and hours of contemplating if I should or shouldn't drink... I had a full case
of beer in the garage and it was taunting me and driving me mad to the
point where I just gave in to stop my mind from focusing on it.... anyway
since then...
I am now 10 days AF but every night I get home from work I am bored
to tears the physical withdrawals are gone but mentally I am going
bonkers... there's isn't a single drop of booze in the house this time
so if I stay home I'm good... I get home after work late so bars
stores are closed which is another plus......
how the hell do I get it off my mind..... I need a solution of some sort lol :upset:
also since my 10day AF I have decided I have to completely eliminate
my friends and never be around them since all they do is drink... which
leaves me alone and bored...
