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Under New Management

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    Under New Management

    I'm not sure how to explain this, but thought that the truth might help...I've posted before, under OnMyWay, a few times. I shared a few personal things, but didn't *really* get into any down & dirty personal stuff. I tried to be witty, just like the Muffins, so I could fit in with the fun gang. I wanted so much to just jump right in and be just like everyone else on this know: moderate drinkers, a few struggles here and there, but warm, witty and supportive people that I'd be proud to call my friends. In truth, I was still hiding. And I felt left out. When JerryBear screamed out for attention, it echoed my small cry, "yea! what about the rest of us who are just joining and need to find our way in?" I've been so afraid of revealing personal clues as to my identity, so I wouldn't reveal who I really am so that no one could identify me if they lived in the community that I live in, that I've virtually muffled myself from sharing any sort of important life stuff! But guess what!!! They're here for the same reasons I am! DUH!
    So, I've decided to re-enlist with the username I usually use for email lists: tumadre. It's an inside joke between my daughters and I, meaning "Your mom". (We use it as a comeback for all kinds of's sarcasm). If at any point I write something and it sounds a little off and not quite loving, it's sarcasm...
    I'm 46, Registered Nurse (Childbirth, Cancer Research, Home Care), now at the beginning of owning a bookstore. 2nd marriage to an RN (he's in the operating room, which suits him fine, since he used to be a general contractor, and the tools are pretty similar . 2 daughters, 19 & 16.
    Enough with the book. I have so much more to say about drinking, family, the whole shebang...I've read almost every word on this site, and devoured every bit of wisdom, pain and wonder written...there are some amazing people here, and I'd be proud to be amongst them.
    I just hope that I'm accepted after changing identities, cause it's the real me now, good and bad...And I want to be here to stay.:h
    Be kind, for everyone you meet is fighting a harder battle.

    Under New Management


    Hi Tumadre!

    I like your revelations, and I hope there are more to come! I really enjoyed reading your thread and getting to know you a bit.

    I must confess, there is plenty of joking around here on the boards (and not just among the muffins)--there are many of us who have been here a while, and we like a little levity, periodically. There's lots of serious stuff, too, and I hope you are getting able to relate to all of that, if the humor isn't quite for you at this point.

    I under stand your concerns about privacy; I'm a professional in my community, and I have been concerned about being "found out", too.

    I'm really glad that you are trying again with the "real you"!


    AF as of August 5th, 2012


      Under New Management


      I understand how you feel on this. I have only been here a short time and felt like an outsider intially, but I kept visiting and reading and when I had something to add, I added. Thanks for sharing the truth and hope to see you around.
      Every man has the right to tend to his garden.


        Under New Management

        Loved your thread! Everyone can appreciated an open and honest person. I look forward to getting to know you and hope we can help eachother on this wacky journey. Somedays are easier than others but, we've ALL been there otherwise we wouldn't be HERE.
        Sometimes I wonder...."Why is that frisbee getting bigger?"...and then it hits me.


          Under New Management

          tumadre, you're one of us , just by being here. You're a brave moman.


            Under New Management

            It is funny that you talk about your user name. After I joined - using my regular user name - I wondered if maybe on this board, I should have used something different. What if someone who knows me read the things I am typing.
            I'm without wine tonight - day #2/week #2. I am trying to go Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday every week without wine. If I can do Thursday too - even better. But, no promises to myself past these 3 days for now.
            I look forward to talking to you.


              Under New Management

              Greetings from one of the few males here.
              Keep posting for us.
              Love and Peace,
              Love and Peace,

              Sobriety Date 12.07.2009


                Under New Management

                Thank you...

                So much, everyone, for the gracious replies...I DO feel welcome, and look forward to sharing the good and the bad. I guess I'll be on Mods the most, cause that's my plan. You guys are awesome:h
                Be kind, for everyone you meet is fighting a harder battle.

