier today.. didnt feel great about it but it happened so its gone now.. I am going to eat something good, put the little one to bed and watch the football with a cold ginger beer. You are all sound so strong to me, 8 days, 10 days 18 days x number of months.. i'm so looking forward to being able to write that.. but all I can write is night 1.. 6pm here in Asia
                      Johnny.. you did so well at the weekend, i was reading your post and could understand so much how difficult that time was for you... So big it up for yourself .. What a star you are!!!


                        ODAT MON 14th JUNE

                        Morning All!

                        Overit it here waking up with a Hangover Free Sunrise! Well, actually I slept in so its not really morning anymore, LOL.

                        Wow, you guys are doing so awesome!!! Im a little curious how some of you are doing it, just plain old determinination? WHatever your doing, keep doing it as it obviously is working! Do you have plans after hitting 30 days or just keep going? I hit my 30 days and then drank the day after! DUHHH!! Not recommended!!

                        Hi Johnny, My Buddy! How you feeling this morning? Im feeling pretty good. As my son is out of school for the summer, that means Mom has lots more time with the little guy. Right now he is making pictures to hang up in his room. I really want to cherish this time when they are little, I hear it passes so fast.

                        Have a good Monday everyone and keep making your goals!!

                        Hi Patrice, looks like we cross posted. Just get back on the wagon again, doesnt matter day 1, just get back on.
                        I LOVE MY SEROTONIN AND BOOZE SCREWS IT UP!!!!!


                          ODAT MON 14th JUNE

                          Hi Overit, I would like to continue after 30 days AF but feel worried as so many people do not keep going. At the moment what is working for me is the feeling of liberation each morning knowing I have not touched the poisonous grog.
                          Hope you feel encouraged Patrice by the stories on here x


                            ODAT MON 14th JUNE

                            Hey Anon,

                            If you want to keep going after 30 days, YOU CAN!! I made the mistake of getting too complacent. I was out to dinner and thought, oh 1 glass of wine would be ok. NO.. I drove to the store after dinner for another bottle of wine! I should have known!!!

                            Dont let where others failed worry you. You can have as much success as you want!!!!
                            I LOVE MY SEROTONIN AND BOOZE SCREWS IT UP!!!!!


                              ODAT MON 14th JUNE

                              Goodmorning all,

                              Day 8 and feeling great! I am sleeping so good, it's hard to get out of bed in the morning. Great job everyone and you to patrice atleast you came back and are not giving up that is what counts, great job!

                              I came to the realization that all the times I quit before, I did with the hopes that I could evetually moderate, but now I know, I can't even have just one, why would I anyway, it won't give me that buzz, that I have been denying I want for way to long. That is the true reason I drank, to catch that buzz, I can't believe I lied to myself for so long. I know some people drink socially or because they like the taste and stop at one and as much as I tried to convince myself I could be one of them, I can not.

                              Anyway, have a wonderful and blessed AF Monday,


