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help me with this please.........

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    help me with this please.........

    Hi there,
    i have managed to drink a lot less during the week, after work I was so tired and happy with my good work that a drink or two was enough to relax.......amazing, for me. And then the weekend came........and even if after a couple fo drinks I did not feel like drinking again, I kept on doing it, just because........probably because I missed the real effect of booze - I am taking revia and it does work in almost totally erasing the euphoric effect of alcohol -, I actually did not feel like or need to drink anymore, but I did it anyway just to try to "feel" it, when my med is working great to prevent that and therefore to cut the number of doc told me - and I knew it anyway - that I would need to replace the time spent drinking by keeping busy with something alse, working out for ex - I already do in the morning, been doing that for 4 years now - or anything that would keep me positively busy instead of thinking of drinking. and that is pure truth, perfect.........but........I can find something to do in the morning, in the afternoon, in the evening even..........but AT NIGHT, when you're not sleepy and your favorite book is not calling you loud enough, and there is nothing else to do cos u already been out for dinner, and for your3/4 drinks, and tv sucks, and your man is in bed cos he is totally tired since he's had a busy and tough day..........WHAT DO U DO, HOW ON EARTH DO U RESIST THE CALL OF THE BOTTLE, JUST BECAUSE YOU' RE BORED and desperately want that feeling of total relaxation in your body and in your mind? What do u do?????????....and let me tell u again, this is even more frustrating cos the med DOES work in killing the irresistible effect of alcohol. almost totally, so why the hell do I drink anyway, only cos I am not tired enough to go to bed??? man, it is so please, thanks:upset:

    help me with this please.........

    Zampa, I am struggling with the exact same issue. I will tell you what I think it comes down to. We MUST create new habits that do not include drinking. It will take time, just as it took time to develop this drinking habit. You are proving to yourself that it is just a habit if the meds you are taking prevent the buzz and you still keep drinking. It is easy to say take up knitting, go for a walk, etc., but until we are really ready to do something different none of that advice will help. I know, I keep trying to tell myself to do those things. Keep trying. We can do it.
    I'm really easy to get along with once people learn to worship me


      help me with this please.........

      i've been thinking the same thing. i was wondering what everyone here does when that boredom sets in too. i need to write down a list of ideas and tape it to the bathroom mirror of things i can do to get my mind off it. yes, well, we'll see.


        help me with this please.........

        You know what helped me? When the chat room was a lively mixture of silly and serious and the mods board was really active.

        :heart: E


          help me with this please.........


          Hi, this boredom thing is a really tough one to beat.
          But I can't help feel that the boredom is just a symptom of a more serious issue. In that we cannot accept our lives as they are. The drinking eases the present pain only to cause us to move further away from the life we want. Is it possible to accept frustration and boredom as a good thing? Maybe seeing them as a way of challenging us to find new and better ways to live?
          Don't know if this is true or not but is working for me when I'm at home however I still cannot handle being out with friends and drinking sensibly.


            help me with this please.........

            Zampa, I'm in the 100% exact situation as you! Your story is mine every single night. What I've decided for myself anyway, is that I can still have a couple of glasses of wine to make TV more entertaining. But just 2 or 3, never more. That way, I get a small buzz, but it's enough to make the boredom go away. I think if I can continue this pattern I won't have to worry about "not being able to drink tonight" because I "can't control how much I have". If you are trying to stop drinking altogether this won't work and I'm sorry I mentioned it. I am maintaining my 3 drink/day average even through the weekends. It seems to be a perfect happy medium for me, not too much, and not too little (fulfills my boredom and I'm not having to abstain). Some may say that is still too much, but I used to polish a whole bottle every day so cutting back to 2/3 of a bottle is good for me and just as satisfying, expecially because I am having my cake and eating it too by limiting my consumption, therefore still being able to consume! I know this doesn't work for everyone, but for me I'm trying to moderate and it's working so far. Also, in order to do this you must start late in the evening, like 2 hours before bed time. Otherwise if you start at 5, your 2 or 3 glasses will be gone by 7! And then you're tempted to have more.

            Good luck!


              help me with this please.........


              Thanks for your words Angel and it was great to hear someone say what I been thinking. I too am trying the moderation route first. I find it is too much pressure to go cold turkey and I panic when I think of it and I am sick of beating myself up every time I fail.

              Trying to change my behavior when I get home from work seems to be more of an answer for me, so I find things to do until about 9:00 p.m. and have 2 drinks and go to bed. I am researching hypnosis for my smoking addiction. Does anyone have any experience with that?

