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ODAT 16th June

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    ODAT 16th June

    Day 7
    Looked back on yesterdays thread it seems that so many "old" and" new "people are joining the battle.
    I had a great day on the hills yesterday and did go to the pub afterwards with the other mountain walkers but was not tempted at all to drink alcohol.
    Found it hard when I came back home as the usual reward of a bottle of wine was not an option. It is the habit that is so hard to break. However,I am awake very early and ready to go.Muscles stiff and sore after all the climbing but head so clear and hangover free.
    I am so worried that it will not last.

    ODAT 16th June

    It will last, and get easier too. Day 16 here and I truly couldn't face a beer. Took about a week to get to that stage. Just stick with it and you'll be pleasantly surprised.


      ODAT 16th June

      Morning Anon and Blue

      Anon it truly will last if you want it to, keep going your doing great

      Blue well done on day 16

      Day 3 for me and I'm feeling good, went to a friends last night, she offered me glasses of wine and am pleased to say I had coffee, it was a struggle but I got over it and happy as larry that I have no hangover this morning.

      Hi to everyone to come have a great day
      Learn from yesterday, live for today, hope for tomorrow. The important thing is not to stop questioning.


        ODAT 16th June

        hi all,

        anon well done on day 7

        blue,well doen on day 16

        panno, well doen on day 3

        me, well done on day 2!

        The mind will intellectualize it, the heart will emotionalize it, yet the gut never lies.


          ODAT 16th June

          Morning All ! Well done on all of your AF days . Im on day 20 and feeling good. Lots of beer in the house due to Football but ive been drinking diet coke no major cravings yet. Got some L glut yesterday so I will see if that works for me. Girly hope you are feeling better today? Lovely day here. Life is sooooo good sober


            ODAT 16th June

            Hello friends! I am a double digit!!! Day 10 for me!!!! I am engulfed in gratitude...
            Anon, thanks for the thread! Well done on Day 7!
            Blue Heeler, you are doing so well, I am hot on your heels!
            Panno, ODAT for Day 3, we can do it!
            Girly Wirly, thanks for sharing yesterday, Let's keep the difference at 8 days only, ok? I am here for you... You are so special!
            Spinning J, 20 days!!! WOW! I had people over last night, and I was barmaid! Whisky, beer, red wine, sherry, vodka... And it was no problem... I feel so blessed!

            Love to all of us! It feels like home here! xxx


              ODAT 16th June

              Everybody is doing great! Love it! Day 12 here and no urges or craving but I must stay focussed on the job and hand.
              Diggin' being alive


                ODAT 16th June

                Good morning everyone day 21 for me. Its been a bit tough but no major cravings latel. Everytime i think i want a drink i remind myself i don't want to go back to that dark place again. I mostly drank alone and often missed a nice sunny day were i could have been enjoying it doing the garden or getting out for a nice walk. Its another lovely sunny day here. Well done on your success. :goodjob::yougo:verheated:


                  ODAT 16th June

                  Wow what a brilliant positive load of posts most of us are in the same boat if you know what I mean?
                  We just need England to do better in the World cup and then all will be perfect in this house!
                  Stay focussed on the battle everyone!


                    ODAT 16th June

                    Hiya, well dont to all you trojan people. I am finally on Day 2 (It aint over yet and its the witching hour for both me and my little son who gets so grumpy and tired at this time of the day!!. ) But I am drinking lots of water and have to admit smoking a few cigs.. i thought I could go AF and NF at the same time but alas... a bit too hard. I must say Day 2 I thought I would be bursting with energy but I'm knackered and look just as bad as I did yesterday!!! Must take a bit longer huh??
                    I have just taken some Lglut - i hope that helps, I only need to get through the next 2 or 3 hours..
                    Thanks for all your great posts


                      ODAT 16th June

                      patrice;888138 wrote: Hiya, well dont to all you trojan people. I am finally on Day 2 (It aint over yet and its the witching hour for both me and my little son who gets so grumpy and tired at this time of the day!!. ) But I am drinking lots of water and have to admit smoking a few cigs.. i thought I could go AF and NF at the same time but alas... a bit too hard. I must say Day 2 I thought I would be bursting with energy but I'm knackered and look just as bad as I did yesterday!!! Must take a bit longer huh??
                      I have just taken some Lglut - i hope that helps, I only need to get through the next 2 or 3 hours..
                      Thanks for all your great posts
                      HI Patrice, How I hate the witching hour. Maybe just concentrating one 10 miutes at a time will help. Although it is different for all of us that witching hour seems to be what we all seem to have in common. Best wishes for the rest of the day Liz:h


                        ODAT 16th June

                        Overit is here today with a hangover free sunrise! Thank God.

                        Good to see everyone this morning! Panno I am proud that you resisted, Good job! Im also proud of the newer people who are doing so well! I think thats awesome the way you have taken the ball and ran with it so to speak.

                        Yesterdays thread did get very very long. That was mostly my fault because i was having a bad time due to getting plastered the night before. I hope that everyone knows that no matter where you are at in the journey, good or bad times, you can always come here for support and a shoulder to lean on. If nothing else, yesterday was a perfect example of support in action for me. And I was very grateful to have that. It is available to anyone who needs it, Thank God!!!

                        Heres to a FOR SURE AF day and never give up the fight!
                        I LOVE MY SEROTONIN AND BOOZE SCREWS IT UP!!!!!


                          ODAT 16th June

                          Goodmorning All,

                          Day 10 for me, I woke up with a enormous headache and feeling sick to my stomache, felt like a hangover. Patrice I am still exhausted so for some it takes awhile, I hope I get some energy back soon. Ofcourse it would help if I took some vitamins, I think I will start taking some today.

                          It was a great day by the seaside yesterday, had lunch and ordered a diet coke! Had a little urge yesterday for a glass of wine, but this time around unlike before, I have realized I can never moderate and once I told myself that the urge disappeared.

                          It's awesome to hear how well everyone is doing, makes me happy, keep going!!!

                          Two :l


                            ODAT 16th June

                            Wow! Look at all the success stories this morning! What a great way to start the day.

                            Congratulations to everyone all your AF days. Whether you're just starting out, or have some time under your belt, you are still an inspiration to others around here. Keep up the good work everyone.

                            Hope everyone has a great day!!!
                            :heart:I love my daughter more than alcohol:heart:

                            Believe in yourself. You are stronger than you think.


                              ODAT 16th June

                              Mama here.....
                              nice af night last night...spent some quality time with my ever patient husband
                              Day 2 for me.....but gonna keep on plugging
                              Mama, Over It and Panno are kick some ass
                              I love my family more than alcohol.:h
                              Live in the Solution....not the problem

